# Print output for @column tags ?> ContactsContract.DataUsageFeedback - Android SDK | Android Developers

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public static final class ContactsContract.DataUsageFeedback
extends Object

   ↳ android.provider.ContactsContract.DataUsageFeedback

This class is deprecated.
Contacts affinity information is no longer supported as of Android version Build.VERSION_CODES.Q. Both update and delete calls are always ignored.

API allowing applications to send usage information for each Data row to the Contacts Provider. Applications can also clear all usage information.

Caution: If you publish your app to the Google Play Store, this field is obsolete, regardless of Android version. For more information, see the Contacts Provider page.

With the feedback, Contacts Provider may return more contextually appropriate results for Data listing, typically supplied with ContactsContract.Contacts#CONTENT_FILTER_URI, ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Email#CONTENT_FILTER_URI, ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Phone#CONTENT_FILTER_URI, and users can benefit from better ranked (sorted) lists in applications that show auto-complete list.

There is no guarantee for how this feedback is used, or even whether it is used at all. The ranking algorithm will make best efforts to use the feedback data, but the exact implementation, the storage data structures as well as the resulting sort order is device and version specific and can change over time.

When updating usage information, users of this API need to use ContentResolver#update(Uri, ContentValues, String, String[]) with a Uri constructed from DataUsageFeedback#FEEDBACK_URI. The Uri must contain one or more data id(s) as its last path. They also need to append a query parameter to the Uri, to specify the type of the communication, which enables the Contacts Provider to differentiate between kinds of interactions using the same contact data field (for example a phone number can be used to make phone calls or send SMS).

Selection and selectionArgs are ignored and must be set to null. To get data ids, you may need to call ContentResolver#query(Uri, String[], String, String[], String) toward Data#CONTENT_URI.

ContentResolver#update(Uri, ContentValues, String, String[]) returns a positive integer when successful, and returns 0 if no contact with that id was found.


 Uri uri = DataUsageFeedback.FEEDBACK_URI.buildUpon()
         .appendPath(TextUtils.join(",", dataIds))
 boolean successful = resolver.update(uri, new ContentValues(), null, null) > 0;

Applications can also clear all usage information with:

 boolean successful = resolver.delete(DataUsageFeedback.DELETE_USAGE_URI, null, null) > 0;




Name for query parameter specifying the type of data usage.


Type of usage for voice interaction, which includes phone call, voice chat, and video chat.


Type of usage for text interaction involving longer messages, which includes email.


Type of usage for text interaction involving shorter messages, which includes SMS, text chat with email addresses.


public static final Uri DELETE_USAGE_URI

The content:// style URI for deleting all usage information.

public static final Uri FEEDBACK_URI

The content:// style URI for sending usage feedback.

Public constructors


Inherited methods



public static final String USAGE_TYPE

Name for query parameter specifying the type of data usage.

Constant Value: "type"


public static final String USAGE_TYPE_CALL

Type of usage for voice interaction, which includes phone call, voice chat, and video chat.

Constant Value: "call"


public static final String USAGE_TYPE_LONG_TEXT

Type of usage for text interaction involving longer messages, which includes email.

Constant Value: "long_text"


public static final String USAGE_TYPE_SHORT_TEXT

Type of usage for text interaction involving shorter messages, which includes SMS, text chat with email addresses.

Constant Value: "short_text"



public static final Uri DELETE_USAGE_URI

The content:// style URI for deleting all usage information. Must be used with ContentResolver#delete(Uri, String, String[]). The where and selectionArgs parameters are ignored.


public static final Uri FEEDBACK_URI

The content:// style URI for sending usage feedback. Must be used with ContentResolver#update(Uri, ContentValues, String, String[]).

Public constructors


public DataUsageFeedback ()