# Print output for @column tags ?> android.security.identity - Android SDK | Android Developers

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AccessControlProfile A class used to specify access controls. 
AccessControlProfile.Builder A builder for AccessControlProfile
AccessControlProfileId A class used to wrap an access control profile identifiers. 
IdentityCredential Class used to read data from a previously provisioned credential. 
IdentityCredentialStore An interface to a secure store for user identity documents. 
PersonalizationData An object that holds personalization data. 
PersonalizationData.Builder A builder for PersonalizationData
ResultData An object that contains the result of retrieving data from a credential. 
WritableIdentityCredential Class used to personalize a new identity credential. 


AlreadyPersonalizedException Thrown if trying to create a credential which already exists. 
CipherSuiteNotSupportedException Thrown if trying to use a cipher suite which isn't supported. 
DocTypeNotSupportedException Thrown if trying to create a credential with an unsupported document type. 
EphemeralPublicKeyNotFoundException Thrown if the ephemeral public key was not found in the session transcript passed to IdentityCredential#getEntries(byte[], Map, byte[], byte[])
IdentityCredentialException Base class for all Identity Credential exceptions. 
InvalidReaderSignatureException Thrown if the reader signature is invalid, or it doesn't contain a certificate chain, or if the signature failed to validate. 
InvalidRequestMessageException Thrown if message with the request doesn't satisfy the requirements documented in IdentityCredential#getEntries(byte[], Map, byte[], byte[])
MessageDecryptionException Thrown when failing to decrypt a message from the reader device. 
NoAuthenticationKeyAvailableException Thrown if no dynamic authentication keys are available. 
SessionTranscriptMismatchException Thrown when trying use multiple different session transcripts in the same presentation session. 
UnknownAuthenticationKeyException Thrown if trying to certify an unknown dynamic authentication key.