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public final class Call
extends Object

   ↳ android.telecom.Call

Represents an ongoing phone call that the in-call app should present to the user.


Nested classes

class Call.Callback

Defines callbacks which inform the InCallService of changes to a Call

class Call.Details


class Call.RttCall

A class that holds the state that describes the state of the RTT channel to the remote party, if it is active. 



This constant is deprecated. Use the list from EXTRA_SUGGESTED_PHONE_ACCOUNTS instead.


Event reported from the telecom framework when a diagnostic message previously raised with EVENT_DISPLAY_DIAGNOSTIC_MESSAGE has cleared and is no longer pertinent.


Event reported from the Telecom stack to report an in-call diagnostic message which the dialer app may opt to display to the user.


CharSequence extra used with EVENT_DISPLAY_DIAGNOSTIC_MESSAGE.


Integer extra representing a message ID for a message posted via EVENT_DISPLAY_DIAGNOSTIC_MESSAGE.


Extra key used to indicate the time (in milliseconds since midnight, January 1, 1970 UTC) when the last outgoing emergency call was made.


Extra key used to indicate whether a CallScreeningService has requested to silence the ringtone for a call.


Key for extra used to pass along a list of PhoneAccountSuggestions to the in-call UI when a call enters the STATE_SELECT_PHONE_ACCOUNT state.


Reject reason used with reject(int) to indicate that the user is rejecting this call because they have declined to answer it.


Reject reason used with reject(int) to indicate that the user is rejecting this call because it is an unwanted call.


The state of a Call when actively supporting conversation.


The state of a call that is active with the network, but the audio from the call is being intercepted by an app on the local device.


The initial state of an outgoing Call.


The state of an outgoing Call when dialing the remote number, but not yet connected.


The state of a Call when no further voice or other communication is being transmitted, the remote side has been or will inevitably be informed that the Call is no longer active, and the local data transport has or inevitably will release resources associated with this Call.


The state of a Call when the user has initiated a disconnection of the call, but the call has not yet been disconnected by the underlying ConnectionService.


The state of a Call when in a holding state.


The state of a Call when newly created.


The state of an external call which is in the process of being pulled from a remote device to the local device.


The state of an incoming Call when ringing locally, but not yet connected.


The state of an outgoing Call when waiting on user to select a PhoneAccount through which to place the call.


The state of a call that is being presented to the user after being in STATE_AUDIO_PROCESSING.

Public methods

void addConferenceParticipants(List<Uri> participants)

Pulls participants to existing call by forming a conference call.

void answer(int videoState)

Instructs this STATE_RINGING Call to answer.

void conference(Call callToConferenceWith)

Instructs this Call to enter a conference.

void deflect(Uri address)

Instructs this STATE_RINGING Call to deflect.

void disconnect()

Instructs this Call to disconnect.

List<String> getCannedTextResponses()

Obtains a list of canned, pre-configured message responses to present to the user as ways of rejecting an incoming Call using via a text message.

List<Call> getChildren()

Obtains the children of this conference Call, if any.

List<Call> getConferenceableCalls()

Returns the list of Calls with which this Call is allowed to conference.

Call.Details getDetails()

Obtains an object containing call details.

Call getGenericConferenceActiveChildCall()

Returns the child Call in a generic conference that is currently active.

Call getParent()

Obtains the parent of this Call in a conference, if any.

String getRemainingPostDialSequence()

Obtains the post-dial sequence remaining to be emitted by this Call, if any.

Call.RttCall getRttCall()

Returns this call's RttCall object.

int getState()

This method is deprecated. The call state is available via Call.Details#getState().

InCallService.VideoCall getVideoCall()

Obtains an object that can be used to display video from this Call.

void handoverTo(PhoneAccountHandle toHandle, int videoState, Bundle extras)

Initiates a handover of this Call to the ConnectionService identified by toHandle.

void hold()

Instructs this Call to go on hold.

boolean isRttActive()

Returns whether this call has an active RTT connection.

void mergeConference()

Merges the calls within this conference.

void phoneAccountSelected(PhoneAccountHandle accountHandle, boolean setDefault)

Notifies this Call that an account has been selected and to proceed with placing an outgoing call.

void playDtmfTone(char digit)

Instructs this Call to play a dual-tone multi-frequency signaling (DTMF) tone.

void postDialContinue(boolean proceed)

Instructs this Call to continue playing a post-dial DTMF string.

void pullExternalCall()

Initiates a request to the ConnectionService to pull an external call to the local device.

void putExtras(Bundle extras)

Adds some extras to this Call.

void registerCallback(Call.Callback callback)

Registers a callback to this Call.

void registerCallback(Call.Callback callback, Handler handler)

Registers a callback to this Call.

void reject(boolean rejectWithMessage, String textMessage)

Instructs this STATE_RINGING Call to reject.

void reject(int rejectReason)

Instructs the ConnectionService providing this STATE_RINGING call that the user has chosen to reject the call and has indicated a reason why the call is being rejected.

void removeExtras(List<String> keys)

Removes extras from this Call.

void removeExtras(String... keys)

Removes extras from this Call.

void respondToRttRequest(int id, boolean accept)

Responds to an RTT request received via the Callback#onRttRequest(Call, int) )} callback.

void sendCallEvent(String event, Bundle extras)

Sends a Call event from this Call to the associated Connection in the ConnectionService.

void sendRttRequest()

Sends an RTT upgrade request to the remote end of the connection.

void splitFromConference()

Instructs this Call to split from any conference call with which it may be connected.

void stopDtmfTone()

Instructs this Call to stop any dual-tone multi-frequency signaling (DTMF) tone currently playing.

void stopRtt()

Terminate the RTT session on this call.

void swapConference()

Swaps the calls within this conference.

String toString()

Returns a string representation of the object.

void unhold()

Instructs this STATE_HOLDING call to release from hold.

void unregisterCallback(Call.Callback callback)

Unregisters a callback from this Call.

Inherited methods



public static final String AVAILABLE_PHONE_ACCOUNTS

This constant is deprecated.
Use the list from EXTRA_SUGGESTED_PHONE_ACCOUNTS instead.

The key to retrieve the optional PhoneAccounts Telecom can bundle with its Call extras. Used to pass the phone accounts to display on the front end to the user in order to select phone accounts to (for example) place a call.

Constant Value: "selectPhoneAccountAccounts"


public static final String EVENT_CLEAR_DIAGNOSTIC_MESSAGE

Event reported from the telecom framework when a diagnostic message previously raised with EVENT_DISPLAY_DIAGNOSTIC_MESSAGE has cleared and is no longer pertinent.

The EXTRA_DIAGNOSTIC_MESSAGE_ID indicates the diagnostic message which has been cleared.

The dialer app receives this event via Call.Callback#onConnectionEvent(Call, String, Bundle).

Constant Value: "android.telecom.event.CLEAR_DIAGNOSTIC_MESSAGE"



Event reported from the Telecom stack to report an in-call diagnostic message which the dialer app may opt to display to the user. A diagnostic message is used to communicate scenarios the device has detected which may impact the quality of the ongoing call.

For example a problem with a bluetooth headset may generate a recommendation for the user to try using the speakerphone instead, or if the device detects it has entered a poor service area, the user might be warned so that they can finish their call prior to it dropping.

A diagnostic message is considered persistent in nature. When the user enters a poor service area, for example, the accompanying diagnostic message persists until they leave the area of poor service. Each message is accompanied with a EXTRA_DIAGNOSTIC_MESSAGE_ID which uniquely identifies the diagnostic condition being reported. The framework raises a call event of type EVENT_CLEAR_DIAGNOSTIC_MESSAGE when the condition reported has been cleared. The dialer app should display the diagnostic message until it is cleared. If multiple diagnostic messages are sent with different IDs (which have not yet been cleared) the dialer app should prioritize the most recently received message, but still provide the user with a means to review past messages.

The text of the message is found in EXTRA_DIAGNOSTIC_MESSAGE in the form of a human readable CharSequence which is intended for display in the call UX.

The telecom framework audibly notifies the user of the presence of a diagnostic message, so the dialer app needs only to concern itself with visually displaying the message.

The dialer app receives this event via Call.Callback#onConnectionEvent(Call, String, Bundle).

Constant Value: "android.telecom.event.DISPLAY_DIAGNOSTIC_MESSAGE"


public static final String EXTRA_DIAGNOSTIC_MESSAGE

CharSequence extra used with EVENT_DISPLAY_DIAGNOSTIC_MESSAGE. This is the diagnostic message the dialer app should display.

Constant Value: "android.telecom.extra.DIAGNOSTIC_MESSAGE"


public static final String EXTRA_DIAGNOSTIC_MESSAGE_ID

Integer extra representing a message ID for a message posted via EVENT_DISPLAY_DIAGNOSTIC_MESSAGE. Used to ensure that the dialer app knows when the message in question has cleared via EVENT_CLEAR_DIAGNOSTIC_MESSAGE.

Constant Value: "android.telecom.extra.DIAGNOSTIC_MESSAGE_ID"



Extra key used to indicate the time (in milliseconds since midnight, January 1, 1970 UTC) when the last outgoing emergency call was made. This is used to identify potential emergency callbacks.

Constant Value: "android.telecom.extra.LAST_EMERGENCY_CALLBACK_TIME_MILLIS"


public static final String EXTRA_SILENT_RINGING_REQUESTED

Extra key used to indicate whether a CallScreeningService has requested to silence the ringtone for a call. If the InCallService declares TelecomManager#METADATA_IN_CALL_SERVICE_RINGING in its manifest, it should not play a ringtone for an incoming call with this extra key set.

Constant Value: "android.telecom.extra.SILENT_RINGING_REQUESTED"


public static final String EXTRA_SUGGESTED_PHONE_ACCOUNTS

Key for extra used to pass along a list of PhoneAccountSuggestions to the in-call UI when a call enters the STATE_SELECT_PHONE_ACCOUNT state. The list included here will have the same length and be in the same order as the list passed with AVAILABLE_PHONE_ACCOUNTS.

Constant Value: "android.telecom.extra.SUGGESTED_PHONE_ACCOUNTS"


public static final int REJECT_REASON_DECLINED

Reject reason used with reject(int) to indicate that the user is rejecting this call because they have declined to answer it. This typically means that they are unable to answer the call at this time and would prefer it be sent to voicemail.

Constant Value: 1 (0x00000001)


public static final int REJECT_REASON_UNWANTED

Reject reason used with reject(int) to indicate that the user is rejecting this call because it is an unwanted call. This allows the user to indicate that they are rejecting a call because it is likely a nuisance call.

Constant Value: 2 (0x00000002)


public static final int STATE_ACTIVE

The state of a Call when actively supporting conversation.

Constant Value: 4 (0x00000004)


public static final int STATE_AUDIO_PROCESSING

The state of a call that is active with the network, but the audio from the call is being intercepted by an app on the local device. Telecom does not hold audio focus in this state, and the call will be invisible to the user except for a persistent notification.

Constant Value: 12 (0x0000000c)


public static final int STATE_CONNECTING

The initial state of an outgoing Call. Common transitions are to STATE_DIALING state for a successful call or STATE_DISCONNECTED if it failed.

Constant Value: 9 (0x00000009)


public static final int STATE_DIALING

The state of an outgoing Call when dialing the remote number, but not yet connected.

Constant Value: 1 (0x00000001)


public static final int STATE_DISCONNECTED

The state of a Call when no further voice or other communication is being transmitted, the remote side has been or will inevitably be informed that the Call is no longer active, and the local data transport has or inevitably will release resources associated with this Call.

Constant Value: 7 (0x00000007)


public static final int STATE_DISCONNECTING

The state of a Call when the user has initiated a disconnection of the call, but the call has not yet been disconnected by the underlying ConnectionService. The next state of the call is (potentially) STATE_DISCONNECTED.

Constant Value: 10 (0x0000000a)


public static final int STATE_HOLDING

The state of a Call when in a holding state.

Constant Value: 3 (0x00000003)


public static final int STATE_NEW

The state of a Call when newly created.

Constant Value: 0 (0x00000000)


public static final int STATE_PULLING_CALL

The state of an external call which is in the process of being pulled from a remote device to the local device.

A call can only be in this state if the Details#PROPERTY_IS_EXTERNAL_CALL property and Details#CAPABILITY_CAN_PULL_CALL capability are set on the call.

An InCallService will only see this state if it has the TelecomManager#METADATA_INCLUDE_EXTERNAL_CALLS metadata set to true in its manifest.

Constant Value: 11 (0x0000000b)


public static final int STATE_RINGING

The state of an incoming Call when ringing locally, but not yet connected.

Constant Value: 2 (0x00000002)


public static final int STATE_SELECT_PHONE_ACCOUNT

The state of an outgoing Call when waiting on user to select a PhoneAccount through which to place the call.

Constant Value: 8 (0x00000008)


public static final int STATE_SIMULATED_RINGING

The state of a call that is being presented to the user after being in STATE_AUDIO_PROCESSING. The call is still active with the network in this case, and Telecom will hold audio focus and play a ringtone if appropriate.

Constant Value: 13 (0x0000000d)

Public methods


public void addConferenceParticipants (List<Uri> participants)

Pulls participants to existing call by forming a conference call. See Details#CAPABILITY_ADD_PARTICIPANT.

participants List: participants to be pulled to existing call. This value cannot be null.


public void answer (int videoState)

Instructs this STATE_RINGING Call to answer.

videoState int: The video state in which to answer the call. Value is either 0 or a combination of VideoProfile.STATE_AUDIO_ONLY, VideoProfile.STATE_TX_ENABLED, VideoProfile.STATE_RX_ENABLED, VideoProfile.STATE_BIDIRECTIONAL, and VideoProfile.STATE_PAUSED


public void conference (Call callToConferenceWith)

Instructs this Call to enter a conference.

callToConferenceWith Call: The other call with which to conference.


public void deflect (Uri address)

Instructs this STATE_RINGING Call to deflect.

address Uri: The address to which the call will be deflected.


public void disconnect ()

Instructs this Call to disconnect.


public List<String> getCannedTextResponses ()

Obtains a list of canned, pre-configured message responses to present to the user as ways of rejecting an incoming Call using via a text message.

Note: Since canned responses may be loaded from the file system, they are not guaranteed to be present when this Call is first added to the InCallService via InCallService#onCallAdded(Call). The callback Call.Callback#onCannedTextResponsesLoaded(Call, List) will be called when/if canned responses for the call become available.

List<String> A list of canned text message responses.

See also:


public List<Call> getChildren ()

Obtains the children of this conference Call, if any.

List<Call> The children of this Call if this Call is a conference, or an empty List otherwise.


public List<Call> getConferenceableCalls ()

Returns the list of Calls with which this Call is allowed to conference.

List<Call> The list of conferenceable Calls.


public Call.Details getDetails ()

Obtains an object containing call details.

Call.Details A Details object. Depending on the state of the Call, the result may be null.


public Call getGenericConferenceActiveChildCall ()

Returns the child Call in a generic conference that is currently active. A "generic conference" is the mechanism used to support two simultaneous calls on a device in CDMA networks. It is effectively equivalent to having one call active and one call on hold in GSM or IMS calls. This method returns the currently active call. In a generic conference, the network exposes the conference to us as a single call, and we switch between talking to the two participants using a CDMA flash command. Since the network exposes no additional information about the call, the only way we know which caller we're currently talking to is by keeping track of the flash commands that we've sent to the network. For calls that are not generic conferences, or when the generic conference has more than 2 children, returns null.

Call The active child call.

See also:


public Call getParent ()

Obtains the parent of this Call in a conference, if any.

Call The parent Call, or null if this Call is not a child of any conference Calls.


public String getRemainingPostDialSequence ()

Obtains the post-dial sequence remaining to be emitted by this Call, if any.

String The remaining post-dial sequence, or null if there is no post-dial sequence remaining or this Call is not in a post-dial state.


public Call.RttCall getRttCall ()

Returns this call's RttCall object. The RttCall instance is used to send and receive RTT text data, as well as to change the RTT mode.

Call.RttCall A Call.RttCall. null if there is no active RTT connection.


public int getState ()

This method is deprecated.
The call state is available via Call.Details#getState().

Obtains the state of this Call.



public InCallService.VideoCall getVideoCall ()

Obtains an object that can be used to display video from this Call.

InCallService.VideoCall An Call.VideoCall.


public void handoverTo (PhoneAccountHandle toHandle, 
                int videoState, 
                Bundle extras)

Initiates a handover of this Call to the ConnectionService identified by toHandle. The videoState specified indicates the desired video state after the handover.

A call handover is the process where an ongoing call is transferred from one app (i.e. ConnectionService to another app. The user could, for example, choose to continue a mobile network call in a video calling app. The mobile network call via the Telephony stack is referred to as the source of the handover, and the video calling app is referred to as the destination.

When considering a handover scenario the device this method is called on is considered the initiating device (since the user initiates the handover from this device), and the other device is considered the receiving device.

When this method is called on the initiating device, the Telecom framework will bind to the ConnectionService defined by the toHandle PhoneAccountHandle and invoke ConnectionService#onCreateOutgoingHandoverConnection(PhoneAccountHandle, ConnectionRequest) to inform the destination app that a request has been made to handover a call to it. The app returns an instance of Connection to represent the handover call At this point the app should display UI to indicate to the user that a call handover is in process.

The destination app is responsible for communicating the handover request from the initiating device to the receiving device.

When the app on the receiving device receives the handover request, it calls TelecomManager#acceptHandover(Uri, int, PhoneAccountHandle) to continue the handover process from the initiating device to the receiving device. At this point the destination app on the receiving device should show UI to allow the user to choose whether they want to continue their call in the destination app.

When the destination app on the receiving device calls TelecomManager#acceptHandover(Uri, int, PhoneAccountHandle), Telecom will bind to its ConnectionService and call ConnectionService#onCreateIncomingHandoverConnection(PhoneAccountHandle, ConnectionRequest) to inform it of the handover request. The app returns an instance of Connection to represent the handover call.

If the user of the receiving device accepts the handover, the app calls Connection#setActive() to complete the handover process; Telecom will disconnect the original call. If the user rejects the handover, the app calls Connection#setDisconnected(DisconnectCause) and specifies a DisconnectCause of DisconnectCause#CANCELED to indicate that the handover has been cancelled.

Telecom will only allow handovers from PhoneAccounts which declare PhoneAccount#EXTRA_SUPPORTS_HANDOVER_FROM. Similarly, the PhoneAccount specified by toHandle must declare PhoneAccount#EXTRA_SUPPORTS_HANDOVER_TO.

Errors in the handover process are reported to the InCallService via Callback#onHandoverFailed(Call, int). Errors in the handover process are reported to the involved ConnectionServices via ConnectionService#onHandoverFailed(ConnectionRequest, int).

toHandle PhoneAccountHandle: PhoneAccountHandle of the ConnectionService to handover this call to.

videoState int: Indicates the video state desired after the handover (see the STATE_* constants defined in VideoProfile). Value is either 0 or a combination of VideoProfile.STATE_AUDIO_ONLY, VideoProfile.STATE_TX_ENABLED, VideoProfile.STATE_RX_ENABLED, VideoProfile.STATE_BIDIRECTIONAL, and VideoProfile.STATE_PAUSED

extras Bundle: Bundle containing extra information to be passed to the ConnectionService


public void hold ()

Instructs this Call to go on hold.


public boolean isRttActive ()

Returns whether this call has an active RTT connection.

boolean true if there is a connection, false otherwise.


public void mergeConference ()

Merges the calls within this conference. See Details#CAPABILITY_MERGE_CONFERENCE.


public void phoneAccountSelected (PhoneAccountHandle accountHandle, 
                boolean setDefault)

Notifies this Call that an account has been selected and to proceed with placing an outgoing call. Optionally sets this account as the default account.

accountHandle PhoneAccountHandle

setDefault boolean


public void playDtmfTone (char digit)

Instructs this Call to play a dual-tone multi-frequency signaling (DTMF) tone. Any other currently playing DTMF tone in the specified call is immediately stopped.

digit char: A character representing the DTMF digit for which to play the tone. This value must be one of '0' through '9', '*' or '#'.


public void postDialContinue (boolean proceed)

Instructs this Call to continue playing a post-dial DTMF string. A post-dial DTMF string is a string of digits entered after a phone number, when dialed, that are immediately sent as DTMF tones to the recipient as soon as the connection is made. If the DTMF string contains a TelecomManager#DTMF_CHARACTER_PAUSE symbol, this Call will temporarily pause playing the tones for a pre-defined period of time. If the DTMF string contains a TelecomManager#DTMF_CHARACTER_WAIT symbol, this Call will pause playing the tones and notify callbacks via Callback#onPostDialWait(Call, String). At this point, the in-call app should display to the user an indication of this state and an affordance to continue the postdial sequence. When the user decides to continue the postdial sequence, the in-call app should invoke the postDialContinue(boolean) method.

proceed boolean: Whether or not to continue with the post-dial sequence.


public void pullExternalCall ()

Initiates a request to the ConnectionService to pull an external call to the local device.

Calls to this method are ignored if the call does not have the Call.Details#PROPERTY_IS_EXTERNAL_CALL property set.

An InCallService will only see calls which support this method if it has the TelecomManager#METADATA_INCLUDE_EXTERNAL_CALLS metadata set to true in its manifest.


public void putExtras (Bundle extras)

Adds some extras to this Call. Existing keys are replaced and new ones are added.

No assumptions should be made as to how an In-Call UI or service will handle these extras. Keys should be fully qualified (e.g., com.example.MY_EXTRA) to avoid conflicts.

extras Bundle: The extras to add.


public void registerCallback (Call.Callback callback)

Registers a callback to this Call.

callback Call.Callback: A Callback.


public void registerCallback (Call.Callback callback, 
                Handler handler)

Registers a callback to this Call.

callback Call.Callback: A Callback.

handler Handler: A handler which command and status changes will be delivered to.


public void reject (boolean rejectWithMessage, 
                String textMessage)

Instructs this STATE_RINGING Call to reject.

rejectWithMessage boolean: Whether to reject with a text message.

textMessage String: An optional text message with which to respond.


public void reject (int rejectReason)

Instructs the ConnectionService providing this STATE_RINGING call that the user has chosen to reject the call and has indicated a reason why the call is being rejected.

rejectReason int: the reason the call is being rejected. Value is REJECT_REASON_DECLINED, or REJECT_REASON_UNWANTED


public void removeExtras (List<String> keys)

Removes extras from this Call.

keys List: The keys of the extras to remove.


public void removeExtras (String... keys)

Removes extras from this Call.

keys String: The keys of the extras to remove.


public void respondToRttRequest (int id, 
                boolean accept)

Responds to an RTT request received via the Callback#onRttRequest(Call, int) )} callback. The ID used here should be the same as the ID that was received via the callback.

id int: The request ID received via Callback#onRttRequest(Call, int)

accept boolean: true if the RTT request should be accepted, false otherwise.


public void sendCallEvent (String event, 
                Bundle extras)

Sends a Call event from this Call to the associated Connection in the ConnectionService.

Call events are used to communicate point in time information from an InCallService to a ConnectionService. A ConnectionService implementation could define events which enable the InCallService, for example, toggle a unique feature of the ConnectionService.

A ConnectionService can communicate to the InCallService using Connection#sendConnectionEvent(String, Bundle).

Events are exposed to ConnectionService implementations via Connection.onCallEvent(String, Bundle).

No assumptions should be made as to how a ConnectionService will handle these events. The InCallService must assume that the ConnectionService could chose to ignore some events altogether.

Events should be fully qualified (e.g., com.example.event.MY_EVENT) to avoid conflicts between InCallService implementations. Further, InCallService implementations shall not re-purpose events in the android.* namespace, nor shall they define their own event types in this namespace. When defining a custom event type, ensure the contents of the extras Bundle is clearly defined. Extra keys for this bundle should be named similar to the event type (e.g. com.example.extra.MY_EXTRA).

When defining events and the associated extras, it is important to keep their behavior consistent when the associated InCallService is updated. Support for deprecated events/extras should me maintained to ensure backwards compatibility with older ConnectionService implementations which were built to support the older behavior.

event String: The connection event.

extras Bundle: Bundle containing extra information associated with the event.


public void sendRttRequest ()

Sends an RTT upgrade request to the remote end of the connection. Success is not guaranteed, and notification of success will be via the Callback#onRttStatusChanged(Call, boolean, RttCall) callback.


public void splitFromConference ()

Instructs this Call to split from any conference call with which it may be connected.


public void stopDtmfTone ()

Instructs this Call to stop any dual-tone multi-frequency signaling (DTMF) tone currently playing. DTMF tones are played by calling playDtmfTone(char). If no DTMF tone is currently playing, this method will do nothing.


public void stopRtt ()

Terminate the RTT session on this call. The resulting state change will be notified via the Callback#onRttStatusChanged(Call, boolean, RttCall) callback.


public void swapConference ()

Swaps the calls within this conference. See Details#CAPABILITY_SWAP_CONFERENCE.


public String toString ()

Returns a string representation of the object. In general, the toString method returns a string that "textually represents" this object. The result should be a concise but informative representation that is easy for a person to read. It is recommended that all subclasses override this method.

The toString method for class Object returns a string consisting of the name of the class of which the object is an instance, the at-sign character `@', and the unsigned hexadecimal representation of the hash code of the object. In other words, this method returns a string equal to the value of:

 getClass().getName() + '@' + Integer.toHexString(hashCode())

String a string representation of the object.


public void unhold ()

Instructs this STATE_HOLDING call to release from hold.


public void unregisterCallback (Call.Callback callback)

Unregisters a callback from this Call.

callback Call.Callback: A Callback.