# Print output for @column tags ?> PermissionRequest - Android SDK | Android Developers

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public abstract class PermissionRequest
extends Object

   ↳ android.webkit.PermissionRequest

This class defines a permission request and is used when web content requests access to protected resources. The permission request related events are delivered via WebChromeClient#onPermissionRequest and WebChromeClient#onPermissionRequestCanceled. Either grant() or deny() must be called in UI thread to respond to the request. New protected resources whose names are not defined here may be requested in future versions of WebView, even when running on an older Android release. To avoid unintentionally granting requests for new permissions, you should pass the specific permissions you intend to grant to grant(), and avoid writing code like this example:

 permissionRequest.grant(permissionRequest.getResources())  // This is wrong!!!
See the WebView's release notes for information about new protected resources.




Resource belongs to audio capture device, like microphone.


Resource will allow sysex messages to be sent to or received from MIDI devices.


Resource belongs to protected media identifier.


Resource belongs to video capture device, like camera.

Public constructors


Public methods

abstract void deny()

Call this method to deny the request.

abstract Uri getOrigin()

Call this method to get the origin of the web page which is trying to access the restricted resources.

abstract String[] getResources()

Call this method to get the resources the web page is trying to access.

abstract void grant(String[] resources)

Call this method to grant origin the permission to access the given resources.

Inherited methods



public static final String RESOURCE_AUDIO_CAPTURE

Resource belongs to audio capture device, like microphone.

Constant Value: "android.webkit.resource.AUDIO_CAPTURE"


public static final String RESOURCE_MIDI_SYSEX

Resource will allow sysex messages to be sent to or received from MIDI devices. These messages are privileged operations, e.g. modifying sound libraries and sampling data, or even updating the MIDI device's firmware. Permission may be requested for this resource in API levels 21 and above, if the Android device has been updated to WebView 45 or above.

Constant Value: "android.webkit.resource.MIDI_SYSEX"


public static final String RESOURCE_PROTECTED_MEDIA_ID

Resource belongs to protected media identifier. After the user grants this resource, the origin can use EME APIs to generate the license requests.

Constant Value: "android.webkit.resource.PROTECTED_MEDIA_ID"


public static final String RESOURCE_VIDEO_CAPTURE

Resource belongs to video capture device, like camera.

Constant Value: "android.webkit.resource.VIDEO_CAPTURE"

Public constructors


public PermissionRequest ()

Public methods


public abstract void deny ()

Call this method to deny the request.


public abstract Uri getOrigin ()

Call this method to get the origin of the web page which is trying to access the restricted resources.

Uri the origin of web content which attempt to access the restricted resources.


public abstract String[] getResources ()

Call this method to get the resources the web page is trying to access.

String[] the array of resources the web content wants to access.


public abstract void grant (String[] resources)

Call this method to grant origin the permission to access the given resources. The granted permission is only valid for this WebView.

resources String: the resources granted to be accessed by origin, to grant request, the requested resources returned by getResources() must be equals or a subset of granted resources. This parameter is designed to avoid granting permission by accident especially when new resources are requested by web content.