# Print output for @column tags ?> DynamicsProcessing.Limiter - Android SDK | Android Developers

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public static final class DynamicsProcessing.Limiter
extends DynamicsProcessing.Stage

   ↳ android.media.audiofx.DynamicsProcessing.Stage
     ↳ android.media.audiofx.DynamicsProcessing.Limiter

Class for Limiter Stage Limiter is a single band compressor at the end of the processing chain, commonly used to protect the signal from overloading and distortion. Limiters have multiple controllable parameters: enabled/disabled, linkGroup, attackTime, releaseTime, ratio, threshold, and postGain.

Limiters can be linked in groups across multiple channels. Linked limiters will trigger the same limiting if any of the linked limiters starts compressing.


Public constructors

Limiter(boolean inUse, boolean enabled, int linkGroup, float attackTime, float releaseTime, float ratio, float threshold, float postGain)

Class constructor for Limiter Stage

Limiter(DynamicsProcessing.Limiter cfg)

Class Constructor for Limiter

Public methods

float getAttackTime()

gets attack time for limiter compressor in milliseconds (ms)

int getLinkGroup()

Gets the linkGroup index for this Limiter Stage.

float getPostGain()

gets the gain applied to the signal AFTER limiting.

float getRatio()

gets the limiter compressor ratio (N:1)

float getReleaseTime()

gets release time for limiter compressor in milliseconds (ms)

float getThreshold()

gets the limiter compressor threshold measured in decibels (dB) from 0 dB Full Scale (dBFS).

void setAttackTime(float attackTime)

sets attack time for limiter compressor in milliseconds (ms)

void setLinkGroup(int linkGroup)

Sets the linkGroup index for this limiter Stage.

void setPostGain(float postGain)

sets the gain to be applied to the siganl AFTER the limiter.

void setRatio(float ratio)

sets limiter compressor ratio (N:1)

void setReleaseTime(float releaseTime)

sets release time for limiter compressor in milliseconds (ms)

void setThreshold(float threshold)

sets the limiter compressor threshold measured in decibels (dB) from 0 dB Full Scale (dBFS).

String toString()

Returns a string representation of the object.

Inherited methods

Public constructors


public Limiter (boolean inUse, 
                boolean enabled, 
                int linkGroup, 
                float attackTime, 
                float releaseTime, 
                float ratio, 
                float threshold, 
                float postGain)

Class constructor for Limiter Stage

inUse boolean: true if MBC stage will be used, false otherwise.

enabled boolean: true if MBC stage is enabled/disabled. This can be changed while effect is running

linkGroup int: index of group assigned to this Limiter. Only limiters that share the same linkGroup index will react together.

attackTime float: Attack Time for limiter compressor in milliseconds (ms)

releaseTime float: Release Time for limiter compressor in milliseconds (ms)

ratio float: Limiter Compressor ratio (N:1) (input:output)

threshold float: Limiter Compressor threshold measured in decibels (dB) from 0 dB Full Scale (dBFS).

postGain float: Gain applied to the signal AFTER compression.


public Limiter (DynamicsProcessing.Limiter cfg)

Class Constructor for Limiter

cfg DynamicsProcessing.Limiter: copy constructor

Public methods


public float getAttackTime ()

gets attack time for limiter compressor in milliseconds (ms)

float attack time for limiter compressor in milliseconds (ms)


public int getLinkGroup ()

Gets the linkGroup index for this Limiter Stage. Only limiters that share the same linkGroup index will react together.

int linkGroup index.


public float getPostGain ()

gets the gain applied to the signal AFTER limiting. Measured in decibels (dB) where 0 dB means no level change

float postGain value in decibels (dB)


public float getRatio ()

gets the limiter compressor ratio (N:1)

float limiter compressor ratio (N:1)


public float getReleaseTime ()

gets release time for limiter compressor in milliseconds (ms)

float release time for limiter compressor in milliseconds (ms)


public float getThreshold ()

gets the limiter compressor threshold measured in decibels (dB) from 0 dB Full Scale (dBFS). Thresholds are negative. A threshold of 0 dB means no limiting will take place.

float limiter compressor threshold in decibels (dB)


public void setAttackTime (float attackTime)

sets attack time for limiter compressor in milliseconds (ms)

attackTime float: desired for limiter compressor in milliseconds (ms)


public void setLinkGroup (int linkGroup)

Sets the linkGroup index for this limiter Stage.

linkGroup int: desired linkGroup index


public void setPostGain (float postGain)

sets the gain to be applied to the siganl AFTER the limiter. Measured in decibels (dB), where 0 dB means no level change.

postGain float: desired value in decibels (dB)


public void setRatio (float ratio)

sets limiter compressor ratio (N:1)

ratio float: desired for the limiter compressor (N:1)


public void setReleaseTime (float releaseTime)

sets release time for limiter compressor in milliseconds (ms)

releaseTime float: desired for limiter compressor in milliseconds (ms)


public void setThreshold (float threshold)

sets the limiter compressor threshold measured in decibels (dB) from 0 dB Full Scale (dBFS). Thresholds are negative. A threshold of 0 dB means no limiting will take place.

threshold float: desired for limiter compressor in decibels(dB)


public String toString ()

Returns a string representation of the object. In general, the toString method returns a string that "textually represents" this object. The result should be a concise but informative representation that is easy for a person to read. It is recommended that all subclasses override this method.

The toString method for class Object returns a string consisting of the name of the class of which the object is an instance, the at-sign character `@', and the unsigned hexadecimal representation of the hash code of the object. In other words, this method returns a string equal to the value of:

 getClass().getName() + '@' + Integer.toHexString(hashCode())

String a string representation of the object.