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public final class AccessibilityManager
extends Object

   ↳ android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityManager

System level service that serves as an event dispatch for AccessibilityEvents, and provides facilities for querying the accessibility state of the system. Accessibility events are generated when something notable happens in the user interface, for example an Activity starts, the focus or selection of a View changes etc. Parties interested in handling accessibility events implement and register an accessibility service which extends AccessibilityService.

See also:


Nested classes

interface AccessibilityManager.AccessibilityStateChangeListener

Listener for the system accessibility state. 

interface AccessibilityManager.TouchExplorationStateChangeListener

Listener for the system touch exploration state. 



Use this flag to indicate the content of a UI that times out contains interactive controls.


Use this flag to indicate the content of a UI that times out contains icons.


Use this flag to indicate the content of a UI that times out contains text.

Public methods

void addAccessibilityRequestPreparer(AccessibilityRequestPreparer preparer)

Registers a AccessibilityRequestPreparer.

boolean addAccessibilityStateChangeListener(AccessibilityManager.AccessibilityStateChangeListener listener)

Registers an AccessibilityStateChangeListener for changes in the global accessibility state of the system.

void addAccessibilityStateChangeListener(AccessibilityManager.AccessibilityStateChangeListener listener, Handler handler)

Registers an AccessibilityStateChangeListener for changes in the global accessibility state of the system.

void addTouchExplorationStateChangeListener(AccessibilityManager.TouchExplorationStateChangeListener listener, Handler handler)

Registers an TouchExplorationStateChangeListener for changes in the global touch exploration state of the system.

boolean addTouchExplorationStateChangeListener(AccessibilityManager.TouchExplorationStateChangeListener listener)

Registers a TouchExplorationStateChangeListener for changes in the global touch exploration state of the system.

List<ServiceInfo> getAccessibilityServiceList()

This method is deprecated. Use getInstalledAccessibilityServiceList()

List<AccessibilityServiceInfo> getEnabledAccessibilityServiceList(int feedbackTypeFlags)

Returns the AccessibilityServiceInfos of the enabled accessibility services for a given feedback type.

List<AccessibilityServiceInfo> getInstalledAccessibilityServiceList()

Returns the AccessibilityServiceInfos of the installed accessibility services.

int getRecommendedTimeoutMillis(int originalTimeout, int uiContentFlags)

Get the recommended timeout for changes to the UI needed by this user.

void interrupt()

Requests feedback interruption from all accessibility services.

static boolean isAccessibilityButtonSupported()

Determines if the accessibility button within the system navigation area is supported.

boolean isEnabled()

Returns if the accessibility in the system is enabled.

boolean isTouchExplorationEnabled()

Returns if the touch exploration in the system is enabled.

void removeAccessibilityRequestPreparer(AccessibilityRequestPreparer preparer)

Unregisters a AccessibilityRequestPreparer.

boolean removeAccessibilityStateChangeListener(AccessibilityManager.AccessibilityStateChangeListener listener)

Unregisters an AccessibilityStateChangeListener.

boolean removeTouchExplorationStateChangeListener(AccessibilityManager.TouchExplorationStateChangeListener listener)

Unregisters a TouchExplorationStateChangeListener.

void sendAccessibilityEvent(AccessibilityEvent event)

Sends an AccessibilityEvent.

Inherited methods



public static final int FLAG_CONTENT_CONTROLS

Use this flag to indicate the content of a UI that times out contains interactive controls.

See also:

Constant Value: 4 (0x00000004)


public static final int FLAG_CONTENT_ICONS

Use this flag to indicate the content of a UI that times out contains icons.

See also:

Constant Value: 1 (0x00000001)


public static final int FLAG_CONTENT_TEXT

Use this flag to indicate the content of a UI that times out contains text.

See also:

Constant Value: 2 (0x00000002)

Public methods


public void addAccessibilityRequestPreparer (AccessibilityRequestPreparer preparer)

Registers a AccessibilityRequestPreparer.

preparer AccessibilityRequestPreparer


public boolean addAccessibilityStateChangeListener (AccessibilityManager.AccessibilityStateChangeListener listener)

Registers an AccessibilityStateChangeListener for changes in the global accessibility state of the system. Equivalent to calling addAccessibilityStateChangeListener(android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityManager.AccessibilityStateChangeListener, android.os.Handler) with a null handler.

listener AccessibilityManager.AccessibilityStateChangeListener: The listener. This value cannot be null.

boolean Always returns true.


public void addAccessibilityStateChangeListener (AccessibilityManager.AccessibilityStateChangeListener listener, 
                Handler handler)

Registers an AccessibilityStateChangeListener for changes in the global accessibility state of the system. If the listener has already been registered, the handler used to call it back is updated.

listener AccessibilityManager.AccessibilityStateChangeListener: The listener. This value cannot be null.

handler Handler: The handler on which the listener should be called back, or null for a callback on the process's main handler. This value may be null.


public void addTouchExplorationStateChangeListener (AccessibilityManager.TouchExplorationStateChangeListener listener, 
                Handler handler)

Registers an TouchExplorationStateChangeListener for changes in the global touch exploration state of the system. If the listener has already been registered, the handler used to call it back is updated.

listener AccessibilityManager.TouchExplorationStateChangeListener: The listener. This value cannot be null.

handler Handler: The handler on which the listener should be called back, or null for a callback on the process's main handler. This value may be null.


public boolean addTouchExplorationStateChangeListener (AccessibilityManager.TouchExplorationStateChangeListener listener)

Registers a TouchExplorationStateChangeListener for changes in the global touch exploration state of the system. Equivalent to calling addTouchExplorationStateChangeListener(android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityManager.TouchExplorationStateChangeListener, android.os.Handler) with a null handler.

listener AccessibilityManager.TouchExplorationStateChangeListener: The listener. This value cannot be null.

boolean Always returns true.


public List<ServiceInfo> getAccessibilityServiceList ()

This method is deprecated.
Use getInstalledAccessibilityServiceList()

Returns the ServiceInfos of the installed accessibility services.

List<ServiceInfo> An unmodifiable list with ServiceInfos.


public List<AccessibilityServiceInfo> getEnabledAccessibilityServiceList (int feedbackTypeFlags)

Returns the AccessibilityServiceInfos of the enabled accessibility services for a given feedback type.

feedbackTypeFlags int: The feedback type flags.

List<AccessibilityServiceInfo> An unmodifiable list with AccessibilityServiceInfos.

See also:


public List<AccessibilityServiceInfo> getInstalledAccessibilityServiceList ()

Returns the AccessibilityServiceInfos of the installed accessibility services.

List<AccessibilityServiceInfo> An unmodifiable list with AccessibilityServiceInfos.


public int getRecommendedTimeoutMillis (int originalTimeout, 
                int uiContentFlags)

Get the recommended timeout for changes to the UI needed by this user. Controls should remain on the screen for at least this long to give users time to react. Some users may need extra time to review the controls, or to reach them, or to activate assistive technology to activate the controls automatically.

Use the combination of content flags to indicate contents of UI. For example, use FLAG_CONTENT_ICONS | FLAG_CONTENT_TEXT for message notification which contains icons and text, or use FLAG_CONTENT_TEXT | FLAG_CONTENT_CONTROLS for button dialog which contains text and button controls.

originalTimeout int: The timeout appropriate for users with no accessibility needs.

uiContentFlags int: The combination of flags FLAG_CONTENT_ICONS, FLAG_CONTENT_TEXT or FLAG_CONTENT_CONTROLS to indicate the contents of UI. Value is either 0 or a combination of FLAG_CONTENT_ICONS, FLAG_CONTENT_TEXT, and FLAG_CONTENT_CONTROLS

int The recommended UI timeout for the current user in milliseconds.


public void interrupt ()

Requests feedback interruption from all accessibility services.


public static boolean isAccessibilityButtonSupported ()

Determines if the accessibility button within the system navigation area is supported.

boolean true if the accessibility button is supported on this device, false otherwise


public boolean isEnabled ()

Returns if the accessibility in the system is enabled.

boolean True if accessibility is enabled, false otherwise.


public boolean isTouchExplorationEnabled ()

Returns if the touch exploration in the system is enabled.

boolean True if touch exploration is enabled, false otherwise.


public void removeAccessibilityRequestPreparer (AccessibilityRequestPreparer preparer)

Unregisters a AccessibilityRequestPreparer.

preparer AccessibilityRequestPreparer


public boolean removeAccessibilityStateChangeListener (AccessibilityManager.AccessibilityStateChangeListener listener)

Unregisters an AccessibilityStateChangeListener.

listener AccessibilityManager.AccessibilityStateChangeListener: The listener. This value cannot be null.

boolean True if the listener was previously registered.


public boolean removeTouchExplorationStateChangeListener (AccessibilityManager.TouchExplorationStateChangeListener listener)

Unregisters a TouchExplorationStateChangeListener.

listener AccessibilityManager.TouchExplorationStateChangeListener: The listener. This value cannot be null.

boolean True if listener was previously registered.


public void sendAccessibilityEvent (AccessibilityEvent event)

Sends an AccessibilityEvent.

event AccessibilityEvent: The event to send.

IllegalStateException if accessibility is not enabled. Note: The preferred mechanism for sending custom accessibility events is through calling ViewParent.requestSendAccessibilityEvent(View, AccessibilityEvent) instead of this method to allow predecessors to augment/filter events sent by their descendants.