# Print output for @column tags ?> SetSchemaRequest.Builder - Android SDK | Android Developers

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public static final class SetSchemaRequest.Builder
extends Object

   ↳ android.app.appsearch.SetSchemaRequest.Builder

Builder for SetSchemaRequest objects.


Public constructors


Public methods

SetSchemaRequest.Builder addSchemas(Collection<AppSearchSchema> schemas)

Adds a collection of AppSearchSchema objects to the schema.

SetSchemaRequest.Builder addSchemas(AppSearchSchema... schemas)

Adds one or more AppSearchSchema types to the schema.

SetSchemaRequest build()

Builds a new SetSchemaRequest object.

SetSchemaRequest.Builder setForceOverride(boolean forceOverride)

Sets whether or not to override the current schema in the AppSearchSession database.

SetSchemaRequest.Builder setMigrator(String schemaType, Migrator migrator)

Sets the Migrator associated with the given SchemaType.

SetSchemaRequest.Builder setMigrators(Map<StringMigrator> migrators)

Sets a Map of Migrators.

SetSchemaRequest.Builder setSchemaTypeDisplayedBySystem(String schemaType, boolean displayed)

Sets whether or not documents from the provided schemaType will be displayed and visible on any system UI surface.

SetSchemaRequest.Builder setSchemaTypeVisibilityForPackage(String schemaType, boolean visible, PackageIdentifier packageIdentifier)

Sets whether or not documents from the provided schemaType can be read by the specified package.

SetSchemaRequest.Builder setVersion(int version)

Sets the version number of the overall AppSearchSchema in the database.

Inherited methods

Public constructors


public Builder ()

Public methods


public SetSchemaRequest.Builder addSchemas (Collection<AppSearchSchema> schemas)

Adds a collection of AppSearchSchema objects to the schema.

An AppSearchSchema object represents one type of structured data.

schemas Collection: This value cannot be null.

SetSchemaRequest.Builder This value cannot be null.


public SetSchemaRequest.Builder addSchemas (AppSearchSchema... schemas)

Adds one or more AppSearchSchema types to the schema.

An AppSearchSchema object represents one type of structured data.

Any documents of these types will be displayed on system UI surfaces by default.

schemas AppSearchSchema: This value cannot be null.

SetSchemaRequest.Builder This value cannot be null.


public SetSchemaRequest build ()

Builds a new SetSchemaRequest object.

SetSchemaRequest This value cannot be null.

IllegalArgumentException if schema types were referenced, but the corresponding AppSearchSchema type was never added.


public SetSchemaRequest.Builder setForceOverride (boolean forceOverride)

Sets whether or not to override the current schema in the AppSearchSession database.

Call this method whenever backward incompatible changes need to be made by setting forceOverride to true. As a result, during execution of the setSchema operation, all documents that are incompatible with the new schema will be deleted and the new schema will be saved and persisted.

By default, this is false.

forceOverride boolean

SetSchemaRequest.Builder This value cannot be null.


public SetSchemaRequest.Builder setMigrator (String schemaType, 
                Migrator migrator)

Sets the Migrator associated with the given SchemaType.

The Migrator migrates all GenericDocuments under given schema type from the current version number stored in AppSearch to the final version set via setVersion(int).

A Migrator will be invoked if the current version number stored in AppSearch is different from the final version set via setVersion(int) and Migrator.shouldMigrate(int, int) returns true.

The target schema type of the output GenericDocument of Migrator.onUpgrade(int, int, GenericDocument) or Migrator#onDowngrade must exist in this SetSchemaRequest.

schemaType String: The schema type to set migrator on. This value cannot be null.

migrator Migrator: The migrator translates a document from its current version to the final version set via setVersion(int). This value cannot be null.

SetSchemaRequest.Builder This value cannot be null.

See also:


public SetSchemaRequest.Builder setMigrators (Map<StringMigrator> migrators)

Sets a Map of Migrators.

The key of the map is the schema type that the Migrator value applies to.

The Migrator migrates all GenericDocuments under given schema type from the current version number stored in AppSearch to the final version set via setVersion(int).

A Migrator will be invoked if the current version number stored in AppSearch is different from the final version set via setVersion(int) and Migrator.shouldMigrate(int, int) returns true.

The target schema type of the output GenericDocument of Migrator.onUpgrade(int, int, GenericDocument) or Migrator#onDowngrade must exist in this SetSchemaRequest.

migrators Map: A Map of migrators that translate a document from it's current version to the final version set via setVersion(int). The key of the map is the schema type that the Migrator value applies to. This value cannot be null.

SetSchemaRequest.Builder This value cannot be null.

See also:


public SetSchemaRequest.Builder setSchemaTypeDisplayedBySystem (String schemaType, 
                boolean displayed)

Sets whether or not documents from the provided schemaType will be displayed and visible on any system UI surface.

This setting applies to the provided schemaType only, and does not persist across AppSearchSession#setSchema calls.

The default behavior, if this method is not called, is to allow types to be displayed on system UI surfaces.

schemaType String: The name of an AppSearchSchema within the same SetSchemaRequest, which will be configured. This value cannot be null.

displayed boolean: Whether documents of this type will be displayed on system UI surfaces.

SetSchemaRequest.Builder This value cannot be null.


public SetSchemaRequest.Builder setSchemaTypeVisibilityForPackage (String schemaType, 
                boolean visible, 
                PackageIdentifier packageIdentifier)

Sets whether or not documents from the provided schemaType can be read by the specified package.

Each package is represented by a PackageIdentifier, containing a package name and a byte array of type PackageManager.CERT_INPUT_SHA256.

To opt into one-way data sharing with another application, the developer will need to explicitly grant the other application’s package name and certificate Read access to its data.

For two-way data sharing, both applications need to explicitly grant Read access to one another.

By default, data sharing between applications is disabled.

schemaType String: The schema type to set visibility on. This value cannot be null.

visible boolean: Whether the schemaType will be visible or not.

packageIdentifier PackageIdentifier: Represents the package that will be granted visibility. This value cannot be null.

SetSchemaRequest.Builder This value cannot be null.


public SetSchemaRequest.Builder setVersion (int version)

Sets the version number of the overall AppSearchSchema in the database.

The AppSearchSession database can only ever hold documents for one version at a time.

Setting a version number that is different from the version number currently stored in AppSearch will result in AppSearch calling the Migrators provided to AppSearchSession.setSchema(SetSchemaRequest, Executor, Executor, Consumer>) to migrate the documents already in AppSearch from the previous version to the one set in this request. The version number can be updated without any other changes to the set of schemas.

The version number can stay the same, increase, or decrease relative to the current version number that is already stored in the AppSearchSession database.

The version of an empty database will always be 0. You cannot set version to the SetSchemaRequest, if it doesn't contains any AppSearchSchema.

version int: A positive integer representing the version of the entire set of schemas represents the version of the whole schema in the AppSearchSession database, default version is 1. Value is 1 or greater

SetSchemaRequest.Builder This value cannot be null.

IllegalArgumentException if the version is negative.

See also: