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Provides APIs for monitoring the basic phone information, such as the network type and connection state, plus utilities for manipulating phone number strings.


AccessNetworkConstants Contains access network related constants. 
AccessNetworkConstants.EutranBand Frequency bands for EUTRAN. 
AccessNetworkConstants.GeranBand Frequency bands for GERAN. 
AccessNetworkConstants.NgranBands Frequency bands for NGRAN https://www.etsi.org/deliver/etsi_ts/138100_138199/13810101/15.08.02_60/ts_13810101v150802p.pdf https://www.etsi.org/deliver/etsi_ts/138100_138199/13810102/15.08.00_60/ts_13810102v150800p.pdf 
AccessNetworkConstants.UtranBand Frequency bands for UTRAN. 
AvailableNetworkInfo Defines available network information which includes corresponding subscription id, network plmns and corresponding priority to be used for network selection by Opportunistic Network Service when passed through TelephonyManager#updateAvailableNetworks 
BarringInfo Provides the barring configuration for a particular service type. 
BarringInfo.BarringServiceInfo Describe the current barring configuration of a cell 
CarrierConfigManager Provides access to telephony configuration values that are carrier-specific. 
CarrierConfigManager.Apn Configs used for APN setup. 
CarrierConfigManager.Gps GPS configs. 
CarrierConfigManager.Ims Configs used by the IMS stack. 
CellIdentity CellIdentity represents the identity of a unique cell. 
CellIdentityCdma CellIdentity is to represent a unique CDMA cell 
CellIdentityGsm CellIdentity to represent a unique GSM cell 
CellIdentityLte CellIdentity is to represent a unique LTE cell 
CellIdentityNr Information to represent a unique NR(New Radio 5G) cell. 
CellIdentityTdscdma CellIdentity is to represent a unique TD-SCDMA cell 
CellIdentityWcdma CellIdentity to represent a unique UMTS cell 
CellInfo Immutable cell information from a point in time. 
CellInfoCdma A CellInfo representing a CDMA cell that provides identity and measurement info. 
CellInfoGsm A CellInfo representing a GSM cell that provides identity and measurement info. 
CellInfoLte A CellInfo representing an LTE cell that provides identity and measurement info. 
CellInfoNr A CellInfo representing an 5G NR cell that provides identity and measurement info. 
CellInfoTdscdma A CellInfo representing a TD-SCDMA cell that provides identity and measurement info. 
CellInfoWcdma A CellInfo representing a WCDMA cell that provides identity and measurement info. 
CellLocation Abstract class that represents the location of the device.  
CellSignalStrength Abstract base class for cell phone signal strength related information. 
CellSignalStrengthCdma Signal strength related information. 
CellSignalStrengthGsm GSM signal strength related information. 
CellSignalStrengthLte LTE signal strength related information. 
CellSignalStrengthNr 5G NR signal strength related information. 
CellSignalStrengthTdscdma Tdscdma signal strength related information. 
CellSignalStrengthWcdma Wcdma signal strength related information. 
ClosedSubscriberGroupInfo Information to represent a closed subscriber group. 
DataFailCause DataFailCause collects data connection failure causes code from different sources. 
IccOpenLogicalChannelResponse Response to the TelephonyManager#iccOpenLogicalChannel command. 
MbmsDownloadSession This class provides functionality for file download over MBMS. 
MbmsGroupCallSession This class provides functionality for accessing group call functionality over MBMS. 
MbmsStreamingSession This class provides functionality for streaming media over MBMS. 
NeighboringCellInfo This class is deprecated. This class should not be used by any app targeting Android Q or higher. Instead callers should use CellInfo. 
NetworkRegistrationInfo Description of a mobile network registration info 
NetworkScan The caller of TelephonyManager#requestNetworkScan(NetworkScanRequest, Executor, NetworkScanCallback) will receive an instance of NetworkScan, which contains a callback method stopScan() for stopping the in-progress scan. 
NetworkScanRequest Defines a request to peform a network scan. 
PackageChangeReceiver Helper class for monitoring the state of packages: adding, removing, updating, and disappearing and reappearing on the SD card. 
PhoneNumberFormattingTextWatcher Watches a TextView and if a phone number is entered will format it. 
PhoneNumberUtils Various utilities for dealing with phone number strings. 
PhoneStateListener A listener class for monitoring changes in specific telephony states on the device, including service state, signal strength, message waiting indicator (voicemail), and others. 
PreciseDataConnectionState Contains precise data connection state. 
RadioAccessSpecifier Describes a particular radio access network to be scanned. 
ServiceState Contains phone state and service related information. 
SignalStrength Contains phone signal strength related information. 
SmsManager Manages SMS operations such as sending data, text, and pdu SMS messages. 
SmsManager.FinancialSmsCallback callback for providing asynchronous sms messages for financial app. 
SmsMessage A Short Message Service message. 
SubscriptionInfo A Parcelable class for Subscription Information. 
SubscriptionManager SubscriptionManager is the application interface to SubscriptionController and provides information about the current Telephony Subscriptions. 
SubscriptionManager.OnOpportunisticSubscriptionsChangedListener A listener class for monitoring changes to SubscriptionInfo records of opportunistic subscriptions. 
SubscriptionManager.OnSubscriptionsChangedListener A listener class for monitoring changes to SubscriptionInfo records. 
SubscriptionPlan Description of a billing relationship plan between a carrier and a specific subscriber. 
SubscriptionPlan.Builder Builder for a SubscriptionPlan
TelephonyDisplayInfo TelephonyDisplayInfo contains telephony-related information used for display purposes only. 
TelephonyManager Provides access to information about the telephony services on the device. 
TelephonyManager.CellInfoCallback Callback for providing asynchronous CellInfo on request 
TelephonyManager.UssdResponseCallback Used to notify callers of TelephonyManager#sendUssdRequest(String, UssdResponseCallback, Handler) when the network either successfully executes a USSD request, or if there was a failure while executing the request. 
TelephonyScanManager Manages the radio access network scan requests and callbacks. 
TelephonyScanManager.NetworkScanCallback The caller of TelephonyManager#requestNetworkScan(NetworkScanRequest, Executor, NetworkScanCallback) should implement and provide this callback so that the scan results or errors can be returned. 
UiccCardInfo The UiccCardInfo represents information about a currently inserted UICC or embedded eUICC. 
VisualVoicemailService This service is implemented by dialer apps that wishes to handle OMTP or similar visual voicemails. 
VisualVoicemailService.VisualVoicemailTask Represents a visual voicemail event which needs to be handled. 
VisualVoicemailSms Represents the content of a visual voicemail SMS. 
VisualVoicemailSmsFilterSettings Class to represent various settings for the visual voicemail SMS filter. 
VisualVoicemailSmsFilterSettings.Builder Builder class for VisualVoicemailSmsFilterSettings objects. 


SmsMessage.MessageClass SMS Class enumeration.