# Print output for @column tags ?> android.media.audiofx - Android SDK | Android Developers

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Provides classes that manage audio effects implemented in the media framework.


AudioEffect.OnControlStatusChangeListener The OnControlStatusChangeListener interface defines a method called by the AudioEffect when control of the effect engine is gained or lost by the application 
AudioEffect.OnEnableStatusChangeListener The OnEnableStatusChangeListener interface defines a method called by the AudioEffect when the enabled state of the effect engine was changed by the controlling application. 
BassBoost.OnParameterChangeListener The OnParameterChangeListener interface defines a method called by the BassBoost when a parameter value has changed. 
EnvironmentalReverb.OnParameterChangeListener The OnParameterChangeListener interface defines a method called by the EnvironmentalReverb when a parameter value has changed. 
Equalizer.OnParameterChangeListener The OnParameterChangeListener interface defines a method called by the Equalizer when a parameter value has changed. 
PresetReverb.OnParameterChangeListener The OnParameterChangeListener interface defines a method called by the PresetReverb when a parameter value has changed. 
Virtualizer.OnParameterChangeListener The OnParameterChangeListener interface defines a method called by the Virtualizer when a parameter value has changed. 
Visualizer.OnDataCaptureListener The OnDataCaptureListener interface defines methods called by the Visualizer to periodically update the audio visualization capture. 


AcousticEchoCanceler Acoustic Echo Canceler (AEC). 
AudioEffect AudioEffect is the base class for controlling audio effects provided by the android audio framework. 
AudioEffect.Descriptor The effect descriptor contains information on a particular effect implemented in the audio framework:
  • type: UUID identifying the effect type. 
AutomaticGainControl Automatic Gain Control (AGC). 
BassBoost Bass boost is an audio effect to boost or amplify low frequencies of the sound. 
BassBoost.Settings The Settings class regroups all bass boost parameters. 
DynamicsProcessing DynamicsProcessing is an audio effect for equalizing and changing dynamic range properties of the sound. 
DynamicsProcessing.BandBase Base class for bands 
DynamicsProcessing.BandStage Base class for stages that hold bands 
DynamicsProcessing.Channel Class for Channel configuration parameters. 
DynamicsProcessing.Config Class for Config object, used by DynamicsProcessing to configure and update the audio effect. 
DynamicsProcessing.Eq Class for Equalizer stage 
DynamicsProcessing.EqBand Class for Equalizer Bands Equalizer bands have three controllable parameters: enabled/disabled, cutoffFrequency and gain 
DynamicsProcessing.Limiter Class for Limiter Stage Limiter is a single band compressor at the end of the processing chain, commonly used to protect the signal from overloading and distortion. 
DynamicsProcessing.Mbc Class for Multi-Band Compressor (MBC) stage 
DynamicsProcessing.MbcBand Class for Multi-Band compressor bands MBC bands have multiple controllable parameters: enabled/disabled, cutoffFrequency, attackTime, releaseTime, ratio, threshold, kneeWidth, noiseGateThreshold, expanderRatio, preGain and postGain. 
DynamicsProcessing.Stage base class for the different stages. 
EnvironmentalReverb A sound generated within a room travels in many directions. 
EnvironmentalReverb.Settings The Settings class regroups all environmental reverb parameters. 
Equalizer An Equalizer is used to alter the frequency response of a particular music source or of the main output mix. 
Equalizer.Settings The Settings class regroups all equalizer parameters. 
HapticGenerator Haptic Generator(HG). 
LoudnessEnhancer LoudnessEnhancer is an audio effect for increasing audio loudness. 
NoiseSuppressor Noise Suppressor (NS). 
PresetReverb A sound generated within a room travels in many directions. 
PresetReverb.Settings The Settings class regroups all preset reverb parameters. 
Virtualizer An audio virtualizer is a general name for an effect to spatialize audio channels. 
Virtualizer.Settings The Settings class regroups all virtualizer parameters. 
Visualizer The Visualizer class enables application to retrieve part of the currently playing audio for visualization purpose. 
Visualizer.MeasurementPeakRms A class to store peak and RMS values.