# Print output for @column tags ?> MediaStore.Audio.AlbumColumns - Android SDK | Android Developers

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public static interface MediaStore.Audio.AlbumColumns


Audio album metadata columns.



String ALBUM

The album on which the audio file appears, if any
This constant represents a column name that can be used with a ContentProvider through a ContentValues or Cursor object.


This constant is deprecated. Apps may not have filesystem permissions to directly access this path. Instead of trying to open this path directly, apps should use ContentResolver#loadThumbnail to gain access.


The id for the album
This constant represents a column name that can be used with a ContentProvider through a ContentValues or Cursor object.


This constant is deprecated. These keys are generated using Locale.ROOT, which means they don't reflect locale-specific sorting preferences. To apply locale-specific sorting preferences, use ContentResolver#QUERY_ARG_SQL_SORT_ORDER with COLLATE LOCALIZED, or ContentResolver#QUERY_ARG_SORT_LOCALE.


The name of the artist whose songs appear on this album.


The ID of the artist whose songs appear on this album.


This constant is deprecated. These keys are generated using Locale.ROOT, which means they don't reflect locale-specific sorting preferences. To apply locale-specific sorting preferences, use ContentResolver#QUERY_ARG_SQL_SORT_ORDER with COLLATE LOCALIZED, or ContentResolver#QUERY_ARG_SORT_LOCALE.


The year in which the earliest songs on this album were released.


The year in which the latest songs on this album were released.


The number of songs on this album
This constant represents a column name that can be used with a ContentProvider through a ContentValues or Cursor object.


This column is available when getting album info via artist, and indicates the number of songs on the album by the given artist.



public static final String ALBUM

The album on which the audio file appears, if any
This constant represents a column name that can be used with a ContentProvider through a ContentValues or Cursor object. The values stored in this column are Cursor#FIELD_TYPE_STRING , and are read-only and cannot be mutated.

Constant Value: "album"


public static final String ALBUM_ART

This constant is deprecated.
Apps may not have filesystem permissions to directly access this path. Instead of trying to open this path directly, apps should use ContentResolver#loadThumbnail to gain access.

Cached album art.
This constant represents a column name that can be used with a ContentProvider through a ContentValues or Cursor object. The values stored in this column are Cursor#FIELD_TYPE_STRING .

Constant Value: "album_art"


public static final String ALBUM_ID

The id for the album
This constant represents a column name that can be used with a ContentProvider through a ContentValues or Cursor object. The values stored in this column are Cursor#FIELD_TYPE_INTEGER , and are read-only and cannot be mutated.

Constant Value: "album_id"


public static final String ALBUM_KEY

This constant is deprecated.
These keys are generated using Locale.ROOT, which means they don't reflect locale-specific sorting preferences. To apply locale-specific sorting preferences, use ContentResolver#QUERY_ARG_SQL_SORT_ORDER with COLLATE LOCALIZED, or ContentResolver#QUERY_ARG_SORT_LOCALE.

A non human readable key calculated from the ALBUM, used for searching, sorting and grouping
This constant represents a column name that can be used with a ContentProvider through a ContentValues or Cursor object. The values stored in this column are Cursor#FIELD_TYPE_STRING , and are read-only and cannot be mutated.

See also:

Constant Value: "album_key"


public static final String ARTIST

The name of the artist whose songs appear on this album.
This constant represents a column name that can be used with a ContentProvider through a ContentValues or Cursor object. The values stored in this column are Cursor#FIELD_TYPE_STRING , and are read-only and cannot be mutated.

Constant Value: "artist"


public static final String ARTIST_ID

The ID of the artist whose songs appear on this album.
This constant represents a column name that can be used with a ContentProvider through a ContentValues or Cursor object. The values stored in this column are Cursor#FIELD_TYPE_INTEGER , and are read-only and cannot be mutated.

Constant Value: "artist_id"


public static final String ARTIST_KEY

This constant is deprecated.
These keys are generated using Locale.ROOT, which means they don't reflect locale-specific sorting preferences. To apply locale-specific sorting preferences, use ContentResolver#QUERY_ARG_SQL_SORT_ORDER with COLLATE LOCALIZED, or ContentResolver#QUERY_ARG_SORT_LOCALE.

A non human readable key calculated from the ARTIST, used for searching, sorting and grouping
This constant represents a column name that can be used with a ContentProvider through a ContentValues or Cursor object. The values stored in this column are Cursor#FIELD_TYPE_STRING , and are read-only and cannot be mutated.

See also:

Constant Value: "artist_key"


public static final String FIRST_YEAR

The year in which the earliest songs on this album were released. This will often be the same as LAST_YEAR, but for compilation albums they might differ.
This constant represents a column name that can be used with a ContentProvider through a ContentValues or Cursor object. The values stored in this column are Cursor#FIELD_TYPE_INTEGER , and are read-only and cannot be mutated.

Constant Value: "minyear"


public static final String LAST_YEAR

The year in which the latest songs on this album were released. This will often be the same as FIRST_YEAR, but for compilation albums they might differ.
This constant represents a column name that can be used with a ContentProvider through a ContentValues or Cursor object. The values stored in this column are Cursor#FIELD_TYPE_INTEGER , and are read-only and cannot be mutated.

Constant Value: "maxyear"


public static final String NUMBER_OF_SONGS

The number of songs on this album
This constant represents a column name that can be used with a ContentProvider through a ContentValues or Cursor object. The values stored in this column are Cursor#FIELD_TYPE_INTEGER , and are read-only and cannot be mutated.

Constant Value: "numsongs"


public static final String NUMBER_OF_SONGS_FOR_ARTIST

This column is available when getting album info via artist, and indicates the number of songs on the album by the given artist.
This constant represents a column name that can be used with a ContentProvider through a ContentValues or Cursor object. The values stored in this column are Cursor#FIELD_TYPE_INTEGER , and are read-only and cannot be mutated.

Constant Value: "numsongs_by_artist"