# Print output for @column tags ?> AccessibilityButtonController.AccessibilityButtonCallback - Android SDK | Android Developers

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public static abstract class AccessibilityButtonController.AccessibilityButtonCallback
extends Object

   ↳ android.accessibilityservice.AccessibilityButtonController.AccessibilityButtonCallback

Callback for interaction with and changes to state of the accessibility button within the system's navigation area.


Public constructors


Public methods

void onAvailabilityChanged(AccessibilityButtonController controller, boolean available)

Called when the availability of the accessibility button in the system's navigation area has changed.

void onClicked(AccessibilityButtonController controller)

Called when the accessibility button in the system's navigation area is clicked.

Inherited methods

Public constructors


public AccessibilityButtonCallback ()

Public methods


public void onAvailabilityChanged (AccessibilityButtonController controller, 
                boolean available)

Called when the availability of the accessibility button in the system's navigation area has changed. The accessibility button may become unavailable because the device shopped showing the button, the button was assigned to another service, or for other reasons.

controller AccessibilityButtonController: the controller used to register for this callback

available boolean: true if the accessibility button is available to this service, false otherwise


public void onClicked (AccessibilityButtonController controller)

Called when the accessibility button in the system's navigation area is clicked.

controller AccessibilityButtonController: the controller used to register for this callback