# Print output for @column tags ?> FillResponse.Builder - Android SDK | Android Developers

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public static final class FillResponse.Builder
extends Object

   ↳ android.service.autofill.FillResponse.Builder

Builder for FillResponse objects. You must to provide at least one dataset or set an authentication intent with a presentation view.


Public constructors


Public methods

FillResponse.Builder addDataset(Dataset dataset)

Adds a new Dataset to this response.

FillResponse build()

Builds a new FillResponse instance.

FillResponse.Builder disableAutofill(long duration)

Disables autofill for the app or activity.

FillResponse.Builder setAuthentication(AutofillId[] ids, IntentSender authentication, RemoteViews presentation, InlinePresentation inlinePresentation)

Triggers a custom UI before before autofilling the screen with any data set in this response.

FillResponse.Builder setAuthentication(AutofillId[] ids, IntentSender authentication, RemoteViews presentation)

Triggers a custom UI before before autofilling the screen with any data set in this response.

FillResponse.Builder setClientState(Bundle clientState)

Sets a bundle with state that is passed to subsequent APIs that manipulate this response.

FillResponse.Builder setFieldClassificationIds(AutofillId... ids)

Sets which fields are used for field classification

Note: This method automatically adds the FillResponse#FLAG_TRACK_CONTEXT_COMMITED to the flags.

FillResponse.Builder setFlags(int flags)

Sets flags changing the response behavior.

FillResponse.Builder setFooter(RemoteViews footer)

Sets a footer to be shown as the last element in the list of datasets.

FillResponse.Builder setHeader(RemoteViews header)

Sets a header to be shown as the first element in the list of datasets.

FillResponse.Builder setIgnoredIds(AutofillId... ids)

Specifies views that should not trigger new AutofillService#onFillRequest(FillRequest, android.os.CancellationSignal, FillCallback) requests.

FillResponse.Builder setPresentationCancelIds(int[] ids)

Sets target resource IDs of the child view in RemoteViews which will cancel the session when clicked.

FillResponse.Builder setSaveInfo(SaveInfo saveInfo)

Sets the SaveInfo associated with this response.

FillResponse.Builder setUserData(UserData userData)

Sets a specific UserData for field classification for this request only.

Inherited methods

Public constructors


public Builder ()

Public methods


public FillResponse.Builder addDataset (Dataset dataset)

Adds a new Dataset to this response.

Note: on Android Build.VERSION_CODES.O, the total number of datasets is limited by the Binder transaction size, so it's recommended to keep it small (in the range of 10-20 at most) and use pagination by adding a fake Dataset.Builder#setAuthentication(IntentSender) at the end with a presentation string like "Next 10" that would return a new FillResponse with the next 10 datasets, and so on. This limitation was lifted on Android Build.VERSION_CODES.O_MR1, although the Binder transaction size can still be reached if each dataset itself is too big.

dataset Dataset: This value may be null.

FillResponse.Builder This builder. This value cannot be null.


public FillResponse build ()

Builds a new FillResponse instance.

FillResponse A built response. This value cannot be null.

IllegalStateException if any of the following conditions occur:
  1. build() was already called.
  2. No call was made to addDataset(android.service.autofill.Dataset), setAuthentication(android.view.autofill.AutofillId[], android.content.IntentSender, android.widget.RemoteViews), setSaveInfo(android.service.autofill.SaveInfo), disableAutofill(long), setClientState(android.os.Bundle), or setFieldClassificationIds(android.view.autofill.AutofillId).
  3. setHeader(android.widget.RemoteViews) or setFooter(android.widget.RemoteViews) is called without any previous calls to addDataset(android.service.autofill.Dataset).


public FillResponse.Builder disableAutofill (long duration)

Disables autofill for the app or activity.

This method is useful to optimize performance in cases where the service knows it can not autofill an app—for example, when the service has a list of "blacklisted" apps such as office suites.

By default, it disables autofill for all activities in the app, unless the response is flagged with FillResponse.FLAG_DISABLE_ACTIVITY_ONLY.

Autofill for the app or activity is automatically re-enabled after any of the following conditions:

  1. duration milliseconds have passed.
  2. The autofill service for the user has changed.
  3. The device has rebooted.

Note: Activities that are running when autofill is re-enabled remain disabled for autofill until they finish and restart.

duration long: duration to disable autofill, in milliseconds.

FillResponse.Builder this builder This value cannot be null.

IllegalArgumentException if duration is not a positive number.
IllegalStateException if either addDataset(android.service.autofill.Dataset), setAuthentication(android.view.autofill.AutofillId[], android.content.IntentSender, android.widget.RemoteViews), setSaveInfo(android.service.autofill.SaveInfo), setClientState(android.os.Bundle), or setFieldClassificationIds(android.view.autofill.AutofillId) was already called.


public FillResponse.Builder setAuthentication (AutofillId[] ids, 
                IntentSender authentication, 
                RemoteViews presentation, 
                InlinePresentation inlinePresentation)

Triggers a custom UI before before autofilling the screen with any data set in this response.

Note: Although the name of this method suggests that it should be used just for authentication flow, it can be used for other advanced flows; see AutofillService for examples.

This method is similar to setAuthentication(android.view.autofill.AutofillId[], android.content.IntentSender, android.widget.RemoteViews), but also accepts an InlinePresentation presentation which is required for authenticating through the inline autofill flow.

Note: setHeader(android.widget.RemoteViews) or setFooter(android.widget.RemoteViews) does not work with InlinePresentation.

ids AutofillId: id of Views that when focused will display the authentication UI. This value cannot be null.

authentication IntentSender: Intent to an activity with your authentication flow. This value may be null.

presentation RemoteViews: The presentation to visualize the response. This value may be null.

inlinePresentation InlinePresentation: The inlinePresentation to visualize the response inline. This value may be null.

FillResponse.Builder This builder.

IllegalArgumentException if any of the following occurs:
  • ids is null
  • ids is empty
  • ids contains a null element
  • both authentication and presentation are null
  • both authentication and presentation are non-null
  • both authentication and inlinePresentation are null
  • both authentication and inlinePresentation are non-null
IllegalStateException if a header or a footer are already set for this builder.

See also:


public FillResponse.Builder setAuthentication (AutofillId[] ids, 
                IntentSender authentication, 
                RemoteViews presentation)

Triggers a custom UI before before autofilling the screen with any data set in this response.

Note: Although the name of this method suggests that it should be used just for authentication flow, it can be used for other advanced flows; see AutofillService for examples.

This is typically useful when a user interaction is required to unlock their data vault if you encrypt the data set labels and data set data. It is recommended to encrypt only the sensitive data and not the data set labels which would allow auth on the data set level leading to a better user experience. Note that if you use sensitive data as a label, for example an email address, then it should also be encrypted. The provided intent must be an Activity which implements your authentication flow. Also if you provide an auth intent you also need to specify the presentation view to be shown in the fill UI for the user to trigger your authentication flow.

When a user triggers autofill, the system launches the provided intent whose extras will have the screen content and your client state. Once you complete your authentication flow you should set the Activity result to Activity.RESULT_OK and set the AutofillManager.EXTRA_AUTHENTICATION_RESULT extra with the fully populated FillResponse (or null if the screen cannot be autofilled).

For example, if you provided an empty FillResponse because the user's data was locked and marked that the response needs an authentication then in the response returned if authentication succeeds you need to provide all available data sets some of which may need to be further authenticated, for example a credit card whose CVV needs to be entered.

If you provide an authentication intent you must also provide a presentation which is used to visualize visualize the response for triggering the authentication flow.

Note: Do not make the provided pending intent immutable by using PendingIntent.FLAG_IMMUTABLE as the platform needs to fill in the authentication arguments.

Theme does not work with RemoteViews layout. Avoid hardcoded text color or background color: Autofill on different platforms may have different themes.

ids AutofillId: id of Views that when focused will display the authentication UI. This value cannot be null.

authentication IntentSender: Intent to an activity with your authentication flow. This value may be null.

presentation RemoteViews: The presentation to visualize the response. This value may be null.

FillResponse.Builder This builder.

IllegalArgumentException if any of the following occurs:
  • ids is null
  • ids is empty
  • ids contains a null element
  • both authentication and presentation are null
  • both authentication and presentation are non-null
IllegalStateException if a header or a footer are already set for this builder.

See also:


public FillResponse.Builder setClientState (Bundle clientState)

Sets a bundle with state that is passed to subsequent APIs that manipulate this response.

You can use this bundle to store intermediate state that is passed to subsequent calls to AutofillService#onFillRequest(FillRequest, android.os.CancellationSignal, FillCallback) and AutofillService#onSaveRequest(SaveRequest, SaveCallback), and you can also retrieve it by calling FillEventHistory.Event#getClientState().

If this method is called on multiple FillResponse objects for the same screen, just the latest bundle is passed back to the service.

clientState Bundle: The custom client state. This value may be null.

FillResponse.Builder This builder. This value cannot be null.


public FillResponse.Builder setFieldClassificationIds (AutofillId... ids)

Sets which fields are used for field classification

Note: This method automatically adds the FillResponse#FLAG_TRACK_CONTEXT_COMMITED to the flags.

ids AutofillId: This value cannot be null.


IllegalArgumentException is length of ids args is more than UserData#getMaxFieldClassificationIdsSize().
IllegalStateException if build() or disableAutofill(long) was already called.
NullPointerException if ids or any element on it is null.


public FillResponse.Builder setFlags (int flags)

Sets flags changing the response behavior.

flags int: a combination of FillResponse.FLAG_TRACK_CONTEXT_COMMITED and FillResponse.FLAG_DISABLE_ACTIVITY_ONLY, or 0. Value is either 0 or a combination of FillResponse.FLAG_TRACK_CONTEXT_COMMITED, and FillResponse.FLAG_DISABLE_ACTIVITY_ONLY

FillResponse.Builder This builder. This value cannot be null.


public FillResponse.Builder setFooter (RemoteViews footer)

Sets a footer to be shown as the last element in the list of datasets.

When this method is called, you must also add a dataset, otherwise build() throws an IllegalStateException. Similarly, this method should only be used on FillResponse that do not require authentication (as the footer could have been set directly in the main presentation in these cases).

Theme does not work with RemoteViews layout. Avoid hardcoded text color or background color: Autofill on different platforms may have different themes.

footer RemoteViews: a presentation to represent the footer. This presentation is not clickable —calling RemoteViews#setOnClickPendingIntent(int, android.app.PendingIntent) on it would have no effect. This value cannot be null.

FillResponse.Builder this builder This value cannot be null.

IllegalStateException if the FillResponse requires authentication.


public FillResponse.Builder setHeader (RemoteViews header)

Sets a header to be shown as the first element in the list of datasets.

When this method is called, you must also add a dataset, otherwise build() throws an IllegalStateException. Similarly, this method should only be used on FillResponse that do not require authentication (as the header could have been set directly in the main presentation in these cases).

Theme does not work with RemoteViews layout. Avoid hardcoded text color or background color: Autofill on different platforms may have different themes.

header RemoteViews: a presentation to represent the header. This presentation is not clickable —calling RemoteViews#setOnClickPendingIntent(int, android.app.PendingIntent) on it would have no effect. This value cannot be null.

FillResponse.Builder this builder This value cannot be null.

IllegalStateException if an authentication was already set for this builder.


public FillResponse.Builder setIgnoredIds (AutofillId... ids)

Specifies views that should not trigger new AutofillService#onFillRequest(FillRequest, android.os.CancellationSignal, FillCallback) requests.

This is typically used when the service cannot autofill the view; for example, a text field representing the result of a Captcha challenge.

ids AutofillId

FillResponse.Builder This value cannot be null.


public FillResponse.Builder setPresentationCancelIds (int[] ids)

Sets target resource IDs of the child view in RemoteViews which will cancel the session when clicked. Those targets will be respectively applied to a child of the header, footer and each Dataset.

ids int: array of the resource id. Empty list or non-existing id has no effect. This value may be null.

FillResponse.Builder this builder This value cannot be null.

IllegalStateException if build() was already called.


public FillResponse.Builder setSaveInfo (SaveInfo saveInfo)

Sets the SaveInfo associated with this response.

saveInfo SaveInfo: This value cannot be null.

FillResponse.Builder This builder. This value cannot be null.


public FillResponse.Builder setUserData (UserData userData)

Sets a specific UserData for field classification for this request only.

Any fields in this UserData will override corresponding fields in the generic UserData object

userData UserData: This value cannot be null.

FillResponse.Builder this builder This value cannot be null.

IllegalStateException if the FillResponse requires authentication.