# Print output for @column tags ?> ClickableSpan - Android SDK | Android Developers

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public abstract class ClickableSpan
extends CharacterStyle implements UpdateAppearance

   ↳ android.text.style.CharacterStyle
     ↳ android.text.style.ClickableSpan

If an object of this type is attached to the text of a TextView with a movement method of LinkMovementMethod, the affected spans of text can be selected. If selected and clicked, the onClick(View) method will be called.

The text with a ClickableSpan attached will be underlined and the link color will be used as a text color. The default link color is the theme's accent color or android:textColorLink if this attribute is defined in the theme. For example, considering that we have a CustomClickableSpan that extends ClickableSpan, it can be used like this:

SpannableString string = new SpannableString("Text with clickable text");
string.setSpan(new CustomClickableSpan(), 10, 19, Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE);
Text with ClickableSpan.


Public constructors


Public methods

abstract void onClick(View widget)

Performs the click action associated with this span.

void updateDrawState(TextPaint ds)

Makes the text underlined and in the link color.

Inherited methods

Public constructors


public ClickableSpan ()

Public methods


public abstract void onClick (View widget)

Performs the click action associated with this span.

widget View: This value cannot be null.


public void updateDrawState (TextPaint ds)

Makes the text underlined and in the link color.

ds TextPaint: This value cannot be null.