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public class WifiRttManager
extends Object

   ↳ android.net.wifi.rtt.WifiRttManager

This class provides the primary API for measuring distance (range) to other devices using the IEEE 802.11mc Wi-Fi Round Trip Time (RTT) technology.

The devices which can be ranged include:

  • Access Points (APs)
  • Wi-Fi Aware peers

    Ranging requests are triggered using startRanging(android.net.wifi.rtt.RangingRequest, java.util.concurrent.Executor, android.net.wifi.rtt.RangingResultCallback). Results (in case of successful operation) are returned in the RangingResultCallback#onRangingResults(List) callback.

    Wi-Fi RTT may not be usable at some points, e.g. when Wi-Fi is disabled. To validate that the functionality is available use the isAvailable() function. To track changes in RTT usability register for the ACTION_WIFI_RTT_STATE_CHANGED broadcast. Note that this broadcast is not sticky - you should register for it and then check the above API to avoid a race condition.




    Broadcast intent action to indicate that the state of Wi-Fi RTT availability has changed.

    Public methods

    boolean isAvailable()

    Returns the current status of RTT API: whether or not RTT is available.

    void startRanging(RangingRequest request, Executor executor, RangingResultCallback callback)

    Initiate a request to range to a set of devices specified in the RangingRequest.

    Inherited methods



    public static final String ACTION_WIFI_RTT_STATE_CHANGED

    Broadcast intent action to indicate that the state of Wi-Fi RTT availability has changed. Use the isAvailable() to query the current status. This broadcast is not sticky, use the isAvailable() API after registering the broadcast to check the current state of Wi-Fi RTT.

    Note: The broadcast is only delivered to registered receivers - no manifest registered components will be launched.

    Constant Value: "android.net.wifi.rtt.action.WIFI_RTT_STATE_CHANGED"

    Public methods


    public boolean isAvailable ()

    Returns the current status of RTT API: whether or not RTT is available. To track changes in the state of RTT API register for the ACTION_WIFI_RTT_STATE_CHANGED broadcast.

    Note: availability of RTT does not mean that the app can use the API. The app's permissions and platform Location Mode are validated at run-time.

    boolean A boolean indicating whether the app can use the RTT API at this time (true) or not (false).


    public void startRanging (RangingRequest request, 
                    Executor executor, 
                    RangingResultCallback callback)

    Initiate a request to range to a set of devices specified in the RangingRequest. Results will be returned in the RangingResultCallback set of callbacks.
    Requires Manifest.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION and Manifest.permission.CHANGE_WIFI_STATE and Manifest.permission.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE

    request RangingRequest: A request specifying a set of devices whose distance measurements are requested. This value cannot be null.

    executor Executor: The Executor on which to run the callback. This value cannot be null. Callback and listener events are dispatched through this Executor, providing an easy way to control which thread is used. To dispatch events through the main thread of your application, you can use Context.getMainExecutor(). To dispatch events through a shared thread pool, you can use AsyncTask#THREAD_POOL_EXECUTOR.

    callback RangingResultCallback: A callback for the result of the ranging request. This value cannot be null.