# Print output for @column tags ?> Notification.Action.Builder - Android SDK | Android Developers

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public static final class Notification.Action.Builder
extends Object

   ↳ android.app.Notification.Action.Builder

Builder class for Action objects.


Public constructors

Builder(int icon, CharSequence title, PendingIntent intent)

Construct a new builder for Action object.

Builder(Icon icon, CharSequence title, PendingIntent intent)

Construct a new builder for Action object.

Builder(Notification.Action action)

Construct a new builder for Action object using the fields from an Action.

Public methods

Notification.Action.Builder addExtras(Bundle extras)

Merge additional metadata into this builder.

Notification.Action.Builder addRemoteInput(RemoteInput remoteInput)

Add an input to be collected from the user when this action is sent.

Notification.Action build()

Combine all of the options that have been set and return a new Action object.

Notification.Action.Builder extend(Notification.Action.Extender extender)

Apply an extender to this action builder.

Bundle getExtras()

Get the metadata Bundle used by this Builder.

Notification.Action.Builder setAllowGeneratedReplies(boolean allowGeneratedReplies)

Set whether the platform should automatically generate possible replies to add to RemoteInput#getChoices().

Notification.Action.Builder setAuthenticationRequired(boolean authenticationRequired)

Sets whether the OS should only send this action's PendingIntent on an unlocked device.

Notification.Action.Builder setContextual(boolean isContextual)

Sets whether this Action is a contextual action, i.e.

Notification.Action.Builder setSemanticAction(int semanticAction)

Sets the SemanticAction for this Action.

Inherited methods

Public constructors


public Builder (int icon, 
                CharSequence title, 
                PendingIntent intent)

Construct a new builder for Action object.

icon int: icon to show for this action

title CharSequence: the title of the action

intent PendingIntent: the PendingIntent to fire when users trigger this action


public Builder (Icon icon, 
                CharSequence title, 
                PendingIntent intent)

Construct a new builder for Action object.

As of Android Build.VERSION_CODES.S, apps targeting API level Build.VERSION_CODES.S or higher won't be able to start activities while processing broadcast receivers or services in response to notification action clicks. To launch an activity in those cases, provide a PendingIntent for the activity itself.

How an Action is displayed, including whether the icon, text, or both are displayed or required, depends on where and how the action is used, and the Style applied to the Notification.

When the title is a Spanned, any colors set by a ForegroundColorSpan or TextAppearanceSpan may be removed or displayed with an altered in luminance to ensure proper contrast within the Notification.

icon Icon: icon to show for this action

title CharSequence: the title of the action

intent PendingIntent: the PendingIntent to fire when users trigger this action


public Builder (Notification.Action action)

Construct a new builder for Action object using the fields from an Action.

action Notification.Action: the action to read fields from.

Public methods


public Notification.Action.Builder addExtras (Bundle extras)

Merge additional metadata into this builder.

Values within the Bundle will replace existing extras values in this Builder.

extras Bundle

Notification.Action.Builder This value cannot be null.

See also:


public Notification.Action.Builder addRemoteInput (RemoteInput remoteInput)

Add an input to be collected from the user when this action is sent. Response values can be retrieved from the fired intent by using the RemoteInput#getResultsFromIntent function.

remoteInput RemoteInput: a RemoteInput to add to the action

Notification.Action.Builder this object for method chaining This value cannot be null.


public Notification.Action build ()

Combine all of the options that have been set and return a new Action object.

Notification.Action the built action This value cannot be null.


public Notification.Action.Builder extend (Notification.Action.Extender extender)

Apply an extender to this action builder. Extenders may be used to add metadata or change options on this builder.

extender Notification.Action.Extender

Notification.Action.Builder This value cannot be null.


public Bundle getExtras ()

Get the metadata Bundle used by this Builder.

The returned Bundle is shared with this Builder.

Bundle This value cannot be null.


public Notification.Action.Builder setAllowGeneratedReplies (boolean allowGeneratedReplies)

Set whether the platform should automatically generate possible replies to add to RemoteInput#getChoices(). If the Action doesn't have a RemoteInput, this has no effect.

allowGeneratedReplies boolean: true to allow generated replies, false otherwise

Notification.Action.Builder this object for method chaining The default value is true This value cannot be null.


public Notification.Action.Builder setAuthenticationRequired (boolean authenticationRequired)

Sets whether the OS should only send this action's PendingIntent on an unlocked device. If this is true and the device is locked when the action is invoked, the OS will show the keyguard and require successful authentication before invoking the intent. If this is false and the device is locked, the OS will decide whether authentication should be required.

authenticationRequired boolean

Notification.Action.Builder This value cannot be null.


public Notification.Action.Builder setContextual (boolean isContextual)

Sets whether this Action is a contextual action, i.e. whether the action is dependent on the notification message body. An example of a contextual action could be an action opening a map application with an address shown in the notification.

isContextual boolean

Notification.Action.Builder This value cannot be null.


public Notification.Action.Builder setSemanticAction (int semanticAction)

Sets the SemanticAction for this Action. A SemanticAction denotes what an Action's PendingIntent will do (eg. reply, mark as read, delete, etc).

semanticAction int: a SemanticAction defined within Action with SEMANTIC_ACTION_ prefixes Value is Notification.Action.SEMANTIC_ACTION_NONE, Notification.Action.SEMANTIC_ACTION_REPLY, Notification.Action.SEMANTIC_ACTION_MARK_AS_READ, Notification.Action.SEMANTIC_ACTION_MARK_AS_UNREAD, Notification.Action.SEMANTIC_ACTION_DELETE, Notification.Action.SEMANTIC_ACTION_ARCHIVE, Notification.Action.SEMANTIC_ACTION_MUTE, Notification.Action.SEMANTIC_ACTION_UNMUTE, Notification.Action.SEMANTIC_ACTION_THUMBS_UP, Notification.Action.SEMANTIC_ACTION_THUMBS_DOWN, Notification.Action.SEMANTIC_ACTION_CALL, android.app.Notification.Action.SEMANTIC_ACTION_MARK_CONVERSATION_AS_PRIORITY, or android.app.Notification.Action.SEMANTIC_ACTION_CONVERSATION_IS_PHISHING

Notification.Action.Builder this object for method chaining This value cannot be null.