AbsSavedState |
A Parcelable implementation that should be used by inheritance
hierarchies to ensure the state of all classes along the chain is saved.
AbsoluteSizeSpan |
A span that changes the size of the text it's attached to.
AccessibilityEvent |
This class represents accessibility events that are sent by the system when
something notable happens in the user interface.
AccessibilityGestureEvent |
This class describes the gesture event including gesture id and which display it happens
AccessibilityNodeInfo |
This class represents a node of the window content as well as actions that
can be requested from its source.
AccessibilityNodeInfo.AccessibilityAction |
A class defining an action that can be performed on an AccessibilityNodeInfo .
AccessibilityNodeInfo.TouchDelegateInfo |
Class with information of touch delegated views and regions from TouchDelegate for
the AccessibilityNodeInfo .
AccessibilityServiceInfo |
This class describes an AccessibilityService .
AccessibilityWindowInfo |
This class represents a state snapshot of a window for accessibility
Account |
Value type that represents an Account in the AccountManager .
AccountAuthenticatorResponse |
Object used to communicate responses back to the AccountManager
ActivityInfo |
Information you can retrieve about a particular application
activity or receiver.
ActivityManager.MemoryInfo |
Information you can retrieve about the available memory through
ActivityManager#getMemoryInfo .
ActivityManager.ProcessErrorStateInfo |
Information you can retrieve about any processes that are in an error condition.
ActivityManager.RecentTaskInfo |
Information you can retrieve about tasks that the user has most recently
started or visited.
ActivityManager.RunningAppProcessInfo |
Information you can retrieve about a running process.
ActivityManager.RunningServiceInfo |
Information you can retrieve about a particular Service that is
currently running in the system.
ActivityManager.RunningTaskInfo |
Information you can retrieve about a particular task that is currently
"running" in the system.
ActivityManager.TaskDescription |
Information you can set and retrieve about the current activity within the recent task list.
Address |
A class representing an Address, i.e, a set of Strings describing a location.
AdvertiseData |
Advertise data packet container for Bluetooth LE advertising.
AdvertiseSettings |
The AdvertiseSettings provide a way to adjust advertising preferences for each
Bluetooth LE advertisement instance.
AdvertisingSetParameters |
The AdvertisingSetParameters provide a way to adjust advertising
preferences for each
Bluetooth LE advertising set.
AlarmManager.AlarmClockInfo |
An immutable description of a scheduled "alarm clock" event.
AlignmentSpan.Standard |
Default implementation of the AlignmentSpan .
Annotation |
Annotations are simple key-value pairs that are preserved across
TextView save/restore cycles and can be used to keep application-specific
data that needs to be maintained for regions of text.
ApnSetting |
An Access Point Name (APN) configuration for a carrier data connection.
AppWidgetProviderInfo |
Describes the meta data for an installed AppWidget provider.
ApplicationErrorReport |
Describes an application error.
ApplicationExitInfo |
Describes the information of an application process's death.
ApplicationInfo |
Information you can retrieve about a particular application.
AssetFileDescriptor |
File descriptor of an entry in the AssetManager.
AssistContent |
Holds information about the content an application is viewing, to hand to an
assistant at the user's request.
AssistStructure |
This API automatically creates assist data from the platform's
implementation of assist and autofill.
AssociationRequest |
A request for the user to select a companion device to associate with.
AsyncNotedAppOp |
When an AppOpsManager#noteOp(String, int, String, String, String) and the
app the app-op is noted for has a AppOpsManager.OnOpNotedCallback registered the
note-event needs to be delivered to the callback.
AudioAttributes |
A class to encapsulate a collection of attributes describing information about an audio
AudioFormat |
The AudioFormat class is used to access a number of audio format and
channel configuration constants.
AudioPlaybackConfiguration |
The AudioPlaybackConfiguration class collects the information describing an audio playback
AudioRecordingConfiguration |
The AudioRecordingConfiguration class collects the information describing an audio recording
AuthenticationRequiredException |
Specialization of SecurityException that is thrown when authentication is needed from the
end user before viewing the content.
AuthenticatorDescription |
A Parcelable value type that contains information about an account authenticator.
AutofillId |
A unique identifier for an autofill node inside an Activity .
AutofillValue |
Abstracts how a View can be autofilled by an
AutofillService .
AutomaticZenRule |
Rule instance information for zen mode.
AvailableNetworkInfo |
Defines available network information which includes corresponding subscription id,
network plmns and corresponding priority to be used for network selection by Opportunistic
Network Service when passed through TelephonyManager#updateAvailableNetworks
BackgroundColorSpan |
Changes the background color of the text to which the span is attached.
BarringInfo |
Provides the barring configuration for a particular service type.
BarringInfo.BarringServiceInfo |
Describe the current barring configuration of a cell
BatchUpdates |
Defines actions to be applied to a RemoteViews .
Bitmap |
BlobHandle |
An identifier to represent a blob.
BluetoothClass |
Represents a Bluetooth class, which describes general characteristics
and capabilities of a device.
BluetoothDevice |
Represents a remote Bluetooth device.
BluetoothDeviceFilter |
A filter for Bluetooth(non-LE) devices
BluetoothGattCharacteristic |
Represents a Bluetooth GATT Characteristic
A GATT characteristic is a basic data element used to construct a GATT service,
BluetoothGattService .
BluetoothGattDescriptor |
Represents a Bluetooth GATT Descriptor
GATT Descriptors contain additional information and attributes of a GATT
characteristic, BluetoothGattCharacteristic .
BluetoothGattService |
Represents a Bluetooth GATT Service
Gatt Service contains a collection of BluetoothGattCharacteristic ,
as well as referenced services.
BluetoothHealthAppConfiguration |
This class is deprecated.
Health Device Profile (HDP) and MCAP protocol are no longer used. New
apps should use Bluetooth Low Energy based solutions such as BluetoothGatt ,
BluetoothAdapter#listenUsingL2capChannel() , or
BluetoothHidDeviceAppQosSettings |
Represents the Quality of Service (QoS) settings for a Bluetooth HID Device application.
BluetoothHidDeviceAppSdpSettings |
Represents the Service Discovery Protocol (SDP) settings for a Bluetooth HID Device application.
BluetoothLeDeviceFilter |
A filter for Bluetooth LE devices
BulletSpan |
A span which styles paragraphs as bullet points (respecting layout direction).
Bundle |
A mapping from String keys to various Parcelable values.
CallAudioState |
Encapsulates the telecom audio state, including the current audio routing, supported audio
routing and mute.
CaptivePortal |
A class allowing apps handling the ConnectivityManager#ACTION_CAPTIVE_PORTAL_SIGN_IN
activity to indicate to the system different outcomes of captive portal sign in.
CaptureRequest |
An immutable package of settings and outputs needed to capture a single
image from the camera device.
CarrierIdentifier |
Used to pass info to CarrierConfigService implementations so they can decide what values to
CellIdentity |
CellIdentity represents the identity of a unique cell.
CellIdentityCdma |
CellIdentity is to represent a unique CDMA cell
CellIdentityGsm |
CellIdentity to represent a unique GSM cell
CellIdentityLte |
CellIdentity is to represent a unique LTE cell
CellIdentityNr |
Information to represent a unique NR(New Radio 5G) cell.
CellIdentityTdscdma |
CellIdentity is to represent a unique TD-SCDMA cell
CellIdentityWcdma |
CellIdentity to represent a unique UMTS cell
CellInfo |
Immutable cell information from a point in time.
CellInfoCdma |
A CellInfo representing a CDMA cell that provides identity and measurement info.
CellInfoGsm |
A CellInfo representing a GSM cell that provides identity and measurement info.
CellInfoLte |
A CellInfo representing an LTE cell that provides identity and measurement info.
CellInfoNr |
A CellInfo representing an 5G NR cell that provides identity and measurement info.
CellInfoTdscdma |
A CellInfo representing a TD-SCDMA cell that provides identity and measurement info.
CellInfoWcdma |
A CellInfo representing a WCDMA cell that provides identity and measurement info.
CellSignalStrengthCdma |
Signal strength related information.
CellSignalStrengthGsm |
GSM signal strength related information.
CellSignalStrengthLte |
LTE signal strength related information.
CellSignalStrengthNr |
5G NR signal strength related information.
CellSignalStrengthTdscdma |
Tdscdma signal strength related information.
CellSignalStrengthWcdma |
Wcdma signal strength related information.
ChangedPackages |
Packages that have been changed since the last time they
were requested.
CharSequenceTransformation |
Replaces a TextView child of a CustomDescription with the contents of one or
more regular expressions (regexs).
Characteristics |
The characteristics of the Wi-Fi Aware implementation.
ChooserTarget |
This class is deprecated.
For publishing direct share targets, please follow the instructions in
ClipData |
Representation of a clipped data on the clipboard.
ClipDescription |
Meta-data describing the contents of a ClipData .
ClosedSubscriberGroupInfo |
Information to represent a closed subscriber group.
ColorStateList |
Lets you map View state sets to colors.
CompletionInfo |
Information about a single text completion that an editor has reported to
an input method.
ComponentName |
Identifier for a specific application component
(Activity , Service ,
BroadcastReceiver , or
ContentProvider ) that is available.
Condition |
The current condition of an AutomaticZenRule , provided by the
app that owns the rule.
Configuration |
This class describes all device configuration information that can
impact the resources the application retrieves.
ConfigurationInfo |
Information you can retrieve about hardware configuration preferences
declared by an application.
ConfigurationStats |
Represents the usage statistics of a device Configuration for a
specific time range.
ConnectEvent |
A class that represents a TCP connect event initiated through the standard network stack.
ConnectionRequest |
Simple data container encapsulating a request to some entity to
create a new Connection .
ConnectivityDiagnosticsManager.ConnectivityReport |
Class that includes connectivity information for a specific Network at a specific time.
ConnectivityDiagnosticsManager.DataStallReport |
Class that includes information for a suspected data stall on a specific Network
ContentCaptureCondition |
Defines a condition for when content capture should be allowed.
ContentCaptureContext |
Context associated with a ContentCaptureSession - see ContentCaptureManager for
more info.
ContentCaptureSessionId |
Identifier for a Content Capture session.
ContentProviderOperation |
Represents a single operation to be performed as part of a batch of operations.
ContentProviderResult |
Contains the result of the application of a ContentProviderOperation .
ContentValues |
This class is used to store a set of values that the ContentResolver
can process.
Control |
Represents a physical object that can be represented by a ControlTemplate and whose
properties may be modified through a ControlAction .
ControlButton |
Button element for ControlTemplate .
ConversationAction |
Represents the action suggested by a TextClassifier on a given conversation.
ConversationActions |
Represents a list of actions suggested by a TextClassifier on a given conversation.
ConversationActions.Message |
Represents a message in the conversation.
ConversationActions.Request |
A request object for generating conversation action suggestions.
CorrectionInfo |
Information about a single text correction that an editor has reported to
an input method.
CpuUsageInfo |
CPU usage information per core.
Credential |
Class representing Credential subtree in the PerProviderSubscription (PPS)
Management Object (MO) tree.
Credential.CertificateCredential |
Certificate based credential.
Credential.SimCredential |
SIM (Subscriber Identify Module) based credential.
Credential.UserCredential |
Username-password based credential.
Criteria |
A class indicating the application criteria for selecting a
location provider.
CursorAnchorInfo |
Positional information about the text insertion point and characters in the composition string.
CursorWindow |
A buffer containing multiple cursor rows.
CustomDescription |
Defines a custom description for the autofill save UI.
DataRemovalRequest |
Class used by apps to request the content capture service to remove data associated with
LocusId .
DataShareRequest |
Container class representing a request to share data with Content Capture service.
Dataset |
A Dataset object represents a group of fields (key / value pairs) used
to autofill parts of a screen.
DateTransformation |
Replaces a TextView child of a CustomDescription with the contents of a field
that is expected to have a AutofillValue#forDate(long) .
DateValueSanitizer |
Sanitizes a date AutofillValue using a DateFormat .
Debug.MemoryInfo |
This class is used to retrieved various statistics about the memory mappings for this
DeviceAdminInfo |
This class is used to specify meta information of a device administrator
DeviceFilter<D extends Parcelable> |
A filter for companion devices of type D
DhcpInfo |
A simple object for retrieving the results of a DHCP request.
DirectAction |
Represents a abstract action that can be perform on this app.
DisconnectCause |
Describes the cause of a disconnected call.
Display.HdrCapabilities |
Encapsulates the HDR capabilities of a given display.
Display.Mode |
A mode supported by a given display.
DnsEvent |
A class that represents a DNS lookup event initiated through the standard network stack.
DocumentsContract.Path |
Holds a path from a document to a particular document under it.
DownloadRequest |
Describes a request to download files over cell-broadcast.
DownloadableSubscription |
Information about a subscription which is downloadable to an eUICC using
EuiccManager#downloadSubscription(DownloadableSubscription, boolean, PendingIntent)
DragAndDropPermissions |
DragAndDropPermissions controls the access permissions for the content URIs associated
with a DragEvent .
DragEvent |
Represents an event that is sent out by the system at various times during a drag and drop
DropBoxManager.Entry |
A single entry retrieved from the drop box.
EasyEditSpan |
Provides an easy way to edit a portion of text.
EditorInfo |
An EditorInfo describes several attributes of a text editing object
that an input method is communicating with (typically an EditText), most
importantly the type of text content it contains and the current cursor position.
EmergencyNumber |
A parcelable class that wraps and retrieves the information of number, service category(s) and
country code for a specific emergency number.
EuiccInfo |
Information about an eUICC chip/device.
EventStats |
Contains usage statistics for an event type for a specific
time range.
ExternalStorageStats |
Shared/external storage statistics for a UserHandle on a single
storage volume.
ExtractedText |
Information about text that has been extracted for use by an input method.
ExtractedTextRequest |
Description of what an input method would like from an application when
extract text from its input editor.
FactoryResetProtectionPolicy |
The factory reset protection policy determines which accounts can unlock a device that
has gone through untrusted factory reset.
FeatureGroupInfo |
A set of features that can be requested by an application.
FeatureInfo |
Definition of a single optional hardware or software feature of an Android
FileInfo |
Describes a single file that is available over MBMS.
FileServiceInfo |
Describes a file service available from the carrier from which files can be downloaded via
FillContext |
This class represents a context for each fill request made via AutofillService#onFillRequest(FillRequest, CancellationSignal, FillCallback) .
FillEventHistory |
Describes what happened after the last
AutofillService#onFillRequest(FillRequest, android.os.CancellationSignal, FillCallback)
FillRequest |
This class represents a request to an autofill service
to interpret the screen and provide information to the system which views are
interesting for saving and what are the possible ways to fill the inputs on
the screen if applicable.
FillResponse |
Response for an AutofillService#onFillRequest(FillRequest, android.os.CancellationSignal, FillCallback) .
ForegroundColorSpan |
Changes the color of the text to which the span is attached.
Fragment.SavedState |
This class is deprecated.
Use Fragment.SavedState
GatewayInfo |
Encapsulated gateway address information for outgoing call.
Gesture |
A gesture is a hand-drawn shape on a touch screen.
GetWalletCardsError |
Error response for an GetWalletCardsRequest .
GetWalletCardsRequest |
Represents a request to a QuickAccessWalletService for WalletCard .
GetWalletCardsResponse |
The response for an GetWalletCardsRequest contains a list of wallet cards and the index
of the card that should initially be displayed in the 'selected' position.
GnssAntennaInfo |
A class that contains information about a GNSS antenna.
GnssAntennaInfo.PhaseCenterOffset |
Class containing information about the antenna phase center offset (PCO).
GnssAntennaInfo.SphericalCorrections |
Represents corrections on a spherical mapping.
GnssClock |
A class containing a GPS clock timestamp.
GnssMeasurement |
A class representing a GNSS satellite measurement, containing raw and computed information.
GnssMeasurementsEvent |
A class implementing a container for data associated with a measurement event.
GnssNavigationMessage |
A class containing a GNSS satellite Navigation Message.
HardwareBuffer |
HardwareBuffer wraps a native AHardwareBuffer object, which is a low-level object
representing a memory buffer accessible by various hardware units.
HomeSp |
Class representing HomeSP subtree in PerProviderSubscription (PPS)
Management Object (MO) tree.
IccOpenLogicalChannelResponse |
Response to the TelephonyManager#iccOpenLogicalChannel command.
Icon |
An umbrella container for several serializable graphics representations, including Bitmaps,
compressed bitmap images (e.g. JPG or PNG), and drawable resources (including vectors).
ImageTransformation |
Replaces the content of a child ImageView of a
RemoteViews with the first image that matches a regular expression
ImsReasonInfo |
Provides details on why an IMS call failed.
InlinePresentation |
Wrapper class holding a Slice and an InlinePresentationSpec for rendering UI
for an Inline Suggestion.
InlinePresentationSpec |
This class represents the presentation specification by which an inline suggestion
should abide when constructing its UI.
InlineSuggestion |
This class represents an inline suggestion which is made by one app and can be embedded into the
UI of another.
InlineSuggestionInfo |
This class represents the description of an inline suggestion.
InlineSuggestionsRequest |
This class represents an inline suggestion request made by one app to get suggestions from the
other source.
InlineSuggestionsResponse |
This class represents an inline suggestion response.
InputBinding |
Information given to an InputMethod about a client connecting
to it.
InputContentInfo |
A container object with which input methods can send content files to the target application.
InputDevice |
Describes the capabilities of a particular input device.
InputEvent |
Common base class for input events.
InputMethodInfo |
This class is used to specify meta information of an input method.
InputMethodSubtype |
This class is used to specify meta information of a subtype contained in an input method editor
Insets |
An Insets instance holds four integer offsets which describe changes to the four
edges of a Rectangle.
InstallSourceInfo |
Information about how an app was installed.
InstrumentationInfo |
Information you can retrieve about a particular piece of test
Intent |
An intent is an abstract description of an operation to be performed.
Intent.ShortcutIconResource |
Represents a shortcut/live folder icon resource.
IntentFilter |
Structured description of Intent values to be matched.
IntentSender |
A description of an Intent and target action to perform with it.
IpPrefix |
This class represents an IP prefix, i.e., a contiguous block of IP addresses aligned on a
power of two boundary (also known as an "IP subnet").
IpSecAlgorithm |
This class represents a single algorithm that can be used by an IpSecTransform .
JobInfo |
Container of data passed to the JobScheduler fully encapsulating the
parameters required to schedule work against the calling application.
JobInfo.TriggerContentUri |
Information about a content URI modification that a job would like to
trigger on.
JobParameters |
Contains the parameters used to configure/identify your job.
JobWorkItem |
A unit of work that can be enqueued for a job using
JobScheduler#enqueue .
KeyCharacterMap |
Describes the keys provided by a keyboard device and their associated labels.
KeyEvent |
Object used to report key and button events.
KeyboardShortcutGroup |
A group of KeyboardShortcutInfo .
KeyboardShortcutInfo |
Information about a Keyboard Shortcut.
LabeledIntent |
A special subclass of Intent that can have a custom label/icon
associated with it.
LauncherApps.PinItemRequest |
Represents a "pin shortcut" or a "pin appwidget" request made by an app, which is sent with
respectively to the default launcher app.
LeadingMarginSpan.Standard |
The standard implementation of LeadingMarginSpan, which adjusts the
margin but does not do any rendering.
LineBackgroundSpan.Standard |
Default implementation of the LineBackgroundSpan , which changes the background
color of the lines to which the span is attached.
LineHeightSpan.Standard |
Default implementation of the LineHeightSpan , which changes the line height of the
attached paragraph.
LinkAddress |
Identifies an IP address on a network link.
LinkProperties |
Describes the properties of a network link.
LocaleList |
LocaleList is an immutable list of Locales, typically used to keep an ordered list of user
preferences for locales.
LocaleSpan |
Changes the Locale of the text to which the span is attached.
Location |
A data class representing a geographic location.
LocusId |
An identifier for an unique state (locus) in the application.
LuhnChecksumValidator |
Validator that returns true if the number created by concatenating all given fields
pass a Luhn algorithm checksum.
MacAddress |
Representation of a MAC address.
MediaBrowser.MediaItem |
A class with information on a single media item for use in browsing/searching media.
MediaController.PlaybackInfo |
Holds information about the current playback and how audio is handled for
this session.
MediaDescription |
A simple set of metadata for a media item suitable for display.
MediaMetadata |
Contains metadata about an item, such as the title, artist, etc.
MediaPlayer.TrackInfo |
Class for MediaPlayer to return each audio/video/subtitle track's metadata.
MediaRoute2Info |
Describes the properties of a route.
MediaSession.QueueItem |
A single item that is part of the play queue.
MediaSession.Token |
Represents an ongoing session.
Message |
Defines a message containing a description and arbitrary data object that can be
sent to a Handler .
MessagePdu |
A parcelable list of PDUs representing contents of a possibly multi-part SMS.
Messenger |
Reference to a Handler, which others can use to send messages to it.
MidiDeviceInfo |
This class contains information to describe a MIDI device.
MidiDeviceStatus |
This is an immutable class that describes the current status of a MIDI device's ports.
ModuleInfo |
Information you can retrieve about a particular system
MotionEvent |
Object used to report movement (mouse, pen, finger, trackball) events.
NdefMessage |
Represents an immutable NDEF Message.
NdefRecord |
Represents an immutable NDEF Record.
NeighboringCellInfo |
This class is deprecated.
This class should not be used by any app targeting
Android Q or higher. Instead callers should use
CellInfo .
Network |
Identifies a Network .
NetworkCapabilities |
Representation of the capabilities of an active network.
NetworkEvent |
An abstract class that represents a network event.
NetworkInfo |
This class is deprecated.
Callers should instead use the ConnectivityManager.NetworkCallback API to
learn about connectivity changes, or switch to use
ConnectivityManager#getNetworkCapabilities or
ConnectivityManager#getLinkProperties to get information synchronously. Keep
in mind that while callbacks are guaranteed to be called for every event in order,
synchronous calls have no such constraints, and as such it is unadvisable to use the
synchronous methods inside the callbacks as they will often not offer a view of
networking that is consistent (that is: they may return a past or a future state with
respect to the event being processed by the callback). Instead, callers are advised
to only use the arguments of the callbacks, possibly memorizing the specific bits of
information they need to keep from one callback to another.
NetworkRegistrationInfo |
Description of a mobile network registration info
NetworkRequest |
Defines a request for a network, made through NetworkRequest.Builder and used
to request a network via ConnectivityManager#requestNetwork or listen for changes
via ConnectivityManager#registerNetworkCallback .
NetworkScanRequest |
Defines a request to peform a network scan.
Notification |
A class that represents how a persistent notification is to be presented to
the user using the NotificationManager .
Notification.Action |
Structure to encapsulate a named action that can be shown as part of this notification.
Notification.BubbleMetadata |
Encapsulates the information needed to display a notification as a bubble.
NotificationChannel |
A representation of settings that apply to a collection of similarly themed notifications.
NotificationChannelGroup |
A grouping of related notification channels.
NotificationListenerService.RankingMap |
Provides access to ranking information on currently active
NotificationManager.Policy |
Notification policy configuration.
NsdServiceInfo |
A class representing service information for network service discovery
ObbInfo |
Basic information about a Opaque Binary Blob (OBB) that reflects the info
from the footer on the OBB file.
OutputConfiguration |
A class for describing camera output, which contains a Surface and its specific
configuration for creating capture session.
PackageInfo |
Overall information about the contents of a package.
PackageInstaller.SessionInfo |
Details for an active install session.
PackageInstaller.SessionParams |
Parameters for creating a new PackageInstaller.Session .
PackageStats |
This class is deprecated.
this class is an orphan that could never be obtained from a valid
public API. If you need package storage statistics use the new
StorageStatsManager APIs.
PageRange |
Represents a range of pages.
ParcelFileDescriptor |
The FileDescriptor returned by Parcel#readFileDescriptor , allowing
you to close it when done with it.
ParcelUuid |
This class is a Parcelable wrapper around UUID which is an
immutable representation of a 128-bit universally unique
ParcelablePeerHandle |
A Parcelable PeerHandle .
ParcelableSpan |
A special kind of Parcelable for objects that will serve as text spans.
PasspointConfiguration |
Class representing Passpoint configuration.
PathPermission |
Description of permissions needed to access a particular path
in a ProviderInfo .
PatternMatcher |
A simple pattern matcher, which is safe to use on untrusted data: it does
not provide full reg-exp support, only simple globbing that can not be
used maliciously.
PendingIntent |
A description of an Intent and target action to perform with it.
PeriodicAdvertisingParameters |
The PeriodicAdvertisingParameters provide a way to adjust periodic
advertising preferences for each Bluetooth LE advertising set.
PeriodicSync |
Value type that contains information about a periodic sync.
PermissionGroupInfo |
Information you can retrieve about a particular security permission
group known to the system.
PermissionInfo |
Information you can retrieve about a particular security permission
known to the system.
PersistableBundle |
A mapping from String keys to values of various types.
Person |
Provides an immutable reference to an entity that appears repeatedly on different surfaces of the
PhoneAccount |
Represents a distinct method to place or receive a phone call.
PhoneAccountHandle |
The unique identifier for a PhoneAccount .
PhoneAccountSuggestion |
PictureInPictureParams |
Represents a set of parameters used to initialize and update an Activity in picture-in-picture
PlaybackParams |
Structure for common playback params.
PlaybackState |
Playback state for a MediaSession .
PlaybackState.CustomAction |
PlaybackState.CustomAction can be used to extend the capabilities of
the standard transport controls by exposing app specific actions to
MediaController .
Point |
Point holds two integer coordinates
PointF |
PointF holds two float coordinates
PointerIcon |
Represents an icon that can be used as a mouse pointer.
PreciseDataConnectionState |
Contains precise data connection state.
Preference.BaseSavedState |
This class is deprecated.
Use the AndroidX
Preference Library for consistent behavior across all devices.
For more information on using the AndroidX Preference Library see
PreferenceActivity.Header |
This class is deprecated.
Use the AndroidX
Preference Library for consistent behavior across all devices.
For more information on using the AndroidX Preference Library see
PrintAttributes |
This class represents the attributes of a print job.
PrintDocumentInfo |
This class encapsulates information about a document for printing
PrintJobId |
This class represents the id of a print job.
PrintJobInfo |
This class represents the description of a print job.
PrinterCapabilitiesInfo |
This class represents the capabilities of a printer.
PrinterId |
This class represents the unique id of a printer.
PrinterInfo |
This class represents the description of a printer.
ProviderInfo |
Holds information about a specific
content provider .
ProxyInfo |
Describes a proxy configuration.
PublishConfig |
Defines the configuration of a Aware publish session.
QuoteSpan |
A span which styles paragraphs by adding a vertical stripe at the beginning of the text
(respecting layout direction).
RadioAccessSpecifier |
Describes a particular radio access network to be scanned.
RangingRequest |
Defines the ranging request to other devices.
RangingResult |
Ranging result for a request started by
WifiRttManager#startRanging(RangingRequest, java.util.concurrent.Executor, RangingResultCallback) .
Rating |
A class to encapsulate rating information used as content metadata.
RecoverableSecurityException |
Specialization of SecurityException that contains additional
information about how to involve the end user to recover from the exception.
Rect |
Rect holds four integer coordinates for a rectangle.
RectF |
RectF holds four float coordinates for a rectangle.
RegexValidator |
Defines if a field is valid based on a regular expression (regex).
Region |
RelativeSizeSpan |
Uniformly scales the size of the text to which it's attached by a certain proportion.
RemoteAction |
Represents a remote action that can be called from another process.
RemoteInput |
A RemoteInput object specifies input to be collected from a user to be passed along with
an intent inside a PendingIntent that is sent.
RemoteViews |
A class that describes a view hierarchy that can be displayed in
another process.
ResolveInfo |
Information that is returned from resolving an intent
against an IntentFilter.
ResponderLocation |
ResponderLocation is both a Location Configuration Information (LCI) decoder and a Location Civic
Report (LCR) decoder for information received from a Wi-Fi Access Point (AP) during Wi-Fi RTT
ranging process.
RestrictionEntry |
Applications can expose restrictions for a restricted user on a
multiuser device.
ResultReceiver |
Generic interface for receiving a callback result from someone.
RouteDiscoveryPreference |
A media route discovery preference describing the features of routes that media router
would like to discover and whether to perform active scanning.
RouteInfo |
Represents a network route.
RoutingSessionInfo |
Describes a routing session which is created when a media route is selected.
SaveInfo |
Information used to indicate that an AutofillService is interested on saving the
user-inputed data for future use, through a
AutofillService#onSaveRequest(SaveRequest, SaveCallback)
SaveRequest |
This class represents a request to an AutofillService to save applicable data entered by the user.
ScaleXSpan |
Scales horizontally the size of the text to which it's attached by a certain factor.
ScanFilter |
Criteria for filtering result from Bluetooth LE scans.
ScanResult |
Describes information about a detected access point.
ScanSettings |
Bluetooth LE scan settings are passed to BluetoothLeScanner#startScan to define the
parameters for the scan.
SearchableInfo |
Searchability meta-data for an activity.
SecurityLog.SecurityEvent |
A class representing a security event log entry.
SelectWalletCardRequest |
Represents a request to a QuickAccessWalletService to select a particular WalletCard .
SelectionEvent |
A selection event.
SentenceSuggestionsInfo |
This class contains a metadata of suggestions returned from a text service
(e.g. SpellCheckerService ).
ServiceInfo |
Information you can retrieve about a particular application
ServiceState |
Contains phone state and service related information.
Session2Command |
This API is not generally intended for third party application developers.
Session2CommandGroup |
This API is not generally intended for third party application developers.
Session2Token |
This API is not generally intended for third party application developers.
SessionConfiguration |
A helper class that aggregates all supported arguments for capture session initialization.
SharedLibraryInfo |
This class provides information for a shared library.
SharedMemory |
SharedMemory enables the creation, mapping, and protection control over anonymous shared memory.
ShortcutInfo |
Represents a shortcut that can be published via ShortcutManager .
SignalStrength |
Contains phone signal strength related information.
Signature |
Opaque, immutable representation of a signing certificate associated with an
application package.
SigningInfo |
Information pertaining to the signing certificates used to sign a package.
SipProfile |
Defines a SIP profile, including a SIP account, domain and server information.
Slice |
A slice is a piece of app content and actions that can be surfaced outside of the app.
SliceItem |
A SliceItem is a single unit in the tree structure of a Slice .
SliceSpec |
Class describing the structure of the data contained within a slice.
SoftApConfiguration |
Configuration for a soft access point (a.k.a.
SpellCheckerInfo |
This class is used to specify meta information of a spell checker.
SpellCheckerSubtype |
This class is used to specify meta information of a subtype contained in a spell checker.
StatusBarNotification |
Class encapsulating a Notification.
StatusHints |
Contains status label and icon displayed in the in-call UI.
StorageStats |
Storage statistics for a UID, package, or UserHandle on a single
storage volume.
StorageVolume |
Information about a shared/external storage volume for a specific user.
StreamingServiceInfo |
Describes a single MBMS streaming service.
StrikethroughSpan |
A span that strikes through the text it's attached to.
StyleSpan |
Span that allows setting the style of the text it's attached to.
SubscribeConfig |
Defines the configuration of a Aware subscribe session.
SubscriptSpan |
The span that moves the position of the text baseline lower.
SubscriptionInfo |
A Parcelable class for Subscription Information.
SubscriptionPlan |
Description of a billing relationship plan between a carrier and a specific
SuggestionSpan |
Holds suggestion candidates for the text enclosed in this span.
SuggestionsInfo |
This class contains a metadata of suggestions from the text service
SuperscriptSpan |
The span that moves the position of the text baseline higher.
SupplicantState |
From defs.h in wpa_supplicant .
Surface |
Handle onto a raw buffer that is being managed by the screen compositor.
SurfaceControl |
Handle to an on-screen Surface managed by the system compositor.
SurfaceControl.Transaction |
An atomic set of changes to a set of SurfaceControl.
SurfaceControlViewHost.SurfacePackage |
Package encapsulating a Surface hierarchy which contains interactive view
SyncAdapterType |
Value type that represents a SyncAdapterType.
SyncInfo |
Information about the sync operation that is currently underway.
SyncNotedAppOp |
Description of an app-op that was noted for the current process.
SyncRequest |
Convenience class to construct sync requests.
SyncResult |
This class is used to communicate the results of a sync operation to the SyncManager.
SyncStats |
Used to record various statistics about the result of a sync operation.
SystemUpdateInfo |
A class containing information about a pending system update.
SystemUpdatePolicy |
Determines when over-the-air system updates are installed on a device.
SystemUpdatePolicy.ValidationFailedException |
An exception class that represents various validation errors thrown from
SystemUpdatePolicy#setFreezePeriods and
Tag |
Represents an NFC tag that has been discovered.
TelephonyDisplayInfo |
TelephonyDisplayInfo contains telephony-related information used for display purposes only.
TelephonyNetworkSpecifier |
NetworkSpecifier object for cellular network request.
TextAppearanceSpan |
Sets the text appearance using the given
TextAppearance attributes.
TextClassification |
Information for generating a widget to handle classified text.
TextClassification.Request |
A request object for generating TextClassification.
TextClassificationContext |
A representation of the context in which text classification would be performed.
TextClassificationSessionId |
This class represents the id of a text classification session.
TextClassifier.EntityConfig |
Configuration object for specifying what entity types to identify.
TextClassifierEvent |
This class represents events that are sent by components to the TextClassifier to report
something of note that relates to a feature powered by the TextClassifier.
TextClassifierEvent.ConversationActionsEvent |
This class represents events that are related to the conversation actions feature.
TextClassifierEvent.LanguageDetectionEvent |
This class represents events that are related to the language detection feature.
TextClassifierEvent.TextLinkifyEvent |
This class represents events that are related to the smart linkify feature.
TextClassifierEvent.TextSelectionEvent |
This class represents events that are related to the smart text selection feature.
TextInfo |
This class contains a metadata of the input of TextService
TextLanguage |
Represents the result of language detection of a piece of text.
TextLanguage.Request |
A request object for detecting the language of a piece of text.
TextLinks |
A collection of links, representing subsequences of text and the entity types (phone number,
address, url, etc) they may be.
TextLinks.Request |
A request object for generating TextLinks.
TextLinks.TextLink |
A link, identifying a substring of text and possible entity types for it.
TextSelection |
Information about where text selection should be.
TextSelection.Request |
A request object for generating TextSelection.
TextValueSanitizer |
Sanitizes a text AutofillValue using a regular expression (regex) substitution.
TextView.SavedState |
User interface state that is stored by TextView for implementing
View#onSaveInstanceState .
Tile |
A Tile holds the state of a tile that will be displayed
in Quick Settings.
TimerStat |
A TimerStat object stores a count and a time.
TtsSpan |
A span that supplies additional meta-data for the associated text intended
for text-to-speech engines.
TvInputInfo |
This class is used to specify meta information of a TV input.
TvTrackInfo |
Encapsulates the format of tracks played in TvInputService .
TypefaceSpan |
Span that updates the typeface of the text it's attached to.
URLSpan |
Implementation of the ClickableSpan that allows setting a url string.
UiccCardInfo |
The UiccCardInfo represents information about a currently inserted UICC or embedded eUICC.
UnderlineSpan |
A span that underlines the text it's attached to.
Uri |
Immutable URI reference.
UriPermission |
Description of a single Uri permission grant.
UsageEvents |
A result returned from UsageStatsManager.queryEvents(long, long)
from which to read UsageEvents.Event objects.
UsageStats |
Contains usage statistics for an app package for a specific
time range.
UsbAccessory |
A class representing a USB accessory, which is an external hardware component
that communicates with an android application over USB.
UsbConfiguration |
A class representing a configuration on a UsbDevice .
UsbDevice |
This class represents a USB device attached to the android device with the android device
acting as the USB host.
UsbEndpoint |
A class representing an endpoint on a UsbInterface .
UsbInterface |
A class representing an interface on a UsbDevice .
UserData |
Defines the user data used for
field classification.
UserHandle |
Representation of a user on the device.
VerifiedInputEvent |
Base class for verified events.
VerifiedKeyEvent |
KeyEvent that has been verified by the system.
VerifiedMotionEvent |
MotionEvent that has been verified by the system.
VersionedPackage |
Encapsulates a package and its version code.
VibrationAttributes |
A class to encapsulate a collection of attributes describing information about a vibration
VibrationEffect |
A VibrationEffect describes a haptic effect to be performed by a Vibrator .
VideoProfile |
Represents attributes of video calls.
VideoProfile.CameraCapabilities |
Represents the camera capabilities important to a Video Telephony provider.
View.BaseSavedState |
Base class for derived classes that want to save and restore their own
state in View.onSaveInstanceState() .
VisibilitySetterAction |
Action used to change the visibility of other child view in a CustomDescription
RemoteViews .
VisualVoicemailSms |
Represents the content of a visual voicemail SMS.
VisualVoicemailSmsFilterSettings |
Class to represent various settings for the visual voicemail SMS filter.
Voice |
Characteristics and features of a Text-To-Speech Voice.
VoiceInteractor.PickOptionRequest.Option |
Represents a single option that the user may select using their voice.
VoiceInteractor.Prompt |
A set of voice prompts to use with the voice interaction system to confirm an action, select
an option, or do similar operations.
VolumeShaper.Configuration |
The VolumeShaper.Configuration class contains curve
and duration information.
VolumeShaper.Operation |
The VolumeShaper.Operation class is used to specify operations
to the VolumeShaper that affect the volume change.
WalletCard |
A WalletCard can represent anything that a user might carry in their wallet -- a credit
card, library card, transit pass, etc.
WalletServiceEvent |
Represents a request from the QuickAccessWalletService to the Quick Access
Wallet in System UI.
WallpaperColors |
Provides information about the colors of a wallpaper.
WallpaperInfo |
This class is used to specify meta information of a wallpaper service.
WifiAwareNetworkInfo |
Wi-Fi Aware-specific network information.
WifiAwareNetworkSpecifier |
Network specifier object used to request a Wi-Fi Aware network.
WifiConfiguration |
This class is deprecated.
Use WifiNetworkSpecifier.Builder to create NetworkSpecifier and
WifiNetworkSuggestion.Builder to create WifiNetworkSuggestion . This will become a
system use only object in the future.
WifiDeviceFilter |
A filter for Wifi devices
WifiEnterpriseConfig |
Enterprise configuration details for Wi-Fi.
WifiInfo |
Describes the state of any Wi-Fi connection that is active or
is in the process of being set up.
WifiNetworkSpecifier |
Network specifier object used to request a local Wi-Fi network.
WifiNetworkSuggestion |
The Network Suggestion object is used to provide a Wi-Fi network for consideration when
auto-connecting to networks.
WifiP2pConfig |
A class representing a Wi-Fi P2p configuration for setting up a connection
WifiP2pDevice |
A class representing a Wi-Fi p2p device
Note that the operations are not thread safe
WifiP2pDeviceList |
A class representing a Wi-Fi P2p device list.
WifiP2pDnsSdServiceInfo |
A class for storing Bonjour service information that is advertised
over a Wi-Fi peer-to-peer setup.
WifiP2pDnsSdServiceRequest |
A class for creating a Bonjour service discovery request for use with
WifiP2pManager#addServiceRequest and WifiP2pManager#removeServiceRequest
WifiP2pGroup |
A class representing a Wi-Fi P2p group.
WifiP2pInfo |
A class representing connection information about a Wi-Fi p2p group
WifiP2pServiceInfo |
A class for storing service information that is advertised
over a Wi-Fi peer-to-peer setup
WifiP2pServiceRequest |
A class for creating a service discovery request for use with
WifiP2pManager#addServiceRequest and WifiP2pManager#removeServiceRequest
This class is used to create service discovery request for custom
vendor specific service discovery protocol WifiP2pServiceInfo#SERVICE_TYPE_VENDOR_SPECIFIC
or to search all service protocols WifiP2pServiceInfo#SERVICE_TYPE_ALL .
WifiP2pUpnpServiceInfo |
A class for storing Upnp service information that is advertised
over a Wi-Fi peer-to-peer setup.
WifiP2pUpnpServiceRequest |
A class for creating a Upnp service discovery request for use with
WifiP2pManager#addServiceRequest and WifiP2pManager#removeServiceRequest
WifiP2pWfdInfo |
A class representing Wifi Display information for a device.
WindowAnimationFrameStats |
This class contains window animation frame statistics.
WindowContentFrameStats |
This class contains window content frame statistics.
WindowId |
Safe identifier for a window.
WindowManager.LayoutParams |
WorkSource |
Describes the source of some work that may be done by someone else.
WpsInfo |
A class representing Wi-Fi Protected Setup
ZenPolicy |
ZenPolicy determines whether to allow certain notifications and their corresponding sounds to
play when a device is in Do Not Disturb mode.