# Print output for @column tags ?>
extends UFormat
java.lang.Object | |||
↳ | java.text.Format | ||
↳ | android.icu.text.UFormat | ||
↳ | android.icu.text.MessageFormat |
[icu enhancement] ICU's replacement for MessageFormat
. Methods, fields, and other functionality specific to ICU are labeled '[icu]'.
MessageFormat prepares strings for display to users, with optional arguments (variables/placeholders). The arguments can occur in any order, which is necessary for translation into languages with different grammars.
A MessageFormat is constructed from a pattern string with arguments in {curly braces} which will be replaced by formatted values.
differs from the other Format
classes in that you create a MessageFormat
object with one
of its constructors (not with a getInstance
style factory
method). Factory methods aren't necessary because MessageFormat
itself doesn't implement locale-specific behavior. Any locale-specific
behavior is defined by the pattern that you provide and the
subformats used for inserted arguments.
Arguments can be named (using identifiers) or numbered (using small ASCII-digit integers).
Some of the API methods work only with argument numbers and throw an exception
if the pattern has named arguments (see usesNamedArguments()
An argument might not specify any format type. In this case, a Number value is formatted with a default (for the locale) NumberFormat, a Date value is formatted with a default (for the locale) DateFormat, and for any other value its toString() value is used.
An argument might specify a "simple" type for which the specified Format object is created, cached and used.
An argument might have a "complex" type with nested MessageFormat sub-patterns. During formatting, one of these sub-messages is selected according to the argument value and recursively formatted.
After construction, a custom Format object can be set for a top-level argument, overriding the default formatting and parsing behavior for that argument. However, custom formatting can be achieved more simply by writing a typeless argument in the pattern string and supplying it with a preformatted string value.
When formatting, MessageFormat takes a collection of argument values and writes an output string. The argument values may be passed as an array (when the pattern contains only numbered arguments) or as a Map (which works for both named and numbered arguments).
Each argument is matched with one of the input values by array index or map key and formatted according to its pattern specification (or using a custom Format object if one was set). A numbered pattern argument is matched with a map key that contains that number as an ASCII-decimal-digit string (without leading zero).
uses patterns of the following form:
message = messageText (argument messageText)* argument = noneArg | simpleArg | complexArg complexArg = choiceArg | pluralArg | selectArg | selectordinalArg noneArg = '{' argNameOrNumber '}' simpleArg = '{' argNameOrNumber ',' argType [',' argStyle] '}' choiceArg = '{' argNameOrNumber ',' "choice" ',' choiceStyle '}' pluralArg = '{' argNameOrNumber ',' "plural" ',' pluralStyle '}' selectArg = '{' argNameOrNumber ',' "select" ',' selectStyle '}' selectordinalArg = '{' argNameOrNumber ',' "selectordinal" ',' pluralStyle '}' choiceStyle: seeChoiceFormat
pluralStyle: seePluralFormat
selectStyle: seeSelectFormat
argNameOrNumber = argName | argNumber argName = [^[[:Pattern_Syntax:][:Pattern_White_Space:]]]+ argNumber = '0' | ('1'..'9' ('0'..'9')*) argType = "number" | "date" | "time" | "spellout" | "ordinal" | "duration" argStyle = "short" | "medium" | "long" | "full" | "integer" | "currency" | "percent" | argStyleText
Recommendation: Use the real apostrophe (single quote) character \\u2019 for human-readable text, and use the ASCII apostrophe (\\u0027 ' ) only in program syntax, like quoting in MessageFormat. See the annotations for U+0027 Apostrophe in The Unicode Standard.
The choice
argument type is deprecated.
Use plural
arguments for proper plural selection,
and select
arguments for simple selection among a fixed set of choices.
The argType
and argStyle
values are used to create
a Format
instance for the format element. The following
table shows how the values map to Format instances. Combinations not
shown in the table are illegal. Any argStyleText
be a valid pattern string for the Format subclass used.
argType | argStyle | resulting Format object |
(none) | null
| |
| (none) | NumberFormat.getInstance(getLocale())
| NumberFormat.getIntegerInstance(getLocale())
| |
| NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance(getLocale())
| |
| NumberFormat.getPercentInstance(getLocale())
| |
argStyleText | new DecimalFormat(argStyleText, new DecimalFormatSymbols(getLocale()))
| |
| (none) | DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.DEFAULT, getLocale())
| DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.SHORT, getLocale())
| |
| DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.DEFAULT, getLocale())
| |
| DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.LONG, getLocale())
| |
| DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.FULL, getLocale())
| |
argStyleText | new SimpleDateFormat(argStyleText, getLocale())
| |
| (none) | DateFormat.getTimeInstance(DateFormat.DEFAULT, getLocale())
| DateFormat.getTimeInstance(DateFormat.SHORT, getLocale())
| |
| DateFormat.getTimeInstance(DateFormat.DEFAULT, getLocale())
| |
| DateFormat.getTimeInstance(DateFormat.LONG, getLocale())
| |
| DateFormat.getTimeInstance(DateFormat.FULL, getLocale())
| |
argStyleText | new SimpleDateFormat(argStyleText, getLocale())
| |
| argStyleText (optional) | new RuleBasedNumberFormat(getLocale(), RuleBasedNumberFormat.SPELLOUT)
| argStyleText (optional) | new RuleBasedNumberFormat(getLocale(), RuleBasedNumberFormat.ORDINAL)
| argStyleText (optional) | new RuleBasedNumberFormat(getLocale(), RuleBasedNumberFormat.DURATION)
The ICU MessageFormat supports both named and numbered arguments, while the JDK MessageFormat only supports numbered arguments. Named arguments make patterns more readable.
ICU implements a more user-friendly apostrophe quoting syntax.
In message text, an apostrophe only begins quoting literal text
if it immediately precedes a syntax character (mostly {curly braces}).
In the JDK MessageFormat, an apostrophe always begins quoting,
which requires common text like "don't" and "aujourd'hui"
to be written with doubled apostrophes like "don''t" and "aujourd''hui".
For more details see MessagePattern.ApostropheMode
ICU does not create a ChoiceFormat object for a choiceArg, pluralArg or selectArg
but rather handles such arguments itself.
The JDK MessageFormat does create and use a ChoiceFormat object
(new ChoiceFormat(argStyleText)
The JDK does not support plural and select arguments at all.
Here are some examples of usage:
Typically, the message format will come from resources, and the arguments will be dynamically set at runtime.Object[] arguments = { 7, new Date(System.currentTimeMillis()), "a disturbance in the Force" }; String result = MessageFormat.format( "At {1,time} on {1,date}, there was {2} on planet {0,number,integer}.", arguments); output: At 12:30 PM on Jul 3, 2053, there was a disturbance in the Force on planet 7.
Example 2:
Object[] testArgs = { 3, "MyDisk" }; MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat( "The disk \"{1}\" contains {0} file(s)."); System.out.println(form.format(testArgs)); // output, with different testArgs output: The disk "MyDisk" contains 0 file(s). output: The disk "MyDisk" contains 1 file(s). output: The disk "MyDisk" contains 1,273 file(s).
For messages that include plural forms, you can use a plural argument:
MessageFormat msgFmt = new MessageFormat( "{num_files, plural, " + "=0{There are no files on disk \"{disk_name}\".}" + "=1{There is one file on disk \"{disk_name}\".}" + "other{There are # files on disk \"{disk_name}\".}}", ULocale.ENGLISH); Map args = new HashMap(); args.put("num_files", 0); args.put("disk_name", "MyDisk"); System.out.println(msgFmt.format(args)); args.put("num_files", 3); System.out.println(msgFmt.format(args)); output: There are no files on disk "MyDisk". There are 3 files on "MyDisk".See
and PluralRules
for details.
MessageFormats are not synchronized. It is recommended to create separate format instances for each thread. If multiple threads access a format concurrently, it must be synchronized externally.
Nested classes | ||
class |
Defines constants that are used as attribute keys in the
Public constructors | |
MessageFormat(String pattern)
Constructs a MessageFormat for the default |
MessageFormat(String pattern, Locale locale)
Constructs a MessageFormat for the specified locale and pattern. |
MessageFormat(String pattern, ULocale locale)
Constructs a MessageFormat for the specified locale and pattern. |
Public methods | |
applyPattern(String pttrn)
Sets the pattern used by this message format. |
applyPattern(String pattern, MessagePattern.ApostropheMode aposMode)
[icu] Sets the ApostropheMode and the pattern used by this message format. |
autoQuoteApostrophe(String pattern)
[icu] Converts an 'apostrophe-friendly' pattern into a standard pattern. |
Creates and returns a copy of this object. |
equals(Object obj)
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one. |
format(Object[] arguments, StringBuffer result, FieldPosition pos)
Formats an array of objects and appends the |
format(String pattern, Map<String, Object> arguments)
Creates a MessageFormat with the given pattern and uses it to format the given arguments. |
format(Object arguments, StringBuffer result, FieldPosition pos)
Formats a map or array of objects and appends the |
format(Map<String, Object> arguments, StringBuffer result, FieldPosition pos)
Formats a map of objects and appends the |
format(String pattern, Object... arguments)
Creates a MessageFormat with the given pattern and uses it to format the given arguments. |
formatToCharacterIterator(Object arguments)
Formats an array of objects and inserts them into the
[icu] |
[icu] Returns the top-level argument names. |
getFormatByArgumentName(String argumentName)
[icu] Returns the first top-level format associated with the given argument name. |
Returns the Format objects used for the format elements in the previously set pattern string. |
Returns the Format objects used for the values passed into
Returns the locale that's used when creating or comparing subformats. |
[icu] Returns the locale that's used when creating argument Format objects. |
Returns a hash code value for the object. |
parse(String source)
Parses text from the beginning of the given string to produce an object array. |
parse(String source, ParsePosition pos)
Parses the string. |
parseObject(String source, ParsePosition pos)
Parses text from a string to produce an object array or Map. |
Map<String, Object>
parseToMap(String source)
[icu] Parses text from the beginning of the given string to produce a map from argument to values. |
Map<String, Object>
parseToMap(String source, ParsePosition pos)
[icu] Parses the string, returning the results in a Map. |
setFormat(int formatElementIndex, Format newFormat)
Sets the Format object to use for the format element with the given format element index within the previously set pattern string. |
setFormatByArgumentIndex(int argumentIndex, Format newFormat)
Sets the Format object to use for the format elements within the previously set pattern string that use the given argument index. |
setFormatByArgumentName(String argumentName, Format newFormat)
[icu] Sets the Format object to use for the format elements within the previously set pattern string that use the given argument name. |
setFormats(Format[] newFormats)
Sets the Format objects to use for the format elements in the previously set pattern string. |
setFormatsByArgumentIndex(Format[] newFormats)
Sets the Format objects to use for the values passed into
setFormatsByArgumentName(Map<String, Format> newFormats)
[icu] Sets the Format objects to use for the values passed into
setLocale(ULocale locale)
Sets the locale to be used for creating argument Format objects. |
setLocale(Locale locale)
Sets the locale to be used for creating argument Format objects. |
Returns the applied pattern string. |
[icu] Returns true if this MessageFormat uses named arguments, and false otherwise. |
Inherited methods | |
public MessageFormat (String pattern)
Constructs a MessageFormat for the default FORMAT
locale and the
specified pattern.
Sets the locale and calls applyPattern(pattern).
Parameters | |
pattern |
String : the pattern for this message format |
Throws | |
IllegalArgumentException |
if the pattern is invalid |
See also:
public MessageFormat (String pattern, Locale locale)
Constructs a MessageFormat for the specified locale and pattern. Sets the locale and calls applyPattern(pattern).
Parameters | |
pattern |
String : the pattern for this message format |
locale |
Locale : the locale for this message format |
Throws | |
IllegalArgumentException |
if the pattern is invalid |
public MessageFormat (String pattern, ULocale locale)
Constructs a MessageFormat for the specified locale and pattern. Sets the locale and calls applyPattern(pattern).
Parameters | |
pattern |
String : the pattern for this message format |
locale |
ULocale : the locale for this message format |
Throws | |
IllegalArgumentException |
if the pattern is invalid |
public void applyPattern (String pttrn)
Sets the pattern used by this message format. Parses the pattern and caches Format objects for simple argument types. Patterns and their interpretation are specified in the class description.
Parameters | |
pttrn |
String : the pattern for this message format |
Throws | |
IllegalArgumentException |
if the pattern is invalid |
public void applyPattern (String pattern, MessagePattern.ApostropheMode aposMode)
[icu] Sets the ApostropheMode and the pattern used by this message format. Parses the pattern and caches Format objects for simple argument types. Patterns and their interpretation are specified in the class description.
This method is best used only once on a given object to avoid confusion about the mode, and after constructing the object with an empty pattern string to minimize overhead.
Parameters | |
pattern |
String : the pattern for this message format |
aposMode |
MessagePattern.ApostropheMode : the new ApostropheMode |
Throws | |
IllegalArgumentException |
if the pattern is invalid |
See also:
public static String autoQuoteApostrophe (String pattern)
[icu] Converts an 'apostrophe-friendly' pattern into a standard
This is obsolete for ICU 4.8 and higher MessageFormat pattern strings.
It can still be useful together with MessageFormat
See the class description for more about apostrophes and quoting,
and differences between ICU and MessageFormat
and ICU 4.6 and earlier MessageFormat
treat all ASCII apostrophes as
quotes, which is problematic in some languages, e.g.
French, where apostrophe is commonly used. This utility
assumes that only an unpaired apostrophe immediately before
a brace is a true quote. Other unpaired apostrophes are paired,
and the resulting standard pattern string is returned.
Note: It is not guaranteed that the returned pattern is indeed a valid pattern. The only effect is to convert between patterns having different quoting semantics.
Note: This method only works on top-level messageText, not messageText nested inside a complexArg.
Parameters | |
pattern |
String : the 'apostrophe-friendly' pattern to convert |
Returns | |
String |
the standard equivalent of the original pattern |
public Object clone ()
Creates and returns a copy of this object.
Returns | |
Object |
a clone of this instance. |
public boolean equals (Object obj)
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
The equals
method implements an equivalence relation
on non-null object references:
, x.equals(x)
should return
and y
, x.equals(y)
should return true
if and only if
returns true
, y
, and z
, if
returns true
returns true
, then
should return true
and y
, multiple invocations of
consistently return true
or consistently return false
, provided no
information used in equals
comparisons on the
objects is modified.
should return false
The equals
method for class Object
the most discriminating possible equivalence relation on objects;
that is, for any non-null reference values x
, this method returns true
if and only
if x
and y
refer to the same object
(x == y
has the value true
Note that it is generally necessary to override the hashCode
method whenever this method is overridden, so as to maintain the
general contract for the hashCode
method, which states
that equal objects must have equal hash codes.
Parameters | |
obj |
Object : the reference object with which to compare. |
Returns | |
boolean |
true if this object is the same as the obj
argument; false otherwise. |
public final StringBuffer format (Object[] arguments, StringBuffer result, FieldPosition pos)
Formats an array of objects and appends the MessageFormat
pattern, with arguments replaced by the formatted objects, to the
provided StringBuffer
The text substituted for the individual format elements is derived from
the current subformat of the format element and the
element at the format element's argument index
as indicated by the first matching line of the following table. An
argument is unavailable if arguments
or has fewer than argumentIndex+1 elements. When
an argument is unavailable no substitution is performed.
argType or Format | value object | Formatted Text |
any | unavailable | "{" + argNameOrNumber + "}"
any | null
| "null"
custom Format != null
| any | customFormat.format(argument)
noneArg, or custom Format == null
| instanceof Number
| NumberFormat.getInstance(getLocale()).format(argument)
noneArg, or custom Format == null
| instanceof Date
| DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance(DateFormat.SHORT,
DateFormat.SHORT, getLocale()).format(argument)
noneArg, or custom Format == null
| instanceof String
| argument
noneArg, or custom Format == null
| any | argument.toString()
complexArg | any | result of recursive formatting of a selected sub-message |
If pos
is non-null, and refers to
, the location of the first formatted
string will be returned.
This method is only supported when the format does not use named
arguments, otherwise an IllegalArgumentException is thrown.
Parameters | |
arguments |
Object : an array of objects to be formatted and substituted. |
result |
StringBuffer : where text is appended. |
pos |
FieldPosition : On input: an alignment field, if desired.
On output: the offsets of the alignment field. |
Returns | |
StringBuffer |
Throws | |
IllegalArgumentException |
if a value in the
arguments array is not of the type
expected by the corresponding argument or custom Format object. |
IllegalArgumentException |
if this format uses named arguments |
public static String format (String pattern, Map<String, Object> arguments)
Creates a MessageFormat with the given pattern and uses it to format the given arguments. The pattern must identifyarguments by name instead of by number.
Parameters | |
pattern |
String |
arguments |
Map |
Returns | |
String |
Throws | |
IllegalArgumentException |
if the pattern is invalid |
IllegalArgumentException |
if a value in the
arguments array is not of the type
expected by the corresponding argument or custom Format object. |
public final StringBuffer format (Object arguments, StringBuffer result, FieldPosition pos)
Formats a map or array of objects and appends the MessageFormat
pattern, with format elements replaced by the formatted objects, to the
provided StringBuffer
This is equivalent to either of
A map must be provided if this format uses named arguments, otherwise an IllegalArgumentException will be thrown.
((Object[]) arguments, result, pos)
((Map) arguments, result, pos)
Parameters | |
arguments |
Object : a map or array of objects to be formatted |
result |
StringBuffer : where text is appended |
pos |
FieldPosition : On input: an alignment field, if desired
On output: the offsets of the alignment field |
Returns | |
StringBuffer |
the string buffer passed in as toAppendTo ,
with formatted text appended |
Throws | |
IllegalArgumentException |
if an argument in
arguments is not of the type
expected by the format element(s) that use it |
IllegalArgumentException |
if arguments is
an array of Object and this format uses named arguments |
public final StringBuffer format (Map<String, Object> arguments, StringBuffer result, FieldPosition pos)
Formats a map of objects and appends the MessageFormat
pattern, with arguments replaced by the formatted objects, to the
provided StringBuffer
The text substituted for the individual format elements is derived from
the current subformat of the format element and the
value corresopnding to the format element's
argument name.
A numbered pattern argument is matched with a map key that contains that number as an ASCII-decimal-digit string (without leading zero).
An argument is unavailable if arguments
or does not have a value corresponding to an argument
name in the pattern. When an argument is unavailable no substitution
is performed.
Parameters | |
arguments |
Map : a map of objects to be formatted and substituted. |
result |
StringBuffer : where text is appended. |
pos |
FieldPosition : On input: an alignment field, if desired.
On output: the offsets of the alignment field. |
Returns | |
StringBuffer |
the passed-in StringBuffer |
Throws | |
IllegalArgumentException |
if a value in the
arguments array is not of the type
expected by the corresponding argument or custom Format object. |
public static String format (String pattern, Object... arguments)
Creates a MessageFormat with the given pattern and uses it to format the given arguments. This is equivalent to
(new MessageFormat
(arguments, new StringBuffer(), null).toString()
Parameters | |
pattern |
String |
arguments |
Object |
Returns | |
String |
Throws | |
IllegalArgumentException |
if the pattern is invalid |
IllegalArgumentException |
if a value in the
arguments array is not of the type
expected by the corresponding argument or custom Format object. |
IllegalArgumentException |
if this format uses named arguments |
public AttributedCharacterIterator formatToCharacterIterator (Object arguments)
Formats an array of objects and inserts them into the
's pattern, producing an
You can use the returned AttributedCharacterIterator
to build the resulting String, as well as to determine information
about the resulting String.
The text of the returned AttributedCharacterIterator
the same that would be returned by
(arguments, new StringBuffer(), null).toString()
In addition, the AttributedCharacterIterator
contains at
least attributes indicating where text was generated from an
argument in the arguments
array. The keys of these attributes are of
type MessageFormat.Field
, their values are
objects indicating the index in the arguments
array of the argument from which the text was generated.
The attributes/value from the underlying Format
instances that MessageFormat
uses will also be
placed in the resulting AttributedCharacterIterator
This allows you to not only find where an argument is placed in the
resulting String, but also which fields it contains in turn.
Parameters | |
arguments |
Object : an array of objects to be formatted and substituted. |
Returns | |
AttributedCharacterIterator |
AttributedCharacterIterator describing the formatted value. |
Throws | |
NullPointerException |
if arguments is null. |
IllegalArgumentException |
if a value in the
arguments array is not of the type
expected by the corresponding argument or custom Format object. |
public MessagePattern.ApostropheMode getApostropheMode ()
Returns | |
MessagePattern.ApostropheMode |
this instance's ApostropheMode. |
public Set<String> getArgumentNames ()
[icu] Returns the top-level argument names. For more details, see
setFormatByArgumentName(java.lang.String, java.text.Format)
Returns | |
Set<String> |
a Set of argument names |
public Format getFormatByArgumentName (String argumentName)
[icu] Returns the first top-level format associated with the given argument name.
For more details, see setFormatByArgumentName(java.lang.String, java.text.Format)
Parameters | |
argumentName |
String : The name of the desired argument. |
Returns | |
Format |
the Format associated with the name, or null if there isn't one. |
public Format[] getFormats ()
Returns the Format objects used for the format elements in the previously set pattern string. The order of formats in the returned array corresponds to the order of format elements in the pattern string.
Since the order of format elements in a pattern string often
changes during localization, it's generally better to use the
method, which assumes an order of formats corresponding to the
order of elements in the arguments
array passed to
the format
methods or the result array returned by
the parse
This method is only supported when exclusively numbers are used for
argument names. Otherwise an IllegalArgumentException is thrown.
Returns | |
Format[] |
the formats used for the format elements in the pattern |
Throws | |
IllegalArgumentException |
if this format uses named arguments |
public Format[] getFormatsByArgumentIndex ()
Returns the Format objects used for the values passed into
methods or returned from parse
methods. The indices of elements in the returned array
correspond to the argument indices used in the previously set
pattern string.
The order of formats in the returned array thus corresponds to
the order of elements in the arguments
array passed
to the format
methods or the result array returned
by the parse
If an argument index is used for more than one format element in the pattern string, then the format used for the last such format element is returned in the array. If an argument index is not used for any format element in the pattern string, then null is returned in the array. This method is only supported when exclusively numbers are used for argument names. Otherwise an IllegalArgumentException is thrown.
Returns | |
Format[] |
the formats used for the arguments within the pattern |
Throws | |
IllegalArgumentException |
if this format uses named arguments |
public Locale getLocale ()
Returns the locale that's used when creating or comparing subformats.
Returns | |
Locale |
the locale used when creating or comparing subformats |
public ULocale getULocale ()
[icu] Returns the locale that's used when creating argument Format objects.
Returns | |
ULocale |
the locale used when creating or comparing subformats |
public int hashCode ()
Returns a hash code value for the object. This method is
supported for the benefit of hash tables such as those provided by
The general contract of hashCode
must consistently return the same integer, provided no information
used in equals
comparisons on the object is modified.
This integer need not remain consistent from one execution of an
application to another execution of the same application.
method, then calling the hashCode
method on each of
the two objects must produce the same integer result.
method, then calling the hashCode
method on each of the
two objects must produce distinct integer results. However, the
programmer should be aware that producing distinct integer results
for unequal objects may improve the performance of hash tables.
As much as is reasonably practical, the hashCode method defined by
class Object
does return distinct integers for distinct
objects. (This is typically implemented by converting the internal
address of the object into an integer, but this implementation
technique is not required by the
Java™ programming language.)
Returns | |
int |
a hash code value for this object. |
public Object[] parse (String source)
Parses text from the beginning of the given string to produce an object array. The method may not use the entire text of the given string.
See the parse(java.lang.String, java.text.ParsePosition)
method for more information
on message parsing.
Parameters | |
source |
String : A String whose beginning should be parsed. |
Returns | |
Object[] |
An Object array parsed from the string. |
Throws | |
ParseException |
if the beginning of the specified string cannot be parsed. |
IllegalArgumentException |
if this format uses named arguments |
public Object[] parse (String source, ParsePosition pos)
Parses the string.
Caveats: The parse may fail in a number of circumstances. For example:
Parameters | |
source |
String |
pos |
ParsePosition |
Returns | |
Object[] |
Throws | |
IllegalArgumentException |
if this format uses named arguments |
public Object parseObject (String source, ParsePosition pos)
Parses text from a string to produce an object array or Map.
The method attempts to parse text starting at the index given by
If parsing succeeds, then the index of pos
is updated
to the index after the last character used (parsing does not necessarily
use all characters up to the end of the string), and the parsed
object array is returned. The updated pos
can be used to
indicate the starting point for the next call to this method.
If an error occurs, then the index of pos
is not
changed, the error index of pos
is set to the index of
the character where the error occurred, and null is returned.
See the parse(java.lang.String, java.text.ParsePosition)
method for more information
on message parsing.
Parameters | |
source |
String : A String , part of which should be parsed. |
pos |
ParsePosition : A ParsePosition object with index and error
index information as described above. |
Returns | |
Object |
An Object parsed from the string, either an
array of Object, or a Map, depending on whether named
arguments are used. This can be queried using usesNamedArguments .
In case of error, returns null. |
Throws | |
NullPointerException |
if pos is null. |
public Map<String, Object> parseToMap (String source)
[icu] Parses text from the beginning of the given string to produce a map from argument to values. The method may not use the entire text of the given string.
See the parse(java.lang.String, java.text.ParsePosition)
method for more information on
message parsing.
Parameters | |
source |
String : A String whose beginning should be parsed. |
Returns | |
Map<String, Object> |
A Map parsed from the string. |
Throws | |
ParseException |
if the beginning of the specified string cannot be parsed. |
See also:
public Map<String, Object> parseToMap (String source, ParsePosition pos)
[icu] Parses the string, returning the results in a Map. This is similar to the version that returns an array of Object. This supports both named and numbered arguments-- if numbered, the keys in the map are the corresponding ASCII-decimal-digit strings (e.g. "0", "1", "2"...).
Parameters | |
source |
String : the text to parse |
pos |
ParsePosition : the position at which to start parsing. on return,
contains the result of the parse. |
Returns | |
Map<String, Object> |
a Map containing key/value pairs for each parsed argument. |
public void setFormat (int formatElementIndex, Format newFormat)
Sets the Format object to use for the format element with the given format element index within the previously set pattern string. The format element index is the zero-based number of the format element counting from the start of the pattern string.
Since the order of format elements in a pattern string often
changes during localization, it is generally better to use the
method, which accesses format elements based on the argument
index they specify.
Parameters | |
formatElementIndex |
int : the index of a format element within the pattern |
newFormat |
Format : the format to use for the specified format element |
Throws | |
ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException |
if formatElementIndex is equal to or larger than the number of format elements in the pattern string |
public void setFormatByArgumentIndex (int argumentIndex, Format newFormat)
Sets the Format object to use for the format elements within the
previously set pattern string that use the given argument
The argument index is part of the format element definition and
represents an index into the arguments
array passed
to the format
methods or the result array returned
by the parse
If the argument index is used for more than one format element in the pattern string, then the new format is used for all such format elements. If the argument index is not used for any format element in the pattern string, then the new format is ignored. This method is only supported when exclusively numbers are used for argument names. Otherwise an IllegalArgumentException is thrown.
Parameters | |
argumentIndex |
int : the argument index for which to use the new format |
newFormat |
Format : the new format to use |
Throws | |
IllegalArgumentException |
if this format uses named arguments |
public void setFormatByArgumentName (String argumentName, Format newFormat)
[icu] Sets the Format object to use for the format elements within the previously set pattern string that use the given argument name.
If the argument name is used for more than one format element in the pattern string, then the new format is used for all such format elements. If the argument name is not used for any format element in the pattern string, then the new format is ignored.
This API may be used on formats that do not use named arguments.
In this case argumentName
should be a String that names
an argument index, e.g. "0", "1", "2"... etc. If it does not name
a valid index, the format will be ignored. No error is thrown.
Parameters | |
argumentName |
String : the name of the argument to change |
newFormat |
Format : the new format to use |
public void setFormats (Format[] newFormats)
Sets the Format objects to use for the format elements in the
previously set pattern string.
The order of formats in newFormats
corresponds to
the order of format elements in the pattern string.
If more formats are provided than needed by the pattern string,
the remaining ones are ignored. If fewer formats are provided
than needed, then only the first newFormats.length
formats are replaced.
Since the order of format elements in a pattern string often
changes during localization, it is generally better to use the
method, which assumes an order of formats corresponding to the
order of elements in the arguments
array passed to
the format
methods or the result array returned by
the parse
Parameters | |
newFormats |
Format : the new formats to use |
Throws | |
NullPointerException |
if newFormats is null |
public void setFormatsByArgumentIndex (Format[] newFormats)
Sets the Format objects to use for the values passed into
methods or returned from parse
methods. The indices of elements in newFormats
correspond to the argument indices used in the previously set
pattern string.
The order of formats in newFormats
thus corresponds to
the order of elements in the arguments
array passed
to the format
methods or the result array returned
by the parse
If an argument index is used for more than one format element
in the pattern string, then the corresponding new format is used
for all such format elements. If an argument index is not used
for any format element in the pattern string, then the
corresponding new format is ignored. If fewer formats are provided
than needed, then only the formats for argument indices less
than newFormats.length
are replaced.
This method is only supported if the format does not use
named arguments, otherwise an IllegalArgumentException is thrown.
Parameters | |
newFormats |
Format : the new formats to use |
Throws | |
NullPointerException |
if newFormats is null |
IllegalArgumentException |
if this formatter uses named arguments |
public void setFormatsByArgumentName (Map<String, Format> newFormats)
[icu] Sets the Format objects to use for the values passed into
methods or returned from parse
methods. The keys in newFormats
are the argument
names in the previously set pattern string, and the values
are the formats.
Only argument names from the pattern string are considered.
Extra keys in newFormats
that do not correspond
to an argument name are ignored. Similarly, if there is no
format in newFormats for an argument name, the formatter
for that argument remains unchanged.
This may be called on formats that do not use named arguments. In this case the map will be queried for key Strings that represent argument indices, e.g. "0", "1", "2" etc.
Parameters | |
newFormats |
Map : a map from String to Format providing new
formats for named arguments. |
public void setLocale (ULocale locale)
Sets the locale to be used for creating argument Format objects.
This affects subsequent calls to the applyPattern
method as well as to the format
Parameters | |
locale |
ULocale : the locale to be used when creating or comparing subformats |
public void setLocale (Locale locale)
Sets the locale to be used for creating argument Format objects.
This affects subsequent calls to the applyPattern
method as well as to the format
Parameters | |
locale |
Locale : the locale to be used when creating or comparing subformats |
public String toPattern ()
Returns the applied pattern string.
Returns | |
String |
the pattern string |
Throws | |
IllegalStateException |
after custom Format objects have been set via setFormat() or similar APIs |
public boolean usesNamedArguments ()
[icu] Returns true if this MessageFormat uses named arguments, and false otherwise. See class description.
Returns | |
boolean |
true if named arguments are used. |