CopyOption | An object that configures how to copy or move a file. |
DirectoryStream<T> | An object to iterate over the entries in a directory. |
DirectoryStream.Filter<T> | An interface that is implemented by objects that decide if a directory entry should be accepted or filtered. |
FileVisitor<T> | A visitor of files. |
OpenOption | An object that configures how to open or create a file. |
Path | An object that may be used to locate a file in a file system. |
PathMatcher | An interface that is implemented by objects that perform match operations on paths. |
SecureDirectoryStream<T> |
A DirectoryStream that defines operations on files that are located
relative to an open directory.
Watchable | An object that may be registered with a watch service so that it can be watched for changes and events. |
WatchEvent<T> |
An event or a repeated event for an object that is registered with a WatchService .
WatchEvent.Kind<T> | An event kind, for the purposes of identification. |
WatchEvent.Modifier |
An event modifier that qualifies how a Watchable is registered
with a WatchService .
WatchKey |
A token representing the registration of a watchable object
with a WatchService .
WatchService | A watch service that watches registered objects for changes and events. |
Files | This class consists exclusively of static methods that operate on files, directories, or other types of files. |
FileStore | Storage for files. |
FileSystem | Provides an interface to a file system and is the factory for objects to access files and other objects in the file system. |
FileSystems | Factory methods for file systems. |
LinkPermission |
The Permission class for link creation operations.
Paths |
This class consists exclusively of static methods that return a Path
by converting a path string or URI .
SimpleFileVisitor<T> | A simple visitor of files with default behavior to visit all files and to re-throw I/O errors. |
StandardWatchEventKinds | Defines the standard event kinds. |
AccessMode | Defines access modes used to test the accessibility of a file. |
FileVisitOption | Defines the file tree traversal options. |
FileVisitResult |
The result type of a FileVisitor .
LinkOption | Defines the options as to how symbolic links are handled. |
StandardCopyOption | Defines the standard copy options. |
StandardOpenOption | Defines the standard open options. |
AccessDeniedException | Checked exception thrown when a file system operation is denied, typically due to a file permission or other access check. |
AtomicMoveNotSupportedException | Checked exception thrown when a file cannot be moved as an atomic file system operation. |
ClosedDirectoryStreamException | Unchecked exception thrown when an attempt is made to invoke an operation on a directory stream that is closed. |
ClosedFileSystemException | Unchecked exception thrown when an attempt is made to invoke an operation on a file and the file system is closed. |
ClosedWatchServiceException | Unchecked exception thrown when an attempt is made to invoke an operation on a watch service that is closed. |
DirectoryIteratorException | Runtime exception thrown if an I/O error is encountered when iterating over the entries in a directory. |
DirectoryNotEmptyException | Checked exception thrown when a file system operation fails because a directory is not empty. |
FileAlreadyExistsException | Checked exception thrown when an attempt is made to create a file or directory and a file of that name already exists. |
FileSystemAlreadyExistsException | Runtime exception thrown when an attempt is made to create a file system that already exists. |
FileSystemException | Thrown when a file system operation fails on one or two files. |
FileSystemLoopException | Checked exception thrown when a file system loop, or cycle, is encountered. |
FileSystemNotFoundException | Runtime exception thrown when a file system cannot be found. |
InvalidPathException |
Unchecked exception thrown when path string cannot be converted into a
Path because the path string contains invalid characters, or
the path string is invalid for other file system specific reasons.
NoSuchFileException | Checked exception thrown when an attempt is made to access a file that does not exist. |
NotDirectoryException | Checked exception thrown when a file system operation, intended for a directory, fails because the file is not a directory. |
NotLinkException | Checked exception thrown when a file system operation fails because a file is not a symbolic link. |
ProviderMismatchException | Unchecked exception thrown when an attempt is made to invoke a method on an object created by one file system provider with a parameter created by a different file system provider. |
ProviderNotFoundException | Runtime exception thrown when a provider of the required type cannot be found. |
ReadOnlyFileSystemException |
Unchecked exception thrown when an attempt is made to update an object
associated with a read-only FileSystem .