# Print output for @column tags ?> TelephonyCallback - Android SDK | Android Developers

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public class TelephonyCallback
extends Object

   ↳ android.telephony.TelephonyCallback

A callback class for monitoring changes in specific telephony states on the device, including service state, signal strength, message waiting indicator (voicemail), and others.

To register a callback, use a TelephonyCallback which implements interfaces regarding EVENT_*. For example, FakeServiceStateCallback extends TelephonyCallback implements TelephonyCallback.ServiceStateListener.

Then override the methods for the state that you wish to receive updates for, and pass the executor and your TelephonyCallback object to TelephonyManager#registerTelephonyCallback. Methods are called when the state changes, as well as once on initial registration.

Note that access to some telephony information is permission-protected. Your application won't receive updates for protected information unless it has the appropriate permissions declared in its manifest file. Where permissions apply, they are noted in the appropriate sub-interfaces.


Nested classes

interface TelephonyCallback.ActiveDataSubscriptionIdListener

Interface for active data subscription ID listener. 

interface TelephonyCallback.BarringInfoListener

Interface for barring information listener. 

interface TelephonyCallback.CallDisconnectCauseListener

Interface for call disconnect cause listener. 

interface TelephonyCallback.CallForwardingIndicatorListener

Interface for call-forwarding indicator listener. 

interface TelephonyCallback.CallStateListener

Interface for call state listener. 

interface TelephonyCallback.CarrierNetworkListener

Interface for carrier network listener. 

interface TelephonyCallback.CellInfoListener

Interface for cell info listener. 

interface TelephonyCallback.CellLocationListener

Interface for device cell location listener. 

interface TelephonyCallback.DataActivationStateListener

Interface for SIM data activation state listener. 

interface TelephonyCallback.DataActivityListener

Interface for data activity state listener. 

interface TelephonyCallback.DataConnectionStateListener

Interface for data connection state listener. 

interface TelephonyCallback.DisplayInfoListener

Interface for display info listener. 

interface TelephonyCallback.EmergencyNumberListListener

Interface for the current emergency number list listener. 

interface TelephonyCallback.ImsCallDisconnectCauseListener

Interface for IMS call disconnect cause listener. 

interface TelephonyCallback.MessageWaitingIndicatorListener

Interface for message waiting indicator listener. 

interface TelephonyCallback.PhysicalChannelConfigListener

Interface for current physical channel configuration listener. 

interface TelephonyCallback.PreciseDataConnectionStateListener

Interface for precise data connection state listener. 

interface TelephonyCallback.RegistrationFailedListener

Interface for registration failures listener. 

interface TelephonyCallback.ServiceStateListener

Interface for service state listener. 

interface TelephonyCallback.SignalStrengthsListener

Interface for network signal strengths listener. 

interface TelephonyCallback.UserMobileDataStateListener

Interface for user mobile data state listener. 

Public constructors


Inherited methods

Public constructors


public TelephonyCallback ()