# Print output for @column tags ?> UiTranslationManager - Android SDK | Android Developers

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public final class UiTranslationManager
extends Object

   ↳ android.view.translation.UiTranslationManager

The UiTranslationManager class provides ways for apps to use the ui translation function in framework.

The UI translation provides ways for apps to support inline translation for the views. For example the system supports text translation for TextView. To support UI translation for your views, you should override the following methods to provide the content to be translated and deal with the translated result. Here is an example for TextView-like views:

 public class MyTextView extends View {
     public MyTextView(...) {
         // implements how to show the translated result in your View in
         // ViewTranslationCallback and set it by setViewTranslationCallback()
         setViewTranslationCallback(new MyViewTranslationCallback());

     public void onCreateViewTranslationRequest(int[] supportedFormats,
             Consumer requestsCollector) {
        // collect the information that needs to be translated
        ViewTranslationRequest.Builder requestBuilder =
                     new ViewTranslationRequest.Builder(getAutofillId());

     public void onProvideContentCaptureStructure(
             ViewStructure structure, int flags) {
         // set ViewTranslationResponse

If your view provides its own virtual hierarchy (for example, if it's a browser that draws the HTML using Canvas or native libraries in a different render process), you must override View#onCreateVirtualViewTranslationRequests(long[], int[], Consumer) to provide the content to be translated and implement View#onVirtualViewTranslationResponses(android.util.LongSparseArray) for the translated result. You also need to implement ViewTranslationCallback to handle the translated information show or hide in your View.


Public methods

void registerUiTranslationStateCallback(Executor executor, UiTranslationStateCallback callback)

Register for notifications of UI Translation state changes on the foreground activity.

void unregisterUiTranslationStateCallback(UiTranslationStateCallback callback)

Unregister callback.

Inherited methods

Public methods


public void registerUiTranslationStateCallback (Executor executor, 
                UiTranslationStateCallback callback)

Register for notifications of UI Translation state changes on the foreground activity. This is available to the owning application itself and also the current input method.

The application whose UI is being translated can use this to customize the UI Translation behavior in ways that aren't made easy by methods like View#onCreateViewTranslationRequest(int[], Consumer).

Input methods can use this to offer complementary features to UI Translation; for example, enabling outgoing message translation when the system is translating incoming messages in a communication app.

executor Executor: This value cannot be null. Callback and listener events are dispatched through this Executor, providing an easy way to control which thread is used. To dispatch events through the main thread of your application, you can use Context.getMainExecutor(). To dispatch events through a shared thread pool, you can use AsyncTask#THREAD_POOL_EXECUTOR.

callback UiTranslationStateCallback: the callback to register for receiving the state change notifications This value cannot be null.


public void unregisterUiTranslationStateCallback (UiTranslationStateCallback callback)

Unregister callback.

callback UiTranslationStateCallback: This value cannot be null.

See also: