# Print output for @column tags ?> UsageStatsManager - Android SDK | Android Developers

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public final class UsageStatsManager
extends Object

   ↳ android.app.usage.UsageStatsManager

Provides access to device usage history and statistics. Usage data is aggregated into time intervals: days, weeks, months, and years.

When requesting usage data since a particular time, the request might look something like this:

 PAST                   REQUEST_TIME                    TODAY                   FUTURE
                        YEAR ||                           ¦                       |
  MONTH            |         ||                MONTH      ¦                       |
   |      WEEK     |     WEEK||    |     WEEK     |     WE¦EK     |      WEEK     |
                             ||           |DAY|DAY|DAY|DAY¦DAY|DAY|DAY|DAY|DAY|DAY|
A request for data in the middle of a time interval will include that interval.

NOTE: Most methods on this API require the permission android.permission.PACKAGE_USAGE_STATS. However, declaring the permission implies intention to use the API and the user of the device still needs to grant permission through the Settings application. See Settings.ACTION_USAGE_ACCESS_SETTINGS. Methods which only return the information for the calling package do not require this permission. E.g. getAppStandbyBucket() and queryEventsForSelf(long, long).




An interval type that will use the best fit interval for the given time range.


An interval type that spans a day.


An interval type that spans a month.


An interval type that spans a week.


An interval type that spans a year.


The app was used very recently, currently in use or likely to be used very soon.


The app was used in the last few days and/or likely to be used in the next few days.


The app has not be used for several days and/or is unlikely to be used for several days.


The app has not be used for several days, is unlikely to be used for several days, and has been misbehaving in some manner.


The app was used recently and/or likely to be used in the next few hours.

Public methods

int getAppStandbyBucket()

Returns the current standby bucket of the calling app.

boolean isAppInactive(String packageName)

Returns whether the specified app is currently considered inactive.

Map<StringUsageStats> queryAndAggregateUsageStats(long beginTime, long endTime)

A convenience method that queries for all stats in the given range (using the best interval for that range), merges the resulting data, and keys it by package name.

List<ConfigurationStats> queryConfigurations(int intervalType, long beginTime, long endTime)

Gets the hardware configurations the device was in for the given time range, aggregated by the specified interval.

List<EventStats> queryEventStats(int intervalType, long beginTime, long endTime)

Gets aggregated event stats for the given time range, aggregated by the specified interval.

UsageEvents queryEvents(long beginTime, long endTime)

Query for events in the given time range.

UsageEvents queryEventsForSelf(long beginTime, long endTime)

Like queryEvents(long, long), but only returns events for the calling package.

List<UsageStats> queryUsageStats(int intervalType, long beginTime, long endTime)

Gets application usage stats for the given time range, aggregated by the specified interval.

Inherited methods



public static final int INTERVAL_BEST

An interval type that will use the best fit interval for the given time range. See queryUsageStats(int, long, long).

Constant Value: 4 (0x00000004)


public static final int INTERVAL_DAILY

An interval type that spans a day. See queryUsageStats(int, long, long).

Constant Value: 0 (0x00000000)


public static final int INTERVAL_MONTHLY

An interval type that spans a month. See queryUsageStats(int, long, long).

Constant Value: 2 (0x00000002)


public static final int INTERVAL_WEEKLY

An interval type that spans a week. See queryUsageStats(int, long, long).

Constant Value: 1 (0x00000001)


public static final int INTERVAL_YEARLY

An interval type that spans a year. See queryUsageStats(int, long, long).

Constant Value: 3 (0x00000003)


public static final int STANDBY_BUCKET_ACTIVE

The app was used very recently, currently in use or likely to be used very soon. Standby bucket values that are ≤ STANDBY_BUCKET_ACTIVE will not be throttled by the system while they are in this bucket. Buckets > STANDBY_BUCKET_ACTIVE will most likely be restricted in some way. For instance, jobs and alarms may be deferred.

See also:

Constant Value: 10 (0x0000000a)


public static final int STANDBY_BUCKET_FREQUENT

The app was used in the last few days and/or likely to be used in the next few days. Restrictions will apply to these apps, such as deferral of jobs and alarms. The delays may be greater than for apps in higher buckets (lower bucket value). Bucket values > STANDBY_BUCKET_FREQUENT may additionally have network access limited.

See also:

Constant Value: 30 (0x0000001e)


public static final int STANDBY_BUCKET_RARE

The app has not be used for several days and/or is unlikely to be used for several days. Apps in this bucket will have more restrictions, including network restrictions, except during certain short periods (at a minimum, once a day) when they are allowed to execute jobs, access the network, etc.

See also:

Constant Value: 40 (0x00000028)


public static final int STANDBY_BUCKET_RESTRICTED

The app has not be used for several days, is unlikely to be used for several days, and has been misbehaving in some manner. Apps in this bucket will have the most restrictions, including network restrictions and additional restrictions on jobs.

Note: this bucket is not enabled in Build.VERSION_CODES#R.

See also:

Constant Value: 45 (0x0000002d)


public static final int STANDBY_BUCKET_WORKING_SET

The app was used recently and/or likely to be used in the next few hours. Restrictions will apply to these apps, such as deferral of jobs and alarms.

See also:

Constant Value: 20 (0x00000014)

Public methods


public int getAppStandbyBucket ()

Returns the current standby bucket of the calling app. The system determines the standby state of the app based on app usage patterns. Standby buckets determine how much an app will be restricted from running background tasks such as jobs and alarms.

Restrictions increase progressively from STANDBY_BUCKET_ACTIVE to STANDBY_BUCKET_RESTRICTED, with STANDBY_BUCKET_ACTIVE being the least restrictive. The battery level of the device might also affect the restrictions.

Apps in buckets ≤ STANDBY_BUCKET_ACTIVE have no standby restrictions imposed. Apps in buckets > STANDBY_BUCKET_FREQUENT may have network access restricted when running in the background.

The standby state of an app can change at any time either due to a user interaction or a system interaction or some algorithm determining that the app can be restricted for a period of time before the user has a need for it.

You can also query the recent history of standby bucket changes by calling queryEventsForSelf(long, long) and searching for UsageEvents.Event#STANDBY_BUCKET_CHANGED.

int the current standby bucket of the calling app. One of STANDBY_BUCKET_* constants. Value is android.app.usage.UsageStatsManager.STANDBY_BUCKET_EXEMPTED, STANDBY_BUCKET_ACTIVE, STANDBY_BUCKET_WORKING_SET, STANDBY_BUCKET_FREQUENT, STANDBY_BUCKET_RARE, STANDBY_BUCKET_RESTRICTED, or android.app.usage.UsageStatsManager.STANDBY_BUCKET_NEVER


public boolean isAppInactive (String packageName)

Returns whether the specified app is currently considered inactive. This will be true if the app hasn't been used directly or indirectly for a period of time defined by the system. This could be of the order of several hours or days. Apps are not considered inactive when the device is charging.

The caller must have Manifest.permission.PACKAGE_USAGE_STATS to query the inactive state of other apps

packageName String: The package name of the app to query

boolean whether the app is currently considered inactive or false if querying another app without Manifest.permission.PACKAGE_USAGE_STATS


public Map<StringUsageStats> queryAndAggregateUsageStats (long beginTime, 
                long endTime)

A convenience method that queries for all stats in the given range (using the best interval for that range), merges the resulting data, and keys it by package name. See queryUsageStats(int, long, long).

The caller must have Manifest.permission.PACKAGE_USAGE_STATS

beginTime long: The inclusive beginning of the range of stats to include in the results. Defined in terms of "Unix time", see System.currentTimeMillis().

endTime long: The exclusive end of the range of stats to include in the results. Defined in terms of "Unix time", see System.currentTimeMillis().

Map<StringUsageStats> A Map keyed by package name


public List<ConfigurationStats> queryConfigurations (int intervalType, 
                long beginTime, 
                long endTime)

Gets the hardware configurations the device was in for the given time range, aggregated by the specified interval. The results are ordered as in queryUsageStats(int, long, long).

The caller must have Manifest.permission.PACKAGE_USAGE_STATS

Note: Starting from Android R, if the user's device is not in an unlocked state (as defined by UserManager#isUserUnlocked()), then null will be returned.

intervalType int: The time interval by which the stats are aggregated.

beginTime long: The inclusive beginning of the range of stats to include in the results. Defined in terms of "Unix time", see System.currentTimeMillis().

endTime long: The exclusive end of the range of stats to include in the results. Defined in terms of "Unix time", see System.currentTimeMillis().

List<ConfigurationStats> A list of ConfigurationStats


public List<EventStats> queryEventStats (int intervalType, 
                long beginTime, 
                long endTime)

Gets aggregated event stats for the given time range, aggregated by the specified interval.

The returned list will contain a EventStats object for each event type that is being aggregated and has data for an interval that is a subset of the time range given.

The current event types that will be aggregated here are:

The caller must have Manifest.permission.PACKAGE_USAGE_STATS

Note: Starting from Android R, if the user's device is not in an unlocked state (as defined by UserManager#isUserUnlocked()), then null will be returned.

intervalType int: The time interval by which the stats are aggregated.

beginTime long: The inclusive beginning of the range of stats to include in the results. Defined in terms of "Unix time", see System.currentTimeMillis().

endTime long: The exclusive end of the range of stats to include in the results. Defined in terms of "Unix time", see System.currentTimeMillis().

List<EventStats> A list of EventStats

See also:


public UsageEvents queryEvents (long beginTime, 
                long endTime)

Query for events in the given time range. Events are only kept by the system for a few days.

The caller must have Manifest.permission.PACKAGE_USAGE_STATS

Note: Starting from Android R, if the user's device is not in an unlocked state (as defined by UserManager#isUserUnlocked()), then null will be returned.

beginTime long: The inclusive beginning of the range of events to include in the results. Defined in terms of "Unix time", see System.currentTimeMillis().

endTime long: The exclusive end of the range of events to include in the results. Defined in terms of "Unix time", see System.currentTimeMillis().

UsageEvents A UsageEvents.


public UsageEvents queryEventsForSelf (long beginTime, 
                long endTime)

Like queryEvents(long, long), but only returns events for the calling package. Note: Starting from Android R, if the user's device is not in an unlocked state (as defined by UserManager#isUserUnlocked()), then null will be returned.

beginTime long: The inclusive beginning of the range of events to include in the results. Defined in terms of "Unix time", see System.currentTimeMillis().

endTime long: The exclusive end of the range of events to include in the results. Defined in terms of "Unix time", see System.currentTimeMillis().

UsageEvents A UsageEvents object.

See also:


public List<UsageStats> queryUsageStats (int intervalType, 
                long beginTime, 
                long endTime)

Gets application usage stats for the given time range, aggregated by the specified interval.

The returned list will contain one or more UsageStats objects for each package, with usage data that covers at least the given time range. Note: The begin and end times of the time range may be expanded to the nearest whole interval period.

The caller must have Manifest.permission.PACKAGE_USAGE_STATS

Note: Starting from Android R, if the user's device is not in an unlocked state (as defined by UserManager#isUserUnlocked()), then null will be returned.

intervalType int: The time interval by which the stats are aggregated.

beginTime long: The inclusive beginning of the range of stats to include in the results. Defined in terms of "Unix time", see System.currentTimeMillis().

endTime long: The exclusive end of the range of stats to include in the results. Defined in terms of "Unix time", see System.currentTimeMillis().

List<UsageStats> A list of UsageStats

See also: