ClientCertRequest |
ClientCertRequest: The user receives an instance of this class as
a parameter of WebViewClient#onReceivedClientCertRequest .
ConsoleMessage |
Public class representing a JavaScript console message from WebCore.
CookieManager |
Manages the cookies used by an application's WebView instances.
CookieSyncManager |
This class is deprecated.
The WebView now automatically syncs cookies as necessary.
You no longer need to create or use the CookieSyncManager.
To manually force a sync you can use the CookieManager
method CookieManager#flush which is a synchronous
replacement for sync() .
DateSorter |
Sorts dates into the following groups:
seven days ago
one month ago
older than a month ago
GeolocationPermissions |
This class is used to manage permissions for the WebView's Geolocation
JavaScript API.
HttpAuthHandler |
Represents a request for HTTP authentication.
JsPromptResult |
Public class for handling JavaScript prompt requests.
JsResult |
An instance of this class is passed as a parameter in various WebChromeClient action
MimeTypeMap |
Two-way map that maps MIME-types to file extensions and vice versa.
PermissionRequest |
This class defines a permission request and is used when web content
requests access to protected resources.
RenderProcessGoneDetail |
This class provides more specific information about why the render process
SafeBrowsingResponse |
Used to indicate an action to take when hitting a malicious URL.
ServiceWorkerClient |
Base class for clients to capture Service Worker related callbacks,
see ServiceWorkerController for usage example.
ServiceWorkerController |
Manages Service Workers used by WebView.
ServiceWorkerWebSettings |
Manages settings state for all Service Workers.
SslErrorHandler |
Represents a request for handling an SSL error.
TracingConfig |
Holds tracing configuration information and predefined settings.
TracingConfig.Builder |
Builder used to create TracingConfig objects.
TracingController |
Manages tracing of WebViews.
URLUtil |
WebBackForwardList |
This class contains the back/forward list for a WebView.
WebChromeClient |
WebChromeClient.FileChooserParams |
Parameters used in the WebChromeClient.onShowFileChooser(WebView, ValueCallback, WebChromeClient.FileChooserParams) method.
WebHistoryItem |
A convenience class for accessing fields in an entry in the back/forward list
of a WebView.
WebIconDatabase |
This class is deprecated.
This class is only required when running on devices
WebMessage |
The Java representation of the HTML5 PostMessage event.
WebMessagePort |
The Java representation of the
HTML5 message ports.
WebMessagePort.WebMessageCallback |
The listener for handling MessagePort events.
WebResourceError |
Encapsulates information about errors occured during loading of web resources.
WebResourceResponse |
Encapsulates a resource response.
WebSettings |
Manages settings state for a WebView.
WebStorage |
This class is used to manage the JavaScript storage APIs provided by the
WebView .
WebStorage.Origin |
This class encapsulates information about the amount of storage
currently used by an origin for the JavaScript storage APIs.
WebView |
A View that displays web pages.
WebView.HitTestResult |
WebView.VisualStateCallback |
Callback interface supplied to WebView.postVisualStateCallback(long, WebView.VisualStateCallback) for receiving
notifications about the visual state.
WebView.WebViewTransport |
Transportation object for returning WebView across thread boundaries.
WebViewClient |
WebViewDatabase |
This class allows developers to determine whether any WebView used in the
application has stored any of the following types of browsing data and
to clear any such stored data for all WebViews in the application.
WebViewFragment |
This class is deprecated.
Manually call WebView#onPause() and WebView#onResume()
WebViewRenderProcess |
WebViewRenderProcess provides an opaque handle to a WebView renderer.
WebViewRenderProcessClient |
Used to receive callbacks on WebView renderer events.