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Contains classes for accessing and publishing data on a device. It includes three main categories of APIs:
and ContentResolver
for managing and publishing persistent data associated with an application.Intent
and IntentFilter
, for delivering
structured messages between different application components—allowing components to initiate
other components and return results.android.content.pm
), including information
about its activities, permissions, services, signatures, and providers. The most important class for
accessing this information is PackageManager
.ClipboardManager.OnPrimaryClipChangedListener | Defines a listener callback that is invoked when the primary clip on the clipboard changes. |
ComponentCallbacks |
The set of callback APIs that are common to all application components
(Activity , Service ,
ContentProvider , and Application ).
ComponentCallbacks2 |
Extended ComponentCallbacks interface with a new callback for
finer-grained memory management.
ContentProvider.PipeDataWriter<T> | Interface to write a stream of data to a pipe. |
DialogInterface | Interface that defines a dialog-type class that can be shown, dismissed, or canceled, and may have buttons that can be clicked. |
DialogInterface.OnCancelListener | Interface used to allow the creator of a dialog to run some code when the dialog is canceled. |
DialogInterface.OnClickListener | Interface used to allow the creator of a dialog to run some code when an item on the dialog is clicked. |
DialogInterface.OnDismissListener | Interface used to allow the creator of a dialog to run some code when the dialog is dismissed. |
DialogInterface.OnKeyListener | Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when a key event is dispatched to this dialog. |
DialogInterface.OnMultiChoiceClickListener | Interface used to allow the creator of a dialog to run some code when an item in a multi-choice dialog is clicked. |
DialogInterface.OnShowListener | Interface used to allow the creator of a dialog to run some code when the dialog is shown. |
EntityIterator |
A specialization of Iterator that allows iterating over a collection of
Entity objects.
IntentSender.OnFinished | Callback interface for discovering when a send operation has completed. |
Loader.OnLoadCanceledListener<D> |
This interface is deprecated.
Use Loader.OnLoadCanceledListener
Loader.OnLoadCompleteListener<D> |
This interface is deprecated.
Use Loader.OnLoadCompleteListener
ServiceConnection | Interface for monitoring the state of an application service. |
SharedPreferences |
Interface for accessing and modifying preference data returned by Context#getSharedPreferences .
SharedPreferences.Editor |
Interface used for modifying values in a SharedPreferences
SharedPreferences.OnSharedPreferenceChangeListener | Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when a shared preference is changed. |
SyncStatusObserver |
AbstractThreadedSyncAdapter | An abstract implementation of a SyncAdapter that spawns a thread to invoke a sync operation. |
AsyncQueryHandler |
A helper class to help make handling asynchronous ContentResolver
queries easier.
AsyncQueryHandler.WorkerArgs | |
AsyncQueryHandler.WorkerHandler | |
AsyncTaskLoader<D> |
This class is deprecated.
Use the Support Library
BroadcastReceiver |
Base class for code that receives and handles broadcast intents sent by
Context.sendBroadcast(Intent) .
BroadcastReceiver.PendingResult | State for a result that is pending for a broadcast receiver. |
ClipboardManager | Interface to the clipboard service, for placing and retrieving text in the global clipboard. |
ClipData | Representation of a clipped data on the clipboard. |
ClipData.Item | Description of a single item in a ClipData. |
ClipDescription |
Meta-data describing the contents of a ClipData .
ComponentName |
Identifier for a specific application component
(Activity , Service ,
BroadcastReceiver , or
ContentProvider ) that is available.
ContentProvider | Content providers are one of the primary building blocks of Android applications, providing content to applications. |
ContentProvider.CallingIdentity | Opaque token representing the identity of an incoming IPC. |
ContentProviderClient |
The public interface object used to interact with a specific
ContentProvider .
ContentProviderOperation | Represents a single operation to be performed as part of a batch of operations. |
ContentProviderOperation.Builder |
Used to add parameters to a ContentProviderOperation .
ContentProviderResult |
Contains the result of the application of a ContentProviderOperation .
ContentQueryMap | Caches the contents of a cursor into a Map of String->ContentValues and optionally keeps the cache fresh by registering for updates on the content backing the cursor. |
ContentResolver | This class provides applications access to the content model. |
ContentResolver.MimeTypeInfo | Detailed description of a specific MIME type, including an icon and label that describe the type. |
ContentUris |
Utility methods useful for working with Uri objects
that use the "content" (content://) scheme.
ContentValues |
This class is used to store a set of values that the ContentResolver
can process.
Context | Interface to global information about an application environment. |
ContextWrapper | Proxying implementation of Context that simply delegates all of its calls to another Context. |
CursorLoader |
This class is deprecated.
Use the Support Library
Entity | A representation of a item using ContentValues. |
Entity.NamedContentValues | |
Intent | An intent is an abstract description of an operation to be performed. |
Intent.FilterComparison | Wrapper class holding an Intent and implementing comparisons on it for the purpose of filtering. |
Intent.ShortcutIconResource | Represents a shortcut/live folder icon resource. |
IntentFilter | Structured description of Intent values to be matched. |
IntentFilter.AuthorityEntry |
This is an entry for a single authority in the Iterator returned by
IntentFilter.authoritiesIterator() .
IntentSender | A description of an Intent and target action to perform with it. |
Loader<D> |
This class is deprecated.
Use the Support Library
Loader.ForceLoadContentObserver |
This class is deprecated.
Use Loader.ForceLoadContentObserver
LocusId | An identifier for an unique state (locus) in the application. |
MutableContextWrapper |
Special version of ContextWrapper that allows the base context to
be modified after it is initially set.
PeriodicSync | Value type that contains information about a periodic sync. |
QuickViewConstants |
Constants for Intent#ACTION_QUICK_VIEW .
RestrictionEntry | Applications can expose restrictions for a restricted user on a multiuser device. |
RestrictionsManager | Provides a mechanism for apps to query restrictions imposed by an entity that manages the user. |
SearchRecentSuggestionsProvider | This superclass can be used to create a simple search suggestions provider for your application. |
SyncAdapterType | Value type that represents a SyncAdapterType. |
SyncContext | |
SyncInfo | Information about the sync operation that is currently underway. |
SyncRequest | Convenience class to construct sync requests. |
SyncRequest.Builder |
Builder class for a SyncRequest .
SyncResult | This class is used to communicate the results of a sync operation to the SyncManager. |
SyncStats | Used to record various statistics about the result of a sync operation. |
UriMatcher | Utility class to aid in matching URIs in content providers. |
UriPermission | Description of a single Uri permission grant. |
ActivityNotFoundException |
This exception is thrown when a call to Context#startActivity or
one of its variants fails because an Activity can not be found to execute
the given Intent.
IntentFilter.MalformedMimeTypeException | This exception is thrown when a given MIME type does not have a valid syntax. |
IntentSender.SendIntentException | Exception thrown when trying to send through a PendingIntent that has been canceled or is otherwise no longer able to execute the request. |
OperationApplicationException |
Thrown when an application of a ContentProviderOperation fails due the specified
ReceiverCallNotAllowedException |
This exception is thrown from Context#registerReceiver and
Context#bindService when these methods are being used from
an BroadcastReceiver component.