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public class AttachCallback
extends Object

   ↳ android.net.wifi.aware.AttachCallback

Base class for Aware attach callbacks. Should be extended by applications and set when calling WifiAwareManager#attach(AttachCallback, android.os.Handler). These are callbacks applying to the Aware connection as a whole - not to specific publish or subscribe sessions - for that see DiscoverySessionCallback.


Public constructors


Public methods

void onAttachFailed()

Called when Aware attach operation WifiAwareManager#attach(AttachCallback, android.os.Handler) failed.

void onAttached(WifiAwareSession session)

Called when Aware attach operation WifiAwareManager#attach(AttachCallback, android.os.Handler) is completed and that we can now start discovery sessions or connections.

Inherited methods

Public constructors


public AttachCallback ()

Public methods


public void onAttachFailed ()

Called when Aware attach operation WifiAwareManager#attach(AttachCallback, android.os.Handler) failed.


public void onAttached (WifiAwareSession session)

Called when Aware attach operation WifiAwareManager#attach(AttachCallback, android.os.Handler) is completed and that we can now start discovery sessions or connections.

session WifiAwareSession: The Aware object on which we can execute further Aware operations - e.g. discovery, connections.