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public class DiscoverySessionCallback
extends Object

   ↳ android.net.wifi.aware.DiscoverySessionCallback

Base class for Aware session events callbacks. Should be extended by applications wanting notifications. The callbacks are set when a publish or subscribe session is created using WifiAwareSession#publish(PublishConfig, DiscoverySessionCallback, android.os.Handler) or WifiAwareSession#subscribe(SubscribeConfig, DiscoverySessionCallback, android.os.Handler).

A single callback is set at session creation - it cannot be replaced.


Public constructors


Public methods

void onMessageReceived(PeerHandle peerHandle, byte[] message)

Called when a message is received from a discovery session peer - in response to the peer's DiscoverySession#sendMessage(PeerHandle, int, byte[]).

void onMessageSendFailed(int messageId)

Called when message transmission initiated with DiscoverySession#sendMessage(PeerHandle, int, byte[]) fails.

void onMessageSendSucceeded(int messageId)

Called in response to DiscoverySession#sendMessage(PeerHandle, int, byte[]) when a message is transmitted successfully - i.e.

void onPublishStarted(PublishDiscoverySession session)

Called when a publish operation is started successfully in response to a WifiAwareSession#publish(PublishConfig, DiscoverySessionCallback, android.os.Handler) operation.

void onServiceDiscovered(PeerHandle peerHandle, byte[] serviceSpecificInfo, List<byte[]> matchFilter)

Called when a discovery (publish or subscribe) operation results in a service discovery.

void onServiceDiscoveredWithinRange(PeerHandle peerHandle, byte[] serviceSpecificInfo, List<byte[]> matchFilter, int distanceMm)

Called when a discovery (publish or subscribe) operation results in a service discovery.

void onSessionConfigFailed()

Called when a publish or subscribe discovery session cannot be created: WifiAwareSession#publish(PublishConfig, DiscoverySessionCallback, android.os.Handler) or WifiAwareSession#subscribe(SubscribeConfig, DiscoverySessionCallback, android.os.Handler), or when a configuration update fails: PublishDiscoverySession#updatePublish(PublishConfig) or SubscribeDiscoverySession#updateSubscribe(SubscribeConfig).

void onSessionConfigUpdated()

Called when a publish or subscribe discovery session configuration update request succeeds.

void onSessionTerminated()

Called when a discovery session (publish or subscribe) terminates.

void onSubscribeStarted(SubscribeDiscoverySession session)

Called when a subscribe operation is started successfully in response to a WifiAwareSession#subscribe(SubscribeConfig, DiscoverySessionCallback, android.os.Handler) operation.

Inherited methods

Public constructors


public DiscoverySessionCallback ()

Public methods


public void onMessageReceived (PeerHandle peerHandle, 
                byte[] message)

Called when a message is received from a discovery session peer - in response to the peer's DiscoverySession#sendMessage(PeerHandle, int, byte[]).

peerHandle PeerHandle: An opaque handle to the peer matching our discovery operation.

message byte: A byte array containing the message.


public void onMessageSendFailed (int messageId)

Called when message transmission initiated with DiscoverySession#sendMessage(PeerHandle, int, byte[]) fails. E.g. when no ACK is received from the peer.

Note that either this callback or DiscoverySessionCallback#onMessageSendSucceeded(int) will be received - never both.

messageId int: The arbitrary message ID specified when sending the message.


public void onMessageSendSucceeded (int messageId)

Called in response to DiscoverySession#sendMessage(PeerHandle, int, byte[]) when a message is transmitted successfully - i.e. when it was received successfully by the peer (corresponds to an ACK being received).

Note that either this callback or DiscoverySessionCallback#onMessageSendFailed(int) will be received - never both.

messageId int: The arbitrary message ID specified when sending the message.


public void onPublishStarted (PublishDiscoverySession session)

Called when a publish operation is started successfully in response to a WifiAwareSession#publish(PublishConfig, DiscoverySessionCallback, android.os.Handler) operation.

session PublishDiscoverySession: The PublishDiscoverySession used to control the discovery session. This value cannot be null.


public void onServiceDiscovered (PeerHandle peerHandle, 
                byte[] serviceSpecificInfo, 
                List<byte[]> matchFilter)

Called when a discovery (publish or subscribe) operation results in a service discovery.

Note that this method and onServiceDiscoveredWithinRange(android.net.wifi.aware.PeerHandle, byte[], java.util.List, int) may be called multiple times per service discovery.

peerHandle PeerHandle: An opaque handle to the peer matching our discovery operation.

serviceSpecificInfo byte: The service specific information (arbitrary byte array) provided by the peer as part of its discovery configuration.

matchFilter List: The filter which resulted in this service discovery. For PublishConfig#PUBLISH_TYPE_UNSOLICITED, SubscribeConfig#SUBSCRIBE_TYPE_PASSIVE discovery sessions this is the publisher's match filter. For PublishConfig#PUBLISH_TYPE_SOLICITED, SubscribeConfig#SUBSCRIBE_TYPE_ACTIVE discovery sessions this is the subscriber's match filter.


public void onServiceDiscoveredWithinRange (PeerHandle peerHandle, 
                byte[] serviceSpecificInfo, 
                List<byte[]> matchFilter, 
                int distanceMm)

Called when a discovery (publish or subscribe) operation results in a service discovery. Called when a Subscribe service was configured with a range requirement SubscribeConfig.Builder#setMinDistanceMm(int) and/or SubscribeConfig.Builder#setMaxDistanceMm(int) and the Publish service was configured with PublishConfig.Builder#setRangingEnabled(boolean).

If either Publisher or Subscriber does not enable Ranging, or if Ranging is temporarily disabled by the underlying device, service discovery proceeds without ranging and the onServiceDiscovered(android.net.wifi.aware.PeerHandle, byte[], java.util.List) is called.

Note that this method and onServiceDiscovered(android.net.wifi.aware.PeerHandle, byte[], java.util.List) may be called multiple times per service discovery.

peerHandle PeerHandle: An opaque handle to the peer matching our discovery operation.

serviceSpecificInfo byte: The service specific information (arbitrary byte array) provided by the peer as part of its discovery configuration.

matchFilter List: The filter which resulted in this service discovery. For PublishConfig#PUBLISH_TYPE_UNSOLICITED, SubscribeConfig#SUBSCRIBE_TYPE_PASSIVE discovery sessions this is the publisher's match filter. For PublishConfig#PUBLISH_TYPE_SOLICITED, SubscribeConfig#SUBSCRIBE_TYPE_ACTIVE discovery sessions this is the subscriber's match filter.

distanceMm int: The measured distance to the Publisher in mm. Note: the measured distance may be negative for very close devices.


public void onSessionConfigFailed ()

Called when a publish or subscribe discovery session cannot be created: WifiAwareSession#publish(PublishConfig, DiscoverySessionCallback, android.os.Handler) or WifiAwareSession#subscribe(SubscribeConfig, DiscoverySessionCallback, android.os.Handler), or when a configuration update fails: PublishDiscoverySession#updatePublish(PublishConfig) or SubscribeDiscoverySession#updateSubscribe(SubscribeConfig).

For discovery session updates failure leaves the session running with its previous configuration - the discovery session is not terminated.


public void onSessionConfigUpdated ()

Called when a publish or subscribe discovery session configuration update request succeeds. Called in response to PublishDiscoverySession#updatePublish(PublishConfig) or SubscribeDiscoverySession#updateSubscribe(SubscribeConfig).


public void onSessionTerminated ()

Called when a discovery session (publish or subscribe) terminates. Termination may be due to user-request (either directly through DiscoverySession#close() or application-specified expiration, e.g. PublishConfig.Builder#setTtlSec(int) or SubscribeConfig.Builder#setTtlSec(int)).


public void onSubscribeStarted (SubscribeDiscoverySession session)

Called when a subscribe operation is started successfully in response to a WifiAwareSession#subscribe(SubscribeConfig, DiscoverySessionCallback, android.os.Handler) operation.

session SubscribeDiscoverySession: The SubscribeDiscoverySession used to control the discovery session. This value cannot be null.