CalendarContract.Attendees |
Fields and helpers for interacting with Attendees.
CalendarContract.CalendarAlerts |
Fields and helpers for accessing calendar alerts information.
CalendarContract.CalendarEntity |
Class that represents a Calendar Entity.
CalendarContract.Calendars |
Constants and helpers for the Calendars table, which contains details for
individual calendars.
CalendarContract.Colors |
Fields for accessing colors available for a given account.
CalendarContract.ColorsColumns |
CalendarContract.Events |
Constants and helpers for the Events table, which contains details for
individual events.
CalendarContract.EventsEntity |
Class that represents an Event Entity.
CalendarContract.ExtendedProperties |
Fields for accessing the Extended Properties.
CalendarContract.Instances |
Fields and helpers for interacting with Instances.
CalendarContract.Reminders |
Fields and helpers for accessing reminders for an event.
CalendarContract.SyncState |
A table provided for sync adapters to use for storing private sync state data.
CallLog.Calls |
Contains the recent calls.
Contacts.ContactMethods |
This class is deprecated.
see ContactsContract
Contacts.Extensions |
This class is deprecated.
see ContactsContract
Contacts.GroupMembership |
This class is deprecated.
see ContactsContract
Contacts.Groups |
This class is deprecated.
see ContactsContract
Contacts.Organizations |
This class is deprecated.
see ContactsContract
Contacts.People |
This class is deprecated.
see ContactsContract
Contacts.People.ContactMethods |
This class is deprecated.
see ContactsContract
Contacts.People.Extensions |
This class is deprecated.
see ContactsContract
Contacts.People.Phones |
This class is deprecated.
see ContactsContract
Contacts.Phones |
This class is deprecated.
see ContactsContract
Contacts.Photos |
This class is deprecated.
see ContactsContract
Contacts.Settings |
This class is deprecated.
see ContactsContract
ContactsContract.AggregationExceptions |
Constants for the contact aggregation exceptions table, which contains
aggregation rules overriding those used by automatic aggregation.
ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Callable |
Convenient functionalities for "callable" data.
ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Contactables |
A special class of data items, used to refer to types of data that can be used to attempt
to start communicating with a person (Phone and Email ).
ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Email |
A data kind representing an email address.
ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Event |
A data kind representing an event.
ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.GroupMembership |
Group Membership.
ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Identity |
A data kind representing an Identity related to the contact.
ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Im |
A data kind representing an IM address
You can use all columns defined for ContactsContract.Data as
well as the following aliases.
ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Nickname |
A data kind representing the contact's nickname.
ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Note |
Notes about the contact.
ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Organization |
A data kind representing an organization.
ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Phone |
A data kind representing a telephone number.
ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Photo |
A data kind representing a photo for the contact.
ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Relation |
A data kind representing a relation.
ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.SipAddress |
A data kind representing a SIP address for the contact.
ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.StructuredName |
A data kind representing the contact's proper name.
ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.StructuredPostal |
A data kind representing a postal addresses.
ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Website |
A data kind representing a website related to the contact.
ContactsContract.Contacts |
Constants for the contacts table, which contains a record per aggregate
of raw contacts representing the same person.
ContactsContract.Contacts.AggregationSuggestions |
A read-only sub-directory of a single contact aggregate that
contains all aggregation suggestions (other contacts).
ContactsContract.Contacts.Data |
A sub-directory of a single contact that contains all of the constituent raw contact
ContactsContract.Data rows.
ContactsContract.Contacts.Entity |
A sub-directory of a contact that contains all of its
ContactsContract.RawContacts as well as
ContactsContract.Data rows.
ContactsContract.Contacts.Photo |
A read-only sub-directory of a single contact that contains
the contact's primary photo.
ContactsContract.Data |
Constants for the data table, which contains data points tied to a raw
ContactsContract.DataColumnsWithJoins |
Combines all columns returned by ContactsContract.Data table queries.
ContactsContract.Directory |
A Directory represents a contacts corpus, e.g. Local contacts,
Google Apps Global Address List or Corporate Global Address List.
ContactsContract.Groups |
Constants for the groups table.
ContactsContract.PhoneLookup |
A table that represents the result of looking up a phone number, for
example for caller ID.
ContactsContract.Profile |
Constants for the user's profile data, which is represented as a single contact on
the device that represents the user.
ContactsContract.ProfileSyncState |
A table provided for sync adapters to use for storing private sync state data for the
user's personal profile.
ContactsContract.RawContacts |
Constants for the raw contacts table, which contains one row of contact
information for each person in each synced account.
ContactsContract.RawContacts.Data |
A sub-directory of a single raw contact that contains all of its
ContactsContract.Data rows.
ContactsContract.RawContacts.Entity |
A sub-directory of a single raw contact that contains all of its
ContactsContract.Data rows.
ContactsContract.RawContactsEntity |
Constants for the raw contacts entities table, which can be thought of as
an outer join of the raw_contacts table with the data table.
ContactsContract.SyncState |
A table provided for sync adapters to use for storing private sync state data for contacts.
FontsContract.Columns |
Defines the constants used in a response from a Font Provider.
LiveFolders |
This class is deprecated.
Live folders are no longer supported by Android. These have been
replaced by the new
AppWidget Collection
APIs introduced in Build.VERSION_CODES.HONEYCOMB . These provide
all of the features of live folders plus many more. The use of live folders is greatly
discouraged because of security issues they introduce -- publishing a live folder requires
making all data show for the live folder available to all applications with no
permissions protecting it.
MediaStore.Audio.Albums |
Contains artists for audio files
MediaStore.Audio.Artists |
Contains artists for audio files
MediaStore.Audio.AudioColumns |
Audio metadata columns.
MediaStore.Audio.Genres |
Contains all genres for audio files
MediaStore.Audio.Genres.Members |
Sub-directory of each genre containing all members.
MediaStore.Audio.Media |
MediaStore.Audio.Playlists |
Contains playlists for audio files
MediaStore.Audio.Playlists.Members |
Sub-directory of each playlist containing all members.
MediaStore.Audio.PlaylistsColumns |
Audio playlist metadata columns.
MediaStore.DownloadColumns |
Download metadata columns.
MediaStore.Downloads |
Collection of downloaded items.
MediaStore.Files.FileColumns |
File metadata columns.
MediaStore.Images.ImageColumns |
Image metadata columns.
MediaStore.Images.Media |
MediaStore.Images.Thumbnails |
This class is deprecated.
Callers should migrate to using
ContentResolver#loadThumbnail , since it offers
richer control over requested thumbnail sizes and
cancellation behavior.
MediaStore.MediaColumns |
Common media metadata columns.
MediaStore.Video.Media |
MediaStore.Video.Thumbnails |
This class is deprecated.
Callers should migrate to using
ContentResolver#loadThumbnail , since it offers
richer control over requested thumbnail sizes and
cancellation behavior.
MediaStore.Video.VideoColumns |
Video metadata columns.
Settings.Global |
Global system settings, containing preferences that always apply identically
to all defined users.
Settings.NameValueTable |
Common base for tables of name/value settings.
Settings.Secure |
Secure system settings, containing system preferences that applications
can read but are not allowed to write.
Settings.System |
System settings, containing miscellaneous system preferences.
SyncStateContract.Columns |
SyncStateContract.Constants |
Telephony.BaseMmsColumns |
Base columns for tables that contain MMSs.
Telephony.CanonicalAddressesColumns |
Columns for the "canonical_addresses" table used by MMS and SMS.
Telephony.CarrierId |
Contains carrier identification information for the current subscriptions.
Telephony.Carriers |
Carriers class contains information about APNs, including MMSC information.
Telephony.Mms |
Contains all MMS messages.
Telephony.Mms.Addr |
Contains address information for an MMS message.
Telephony.Mms.Draft |
Contains all MMS messages in the MMS app drafts folder.
Telephony.Mms.Inbox |
Contains all MMS messages in the MMS app inbox.
Telephony.Mms.Outbox |
Contains all MMS messages in the MMS app outbox.
Telephony.Mms.Part |
Contains message parts.
Telephony.Mms.Sent |
Contains all MMS messages in the MMS app sent folder.
Telephony.MmsSms |
Contains all MMS and SMS messages.
Telephony.MmsSms.PendingMessages |
Contains pending messages info.
Telephony.Sms |
Contains all text-based SMS messages.
Telephony.Sms.Conversations |
Contains a view of SMS conversations (also referred to as threads).
Telephony.Sms.Draft |
Contains all draft text-based SMS messages in the SMS app.
Telephony.Sms.Inbox |
Contains all text-based SMS messages in the SMS app inbox.
Telephony.Sms.Outbox |
Contains all pending outgoing text-based SMS messages.
Telephony.Sms.Sent |
Contains all sent text-based SMS messages in the SMS app.
Telephony.Threads |
Helper functions for the "threads" table used by MMS and SMS.
Telephony.ThreadsColumns |
Columns for the "threads" table used by MMS and SMS.
TvContract.BaseTvColumns |
Common base for the tables of TV channels/programs.
TvContract.Channels |
Column definitions for the TV channels table.
TvContract.PreviewPrograms |
Column definitions for the preview TV programs table.
TvContract.Programs |
Column definitions for the TV programs table.
TvContract.RecordedPrograms |
Column definitions for the recorded TV programs table.
TvContract.WatchNextPrograms |
Column definitions for the "watch next" TV programs table.
UserDictionary.Words |
Contains the user defined words.
VoicemailContract.Status |
Defines fields exposed through the /status path of this content provider.
VoicemailContract.Voicemails |
Defines fields exposed through the /voicemail path of this content provider.