# Print output for @column tags ?> Shader - Android SDK | Android Developers

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public class Shader
extends Object

   ↳ android.graphics.Shader

Shader is the base class for objects that return horizontal spans of colors during drawing. A subclass of Shader is installed in a Paint calling paint.setShader(shader). After that any object (other than a bitmap) that is drawn with that paint will get its color(s) from the shader.


Nested classes

enum Shader.TileMode


Public constructors


This constructor is deprecated. Use subclass constructors directly instead.

Public methods

boolean getLocalMatrix(Matrix localM)

Return true if the shader has a non-identity local matrix.

void setLocalMatrix(Matrix localM)

Set the shader's local matrix.

Inherited methods

Public constructors


public Shader ()

This constructor is deprecated.
Use subclass constructors directly instead.

Public methods


public boolean getLocalMatrix (Matrix localM)

Return true if the shader has a non-identity local matrix.

localM Matrix: Set to the local matrix of the shader, if the shader's matrix is non-null. This value cannot be null.

boolean true if the shader has a non-identity local matrix


public void setLocalMatrix (Matrix localM)

Set the shader's local matrix. Passing null will reset the shader's matrix to identity. If the matrix has scale value as 0, the drawing result is undefined.

localM Matrix: The shader's new local matrix, or null to specify identity This value may be null.