# Print output for @column tags ?> BlockedNumberContract - Android SDK | Android Developers

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public class BlockedNumberContract
extends Object

   ↳ android.provider.BlockedNumberContract

The contract between the blockednumber provider and applications. Contains definitions for the supported URIs and columns.


The content provider exposes a table containing blocked numbers. The columns and URIs for accessing this table are defined by the BlockedNumbers class. Messages, and calls from blocked numbers are discarded by the platform. Notifications upon provider changes can be received using a ContentObserver.

The platform will not block messages, and calls from emergency numbers as defined by PhoneNumberUtils.isEmergencyNumber(String). If the user contacts emergency services, number blocking is disabled by the platform for a duration defined by CarrierConfigManager.KEY_DURATION_BLOCKING_DISABLED_AFTER_EMERGENCY_INT.


Only the system, the default SMS application, and the default phone app (See TelecomManager.getDefaultDialerPackage()), and carrier apps (See CarrierService) can read, and write to the blockednumber provider. However, canCurrentUserBlockNumbers(android.content.Context) can be accessed by any application.


Other than regular phone numbers, the blocked number provider can also store addresses (such as email) from which a user can receive messages, and calls. The blocked numbers are stored in the BlockedNumbers#COLUMN_ORIGINAL_NUMBER column. A normalized version of phone numbers (if normalization is possible) is stored in BlockedNumbers#COLUMN_E164_NUMBER column. The platform blocks calls, and messages from an address if it is present in in the BlockedNumbers#COLUMN_ORIGINAL_NUMBER column or if the E164 version of the address matches the BlockedNumbers#COLUMN_E164_NUMBER column.



BlockedNumbers#COLUMN_ORIGINAL_NUMBER is a required column that needs to be populated. Apps can optionally provide the BlockedNumbers#COLUMN_E164_NUMBER which is the phone number's E164 representation. The provider automatically populates this column if the app does not provide it. Note that this column is not populated if normalization fails or if the address is not a phone number (eg: email).

Attempting to insert an existing blocked number (same BlockedNumbers#COLUMN_ORIGINAL_NUMBER column) will result in replacing the existing blocked number.


 ContentValues values = new ContentValues();
 values.put(BlockedNumbers.COLUMN_ORIGINAL_NUMBER, "1234567890");
 Uri uri = getContentResolver().insert(BlockedNumbers.CONTENT_URI, values);
 ContentValues values = new ContentValues();
 values.put(BlockedNumbers.COLUMN_ORIGINAL_NUMBER, "1234567890");
 values.put(BlockedNumbers.COLUMN_E164_NUMBER, "+11234567890");
 Uri uri = getContentResolver().insert(BlockedNumbers.CONTENT_URI, values);
 ContentValues values = new ContentValues();
 values.put(BlockedNumbers.COLUMN_ORIGINAL_NUMBER, "12345@abdcde.com");
 Uri uri = getContentResolver().insert(BlockedNumbers.CONTENT_URI, values);


Updates are not supported. Use Delete, and Insert instead.


Deletions can be performed as follows:

 ContentValues values = new ContentValues();
 values.put(BlockedNumbers.COLUMN_ORIGINAL_NUMBER, "1234567890");
 Uri uri = getContentResolver().insert(BlockedNumbers.CONTENT_URI, values);
 getContentResolver().delete(uri, null, null);
To check if a particular number is blocked, use the method isBlocked(android.content.Context, java.lang.String).


All blocked numbers can be enumerated as follows:

 Cursor c = getContentResolver().query(BlockedNumbers.CONTENT_URI,
          new String[]{BlockedNumbers.COLUMN_ID, BlockedNumbers.COLUMN_ORIGINAL_NUMBER,
          BlockedNumbers.COLUMN_E164_NUMBER}, null, null, null);


Use the method unblock(android.content.Context, java.lang.String) to unblock numbers.


Apps must use the method canCurrentUserBlockNumbers(android.content.Context) before performing any operation on the blocked number provider. If canCurrentUserBlockNumbers(android.content.Context) returns false, all operations on the provider will fail with a SecurityException. The platform will block calls, and messages from numbers in the provider independent of the current user.


Nested classes

class BlockedNumberContract.BlockedNumbers

Constants to interact with the blocked numbers list. 



The authority for the blocked number provider


public static final Uri AUTHORITY_URI

A content:// style uri to the authority for the blocked number provider

Public methods

static boolean canCurrentUserBlockNumbers(Context context)

Checks if blocking numbers is supported for the current user.

static boolean isBlocked(Context context, String phoneNumber)

Returns whether a given number is in the blocked list.

static int unblock(Context context, String phoneNumber)

Unblocks the phoneNumber if it is blocked.

Inherited methods



public static final String AUTHORITY

The authority for the blocked number provider

Constant Value: "com.android.blockednumber"



public static final Uri AUTHORITY_URI

A content:// style uri to the authority for the blocked number provider

Public methods


public static boolean canCurrentUserBlockNumbers (Context context)

Checks if blocking numbers is supported for the current user.

Typically, blocking numbers is only supported for one user at a time.

context Context

boolean true if the current user can block numbers.


public static boolean isBlocked (Context context, 
                String phoneNumber)

Returns whether a given number is in the blocked list.

This matches the phoneNumber against the BlockedNumbers#COLUMN_ORIGINAL_NUMBER column, and the E164 representation of the phoneNumber with the BlockedNumbers#COLUMN_E164_NUMBER column.

Note that if the canCurrentUserBlockNumbers(Context) is false for the user context context, this method will throw a SecurityException.
This method may take several seconds to complete, so it should only be called from a worker thread.

context Context

phoneNumber String

boolean true if the phoneNumber is blocked.


public static int unblock (Context context, 
                String phoneNumber)

Unblocks the phoneNumber if it is blocked.

This deletes all rows where the phoneNumber matches the BlockedNumbers#COLUMN_ORIGINAL_NUMBER column or the E164 representation of the phoneNumber matches the BlockedNumbers#COLUMN_E164_NUMBER column.

To delete rows based on exact match with specific columns such as BlockedNumbers#COLUMN_ID use ContentProvider.delete(Uri, String, String[]) with BlockedNumbers#CONTENT_URI URI.

Note that if the canCurrentUserBlockNumbers(Context) is false for the user context context, this method will throw a SecurityException.
This method may take several seconds to complete, so it should only be called from a worker thread.

context Context

phoneNumber String

int the number of rows deleted in the blocked number provider as a result of unblock.