# Print output for @column tags ?> MeasureFormat - Android SDK | Android Developers

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public class MeasureFormat
extends UFormat

   ↳ java.text.Format
     ↳ android.icu.text.UFormat
       ↳ android.icu.text.MeasureFormat

A formatter for Measure objects.

To format a Measure object, first create a formatter object using a MeasureFormat factory method. Then use that object's format or formatMeasures methods. Here is sample code:

 MeasureFormat fmtFr = MeasureFormat.getInstance(ULocale.FRENCH, FormatWidth.SHORT);
 Measure measure = new Measure(23, MeasureUnit.CELSIUS);

 // Output: 23 °C

 Measure measureF = new Measure(70, MeasureUnit.FAHRENHEIT);

 // Output: 70 °F

 MeasureFormat fmtFrFull = MeasureFormat.getInstance(ULocale.FRENCH, FormatWidth.WIDE);
 // Output: 70 pieds et 5,3 pouces
 System.out.println(fmtFrFull.formatMeasures(new Measure(70, MeasureUnit.FOOT),
         new Measure(5.3, MeasureUnit.INCH)));

 // Output: 1 pied et 1 pouce
         fmtFrFull.formatMeasures(new Measure(1, MeasureUnit.FOOT), new Measure(1, MeasureUnit.INCH)));

 MeasureFormat fmtFrNarrow = MeasureFormat.getInstance(ULocale.FRENCH, FormatWidth.NARROW);
 // Output: 1′ 1″
 System.out.println(fmtFrNarrow.formatMeasures(new Measure(1, MeasureUnit.FOOT),
         new Measure(1, MeasureUnit.INCH)));

 MeasureFormat fmtEn = MeasureFormat.getInstance(ULocale.ENGLISH, FormatWidth.WIDE);

 // Output: 1 inch, 2 feet
 fmtEn.formatMeasures(new Measure(1, MeasureUnit.INCH), new Measure(2, MeasureUnit.FOOT));

This class does not do conversions from one unit to another. It simply formats whatever units it is given

This class is immutable and thread-safe so long as its deprecated subclass, TimeUnitFormat, is never used. TimeUnitFormat is not thread-safe, and is mutable. Although this class has existing subclasses, this class does not support new sub-classes.

See also:


Nested classes

enum MeasureFormat.FormatWidth

Formatting width enum. 

Public methods

final boolean equals(Object other)

Two MeasureFormats, a and b, are equal if and only if they have the same formatWidth, locale, and equal number formats.

StringBuffer format(Object obj, StringBuffer toAppendTo, FieldPosition fpos)

Able to format Collection<? extends Measure>, Measure[], and Measure by delegating to formatMeasures.

StringBuilder formatMeasurePerUnit(Measure measure, MeasureUnit perUnit, StringBuilder appendTo, FieldPosition pos)

Formats a single measure per unit.

StringBuilder formatMeasures(StringBuilder appendTo, FieldPosition fpos, Measure... measures)

Formats a sequence of measures.

final String formatMeasures(Measure... measures)

Format a sequence of measures.

static MeasureFormat getCurrencyFormat()

Return a formatter for CurrencyAmount objects in the default FORMAT locale.

static MeasureFormat getCurrencyFormat(Locale locale)

Return a formatter for CurrencyAmount objects in the given Locale.

static MeasureFormat getCurrencyFormat(ULocale locale)

Return a formatter for CurrencyAmount objects in the given locale.

static MeasureFormat getInstance(Locale locale, MeasureFormat.FormatWidth formatWidth, NumberFormat format)

Create a format from the Locale, formatWidth, and format.

static MeasureFormat getInstance(Locale locale, MeasureFormat.FormatWidth formatWidth)

Create a format from the Locale and formatWidth.

static MeasureFormat getInstance(ULocale locale, MeasureFormat.FormatWidth formatWidth)

Create a format from the locale, formatWidth, and format.

static MeasureFormat getInstance(ULocale locale, MeasureFormat.FormatWidth formatWidth, NumberFormat format)

Create a format from the locale, formatWidth, and format.

final ULocale getLocale()

Get the locale of this instance.

NumberFormat getNumberFormat()

Get a copy of the number format.

String getUnitDisplayName(MeasureUnit unit)

Gets the display name of the specified MeasureUnit corresponding to the current locale and format width.

MeasureFormat.FormatWidth getWidth()

Get the format width this instance is using.

final int hashCode()

Returns a hash code value for the object.

Inherited methods

Public methods


public final boolean equals (Object other)

Two MeasureFormats, a and b, are equal if and only if they have the same formatWidth, locale, and equal number formats.

other Object: the reference object with which to compare.

boolean true if this object is the same as the obj argument; false otherwise.


public StringBuffer format (Object obj, 
                StringBuffer toAppendTo, 
                FieldPosition fpos)

Able to format Collection<? extends Measure>, Measure[], and Measure by delegating to formatMeasures. If the pos argument identifies a NumberFormat field, then its indices are set to the beginning and end of the first such field encountered. MeasureFormat itself does not supply any fields. Calling a formatMeasures method is preferred over calling this method as they give better performance.

obj Object: must be a Collection<? extends Measure>, Measure[], or Measure object.

toAppendTo StringBuffer: Formatted string appended here.

fpos FieldPosition: Identifies a field in the formatted text.

StringBuffer the string buffer passed in as toAppendTo, with formatted text appended

See also:


public StringBuilder formatMeasurePerUnit (Measure measure, 
                MeasureUnit perUnit, 
                StringBuilder appendTo, 
                FieldPosition pos)

Formats a single measure per unit. An example of such a formatted string is "3.5 meters per second."

measure Measure: the measure object. In above example, 3.5 meters.

perUnit MeasureUnit: the per unit. In above example, it is MeasureUnit.SECOND

appendTo StringBuilder: formatted string appended here.

pos FieldPosition: The field position.

StringBuilder appendTo.


public StringBuilder formatMeasures (StringBuilder appendTo, 
                FieldPosition fpos, 
                Measure... measures)

Formats a sequence of measures. If the fieldPosition argument identifies a NumberFormat field, then its indices are set to the beginning and end of the first such field encountered. MeasureFormat itself does not supply any fields.

appendTo StringBuilder: the formatted string appended here.

fpos FieldPosition: Identifies a field in the formatted text.

measures Measure: the measures to format.

StringBuilder appendTo.

See also:


public final String formatMeasures (Measure... measures)

Format a sequence of measures. Uses the ListFormatter unit lists. So, for example, one could format “3 feet, 2 inches”. Zero values are formatted (eg, “3 feet, 0 inches”). It is the caller’s responsibility to have the appropriate values in appropriate order, and using the appropriate Number values. Typically the units should be in descending order, with all but the last Measure having integer values (eg, not “3.2 feet, 2 inches”).

measures Measure: a sequence of one or more measures.

String the formatted string.


public static MeasureFormat getCurrencyFormat ()

Return a formatter for CurrencyAmount objects in the default FORMAT locale.

MeasureFormat a formatter object

See also:


public static MeasureFormat getCurrencyFormat (Locale locale)

Return a formatter for CurrencyAmount objects in the given Locale.

locale Locale: desired Locale

MeasureFormat a formatter object


public static MeasureFormat getCurrencyFormat (ULocale locale)

Return a formatter for CurrencyAmount objects in the given locale.

locale ULocale: desired locale

MeasureFormat a formatter object


public static MeasureFormat getInstance (Locale locale, 
                MeasureFormat.FormatWidth formatWidth, 
                NumberFormat format)

Create a format from the Locale, formatWidth, and format.

locale Locale: the Locale.

formatWidth MeasureFormat.FormatWidth: hints how long formatted strings should be.

format NumberFormat: This is defensively copied.

MeasureFormat The new MeasureFormat object.


public static MeasureFormat getInstance (Locale locale, 
                MeasureFormat.FormatWidth formatWidth)

Create a format from the Locale and formatWidth.

locale Locale: the Locale.

formatWidth MeasureFormat.FormatWidth: hints how long formatted strings should be.

MeasureFormat The new MeasureFormat object.


public static MeasureFormat getInstance (ULocale locale, 
                MeasureFormat.FormatWidth formatWidth)

Create a format from the locale, formatWidth, and format.

locale ULocale: the locale.

formatWidth MeasureFormat.FormatWidth: hints how long formatted strings should be.

MeasureFormat The new MeasureFormat object.


public static MeasureFormat getInstance (ULocale locale, 
                MeasureFormat.FormatWidth formatWidth, 
                NumberFormat format)

Create a format from the locale, formatWidth, and format.

locale ULocale: the locale.

formatWidth MeasureFormat.FormatWidth: hints how long formatted strings should be.

format NumberFormat: This is defensively copied.

MeasureFormat The new MeasureFormat object.


public final ULocale getLocale ()

Get the locale of this instance.



public NumberFormat getNumberFormat ()

Get a copy of the number format.



public String getUnitDisplayName (MeasureUnit unit)

Gets the display name of the specified MeasureUnit corresponding to the current locale and format width.

unit MeasureUnit: The unit for which to get a display name.

String The display name in the locale and width specified in MeasureFormat#getInstance, or null if there is no display name available for the specified unit.


public MeasureFormat.FormatWidth getWidth ()

Get the format width this instance is using.



public final int hashCode ()

Returns a hash code value for the object. This method is supported for the benefit of hash tables such as those provided by HashMap.

The general contract of hashCode is:

  • Whenever it is invoked on the same object more than once during an execution of a Java application, the hashCode method must consistently return the same integer, provided no information used in equals comparisons on the object is modified. This integer need not remain consistent from one execution of an application to another execution of the same application.
  • If two objects are equal according to the equals(Object) method, then calling the hashCode method on each of the two objects must produce the same integer result.
  • It is not required that if two objects are unequal according to the equals(java.lang.Object) method, then calling the hashCode method on each of the two objects must produce distinct integer results. However, the programmer should be aware that producing distinct integer results for unequal objects may improve the performance of hash tables.

As much as is reasonably practical, the hashCode method defined by class Object does return distinct integers for distinct objects. (This is typically implemented by converting the internal address of the object into an integer, but this implementation technique is not required by the Java™ programming language.)

int a hash code value for this object.