Known indirect subclasses
AbsListView, ExpandableListView, GridView, ListView, MultiTapKeyListener, NoCopySpan.Concrete, PasswordTransformationMethod, PhoneNumberFormattingTextWatcher, SpanWatcher, TextKeyListener, TextWatcher
AbsListView |
Base class that can be used to implement virtualized lists of items.
ExpandableListView |
A view that shows items in a vertically scrolling two-level list.
GridView |
A view that shows items in two-dimensional scrolling grid.
ListView |
Displays a vertically-scrollable collection of views, where each view is positioned
immediatelybelow the previous view in the list.
MultiTapKeyListener |
This is the standard key listener for alphabetic input on 12-key
NoCopySpan.Concrete |
Convenience equivalent for when you would just want a new Object() for
a span but want it to be no-copy.
PasswordTransformationMethod |
PhoneNumberFormattingTextWatcher |
Watches a TextView and if a phone number is entered
will format it.
SpanWatcher |
When an object of this type is attached to a Spannable, its methods
will be called to notify it that other markup objects have been
added, changed, or removed.
TextKeyListener |
This is the key listener for typing normal text.
TextWatcher |
When an object of this type is attached to an Editable, its methods will
be called when the text is changed.
This interface should be added to a span object that should not be copied
into a new Spanned when performing a slice or copy operation on the original
Spanned it was placed in.
Nested classes |
class |
Convenience equivalent for when you would just want a new Object() for
a span but want it to be no-copy.