# Print output for @column tags ?> MeasuredText - Android SDK | Android Developers

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public class MeasuredText
extends Object

   ↳ android.graphics.text.MeasuredText

Result of text shaping of the single paragraph string.

 Paint paint = new Paint();
 Paint bigPaint = new Paint();
 bigPaint.setTextSize(paint.getTextSize() * 2.0);
 String text = "Hello, Android.";
 MeasuredText mt = new MeasuredText.Builder(text.toCharArray())
      .appendStyleRun(paint, 7, false)  // Use paint for "Hello, "
      .appendStyleRun(bigPaint, 8, false)  // Use bigPaint for "Android."


Nested classes

class MeasuredText.Builder

Helper class for creating a MeasuredText

Public methods

void getBounds(int start, int end, Rect rect)

Retrieves the boundary box of the given range

float getCharWidthAt(int offset)

Returns the width of the character at the given offset.

float getWidth(int start, int end)

Returns the width of a given range.

Inherited methods

Public methods


public void getBounds (int start, 
                int end, 
                Rect rect)

Retrieves the boundary box of the given range

start int: an inclusive start index of the range Value is 0 or greater

end int: an exclusive end index of the range Value is 0 or greater

rect Rect: an output parameter This value cannot be null.


public float getCharWidthAt (int offset)

Returns the width of the character at the given offset.
This units of this value are pixels.

offset int: an offset of the character. Value is 0 or greater

float Value is 0.0f or greater This units of this value are pixels. {}


public float getWidth (int start, 
                int end)

Returns the width of a given range.
This units of this value are pixels.

start int: an inclusive start index of the range Value is 0 or greater

end int: an exclusive end index of the range Value is 0 or greater

float Value is 0.0 or greater This units of this value are pixels. {}