# Print output for @column tags ?> SystemHealthManager - Android SDK | Android Developers

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public class SystemHealthManager
extends Object

   ↳ android.os.health.SystemHealthManager

Provides access to data about how various system resources are used by applications.


Public methods

HealthStats takeMyUidSnapshot()

Return a HealthStats object containing a snapshot of system health metrics for the application calling this API.

HealthStats takeUidSnapshot(int uid)

Return a HealthStats object containing a snapshot of system health metrics for the given uid (user-id, which in usually corresponds to application).

HealthStats[] takeUidSnapshots(int[] uids)

Return a HealthStats object containing a snapshot of system health metrics for the given uids (user-id, which in usually corresponds to application).

Inherited methods

Public methods


public HealthStats takeMyUidSnapshot ()

Return a HealthStats object containing a snapshot of system health metrics for the application calling this API. This method is the same as calling takeUidSnapshot(Process.myUid()).

HealthStats A HealthStats object containing the metrics for this application. The keys for this HealthStats object will be from the UidHealthStats class.


public HealthStats takeUidSnapshot (int uid)

Return a HealthStats object containing a snapshot of system health metrics for the given uid (user-id, which in usually corresponds to application).

uid int: User ID for a given application.

HealthStats A HealthStats object containing the metrics for the requested application. The keys for this HealthStats object will be from the UidHealthStats class.

See also:


public HealthStats[] takeUidSnapshots (int[] uids)

Return a HealthStats object containing a snapshot of system health metrics for the given uids (user-id, which in usually corresponds to application).

uids int: An array of User IDs to retrieve.

HealthStats[] An array of HealthStats objects containing the metrics for each of the requested uids. The keys for this HealthStats object will be from the UidHealthStats class.